Hemorrhagic stroke: causes, consequences

Hemorrhagic stroke is a hemorrhage into the brain tissue from cerebral vessels, which leads to a violation of blood supply, the development of edema and even the displacement of the brain.

Hemorrhagic stroke has several reasons for development. The most common, primary cause is hypertension, when due to high pressure and thinning of the walls of the vessels, they rupture and blood flows into the brain. Secondary hemorrhages are observed with congenital malformations of the cerebral vessels, such as aneurysm and are rare.

A hemorrhagic stroke begins to develop suddenly, with loss of consciousness, up to a coma. The skin becomes red-cyanotic in color, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, breathing becomes hoarse, pneumonia and pulmonary edema often join . The pupil is dilated, does not respond to light, the eyes move randomly, the head is turned in the opposite direction of the lesion. At the beginning of the disease, an increase in reflexes is noted on the opposite side of the hemorrhage, later urinary and fecal incontinence joins.

Of the focal symptoms of hemorrhage in the brain stem appears nystagmus, respiratory failure and cardiac activity. With hemorrhage in the ventricles of the brain, convulsions develop, a low tone in the flexors of the arms and extensors of the legs. With the appearance of pain in the occipital region, impaired coordination of movements, nausea and vomiting, hemorrhage in the cerebellum can be suspected.

An examination of the blood reveals leukocytosis, lymphopenia, increased blood sugar and urine, residual nitrogen, serious changes in ECHO EEG, EEG, rheovasography. The condition of patients is regarded as extremely serious, patients die more often on the first day due to serious disorders, compression of important parts of the brain, edema and tissue necrosis.

With improved hemodynamics in patients who have had a hemorrhagic stroke, recovery processes begin, which can last for years. It begins with the restoration of movements in the limbs, in the fingers, then muscle tone, reflexes and speech are restored.

If a patient is suspected of hemorrhagic stroke, treatment is carried out in hospital for at least three weeks. Distinguish between conservative and surgical treatment. Upon admission to the clinic, the patient must be examined by a neurosurgeon in order to conduct the necessary examination, prescribe adequate treatment and achieve a favorable outcome of the disease. Only with conservative treatment is mortality up to 50% observed, and after neurosurgical surgery, an adverse outcome occurs in less than 25% of patients.

The main objective of surgical treatment is the maximum removal of blood clots with minimal damage to brain tissue. Indications for neurosurgical surgery are hemorrhages in the ventricles of the brain and hematomas of more than 20 ml, which cause brain displacement. In these cases, an open craniotomy is performed, sometimes they resort to puncture, endoscopic aspiration of blood clots or local fibrinolysis is performed.

Untimely treated hemorrhagic stroke, the consequences of which are severe enough for the life and health of patients often leads to persistent disability of patients.

With a stroke, blood breaks down in the brain tissues, this leads to inflammation, necrosis and the inability of a part of the brain to work. After a stroke, patients may still have motor disturbances, paralysis and paresis, there may be a violation of understanding of speech, there may be certain difficulties in calculating, writing, reading. A person’s vision may refuse to correctly perceive what he saw, the patient will not be able to pick up a pen, a spoon, eat soup from a plate.

The processes of swallowing are disrupted, when food can enter the trachea, and not the esophagus. A person may lose the ability to learn new things, memory, thinking, logic suffers. Finally, the patient's behavior begins to be disturbed, aggression, depression manifests itself, the reaction slows down, a person can cry or laugh for no reason, fecal and urinary incontinence, strong, pulsating nature, headaches that cannot be removed after taking analgesics can develop.

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