Boy or girl? How many weeks can I determine the sex of the child

The birth of a baby is a miracle that parents look forward to for nine long months. And, of course, they are interested in who will appear with them: a son or a daughter. How many weeks can I determine the sex of the child and will this forecast be accurate?

In the world there are many methods, tables and signs by which people try to figure out who the stork will bring them. Some couples are puzzled by this question even before conception, observing special diets and mathematically determining favorable days. The most accurate determination of whether to wait for a boy or a girl is already possible during pregnancy.

how many weeks can you determine the gender of the child

Whom does the stork carry?

Curiosity is shown not only by future parents. All friends and numerous relatives are trying to guess who will be born in the coming months, considering the gait, shape of the abdomen, the appearance of the future mother. The most persistent are picked up by tables and calculators, authoritatively declaring that their forecasts are the most accurate and reliable.

The easiest way to determine the future gender of the child is to pay attention to the appearance of the pregnant woman. It is believed that if a lady wears a son under her heart, then she blossoms and becomes attractive. And the mothers of future daughters give them their beauty, so they look unimportant. The shape of the abdomen is also taken into account: if it sticks forward, you must wait for the heir, if round, a little princess will be born. This method was so often inaccurate that it can only be considered as a fun test.

Tables: ancient and modern

According to legends, in an ancient burial ground found in China, a mysterious table lay, which allows you to pre-plan the baby's gender.

how to determine the future gender of the child

The Japanese also have a similar planning schedule, which allows you to instantly find out who to expect for parents. Many families use them, but tables often give an error: instead of a boy, a girl may appear and vice versa.

In Mongolia, they consider it very simple: mothers add their fathers age, multiply by 4 and divide by 3. If the remainder is 0 or 2, there will be a son. If 1 - a daughter will be born. In 70% the method works, in 30% of the parents a surprise awaits.

It is believed that you can guess the gender of the child by combining the blood type of the father and mother in a special schedule. It is also necessary to consider the Rh factor of parents. When asked about how boys and girls can be born in the same family, there is no answer in the table.

How to determine the exact gender of the child

The methods described above give a good result, but there is no guarantee that mother nature will not play a trick on curious parents. However, there are quite reliable ways to find out who to expect: a daughter or a son. They are carried out in medical institutions and are not based on beliefs and speculation, but on serious research.

  • Ultrasonography. It all depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor and good equipment, but also on the baby: the fetus can turn its back to the sensor, close with a leg or sit on the pope. How many weeks can I determine the sex of the child using ultrasound? This is best done at 20-22 weeks of gestation. Sometimes, if the baby is well located, you can see his gender at 12 weeks. At later dates, the fetus is inactive, and it is already more difficult to determine whether the boy is there or the girl.
    how to determine the exact gender of the child

  • Chorionic biopsy of the fetus and amniocentesis. The methods give an absolutely accurate result, but are used only for medical reasons in the diagnosis of some diseases of the fetus. A special needle is used to take material and make its genetic analysis. The procedure is not so much painful as dangerous in its consequences. In 1.4% of cases, it can cause miscarriage, inflammation in the uterus and some abnormalities in the development of the fetus. How many weeks can I determine the sex of the child in this case? A biopsy is performed from 8 weeks, amniocentesis - from 16.

gender of the baby - is it important to know him in advance?

  • Genetic blood test of a pregnant woman. This is a new expensive technique that is used only in some clinics. Based on the detection of the Y chromosome in the mother’s blood. If she is, the woman carries the boy. If only X chromosomes are present in the blood, a girl will be born. How many weeks can you determine the sex of the child in this way? There are attempts to calculate from the 6th week of pregnancy, however, more reliable results should be expected only at the end of the first trimester.

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