One of the most popular dog breeds is the Labrador. Fawn, black or chocolate handsome quickly adapts to living in urban apartments. After reading today's article, you will learn about the main features of these animals.
Brief historical background
The ancestors of this breed are dogs living on the island of Newfoundland, located near the eastern shores of Canada. It was there that in the 19th century there were dogs that helped fishermen. Several of these animals were exported to the UK, where the local population began to actively crossbreed them with representatives of other breeds. It is possible that among the ancestors of modern Labradors there are curly-haired retrievers, setters and English fuxhounds.
Already in 1887, dog handlers developed and formally approved a common standard to which representatives of this breed should meet. According to him, only a black Labrador was allowed for breeding . Fawn was considered a marriage, so such animals were disqualified. It was officially recognized only in 1924. However, in those days, people believed that dogs with hair of this shade are much lazier than their counterparts and prone to various skin diseases. Subsequently, scientists were able to prove that a predisposition to allergies is related to heredity and has nothing to do with the color of the dog.
Labrador: breed standard
These animals have a strong proportional physique. The weight of adults varies from 25 to 36 kilograms with a height at the withers of 55-57 centimeters. On a well-sculpted massive skull there are hanging, not too large ears. A flat, strong back ends with a thick tail, but gradually tapering tail.
The body of the animal is covered with short, thick, hard to the touch coat. It should not have any waves or tows. Underneath is a dense, waterproof undercoat. In dogs of a dark color, the presence of one bright spot is allowed. As a rule, it is located in the area of a fairly wide chest. The eyes of the animal must be brown or hazel.
Allowed Shades
A modern labrador whose colors are clearly defined in the international breed standard can be not only black, but also chocolate or fawn. In addition, in official documents there is a note that light cream, golden and liver individuals are allowed for breeding.
Regardless of the color of the coat, the animal should have a black nose and dark eyelids. But there is a small nuance that is not considered a vice. Be sure to keep in mind that in some dogs there is a so-called “winter nose” that brightens in the cold season. With the onset of frost, it becomes pink or light beige. And with the return of heat, everything returns to normal.
Behavioral Features
Those who are interested in how much the Labrador costs will not hurt to familiarize themselves with the nature of these animals in advance. Representatives of this breed are very loyal to their owners. Of course, they can’t be ranked among bodyguard dogs, but they make excellent guides, assistant hunters and even “psychotherapists”.
Any well-trained labrador (fawn, chocolate or black) will never bark in vain, but will immediately react to a suspicious noise. A well-bred dog is characterized by unquestioning obedience. He is completely non-aggressive and easy to train. This affectionate and very calm dog gets along well with children and other pets. Despite the imposing and respectable appearance, Labradors are very playful. They will never refuse to take part in a fun running around the ball.
What to name a labrador puppy ?
The girl of fawn color can be called a nickname, reminiscent of sunlight. In this case, options such as Neusty, Ina, Aili, Kira, Amber or Ruta are suitable.
You can also call the dog a name borrowed in ancient Greek mythology. It can be Daphne, Athena, Juno or Frid.
For a dog, you can also choose a beautiful and sonorous nickname. Representatives of this breed are often called Hermes, Brand, Rufus, Spark or Ulan.
Factors Affecting the Puppy's Price
Those who are interested in how much the Labrador costs will not hurt to understand what the final amount is made up of. Immediately make a reservation that the price of such a doggie varies from twenty to sixty thousand rubles. For example, chocolate puppies are born much less often than their black or fawn counterparts, so they will cost a little more.
Also, the quality and titularity of its parents affects the price of the dog. So, puppies born in the famous kennel are sold at a higher cost than those offered on the market. But then you will be sure that your mongrel does not grow out of your pet.
Another factor affecting the final price at which a yellow, black or chocolate labrador is sold is the quality of the litter. Puppies who have reached a certain age go through the club’s act and receive documents. The weight, appearance and behavior of babies should be as standard as possible. In addition, it is important that they have their first vaccinations and marks on the passage of treatment from worms and skin parasites.
Maintenance and care
Labradors are considered picky animals with good health. In order for a good dog to grow out of your pet, you need to do all the necessary vaccinations in time and undergo scheduled examinations at the veterinarian.
As for wool, it does not require special care. It is enough just to comb out your pet regularly.
Feeding labradors is not much different from the diet of other breeds. Depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner, the dog can eat natural or dry food. In the first case, it is important that the dog’s daily diet consists of at least a quarter of raw meat. Those who decide to give their pet industrial feed can recommend paying attention to the products of super-premium class. It contains all the substances necessary for the full growth and development of the dog. In low-quality analogues there is very little meat, because in order to reduce the cost of it is replaced by offal.
Recently, many inexperienced owners are interested in whether it is possible to knit a yellow labrador with a chocolate or black representative of the same breed. An unambiguous answer to this question can only be given by a qualified specialist who has thoroughly studied the genetics of colors.