Being at the 30th week of pregnancy, each mother cannot wait to meet her baby as soon as possible. The average weight of the crumbs at 30 obstetric week is about one and a half kilograms, and the length from the crown to the heels can reach up to 42 centimeters. At this time, the woman is waiting for maternity leave and planned ultrasound. Thanks to the examination, the expectant mother will be able to find out how the baby looks at 30 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, there are many other parameters that need to be identified at this time.
30 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?
At the onset of this period, the second trimester is replaced by a third. Many mothers are interested in the question of whether 30 weeks of pregnancy is how many months? Before answering it, it is necessary to understand what the obstetric term is.
So, gynecologists do not count from the day of the conception of the baby, but directly from the beginning of the last menstruation. Therefore, 30 obstetric week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the eighth month. At this time, the woman goes on maternity leave, and now she will have more time to prepare for the long-awaited meeting with her baby.
Weight and height of the baby
The main organs and systems have already been formed, now for the remaining time the embryo will actively grow and gain mass. The size of the fetus at 30 weeks of gestation is 38-42 cm. Starting from this time, the baby will gain at least 2 centimeters every 7 days. The norm of the baby’s weight at 30 weeks of gestation is one and a half kilograms, but with each next baby will gain 200-300 grams.
Large fruit: good or bad
It is generally accepted that a large fruit is distinguished by excellent health. But in fact, this is a misconception, since excess weight can adversely affect the development of the baby’s organs and his condition as a whole. Doctors give an average of 1500 grams, which is the optimal weight for this period. Minor deviations from the prescribed norm are allowed, but with a serious difference in real weight from the figure, one should heed the advice of doctors.
Probably, many women, being in an “interesting position”, are interested in what a baby looks like at 30 weeks of gestation. Prior to this, the skin color of the crumbs was bright red, but from then on it was replaced by pale pink. Every day the face of the baby becomes prettier: chubby cheeks appear, cilia grow, the contours of the nose acquire sharper lines. Due to the high production of pigments, hair begins to darken. The fingers and toes are gradually lengthening. The nails covering the distal phalanx also increase. Subcutaneous fat builds up, so the child’s tummy, arms and legs recover.
What happens to the fetus at week 30?
Another very important question. Already not such an active fetus at 30 weeks of gestation. As there is less and less space in the uterus every day. At this time, the fetus looks like a real man. The respiratory system is formed, so when he is born at 30 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own. The baby also blinks regularly, reacts to light, and even knows how to hide and turn away if a large stream of light hits the mother’s tummy.
In the next video, you can learn in more detail what is happening with the baby at this time.
In the thirtieth week of pregnancy, getting rid of the hair on the body occurs. But it is worth noting that some babies can be born with a minimal amount of hair, while others are born very fluffy. In addition, each baby has a different density and hair growth rate, which, of course, is associated with heredity.
Nervous system
Some of the most global changes occur in the nervous system of the fetus, the development of which is carried out continuously. At week 30, the foundations have already been laid, but the convolutions continue to grow and improve. Every day new neural connections appear. At this time, the child has formed several tens of reflexes: respiratory, sucking, motor and others. He already hears and sees well, and with the help of visual receptors the baby distinguishes between darkness and light. By this time, a blinking reflex has been formed, due to which the baby opens and closes the eyes. In addition, the baby at this time knows how to clench his fists, yawn and smile.
A fast-growing fetus can no longer perform acrobatic numbers, which were easily given to him several months ago. He is strong enough, and therefore mom clearly feels his movements and tremors. The baby has already formed its own regime in the tummy: he sleeps, eats, plays. With his pushes, he can remind his mother that it is time to eat or that he is bored. As a rule, when walking, the fetus falls asleep in the tummy, and when the mother takes a horizontal position, on the contrary, the baby is activated. Very soon, the child will become even closer, and he will occupy a certain position: head or pelvic presentation. As a rule, in the second case, a cesarean section is prescribed. It is important for each mother to watch the movements, this will help to reveal the health of the crumbs. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby should remind himself about 10-15 times within an hour. Sure, he can sleep a couple of hours, but, in general, his movements should be regular. This means that the little man is feeling well, which means there is no reason for concern.
The activity of the child depends on various factors:
- The psychological state of the expectant mother.
- Ambient sounds.
- During physical exertion, fetal movements cease or become barely noticeable.
- Nutrition woman.
- Time of day - as a rule, babies in the womb are most active at night.
- The character of the baby plays a huge role in stirring. By nature, there are sedentary and active people, and similar features can already be manifested during the period of intrauterine development.
As a rule, too violent movements of the baby, which cause pain in the mother, indicate dysfunction in his condition. Conversely, a complete lack of movement or too sluggish activity of the child should also alert the mother. If the baby is in such situations for a long time, then the woman needs to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Fetal anatomy at 30 weeks gestation
During the months that the baby lived in the tummy, it has grown significantly stronger and can, if necessary, live outside the womb. Indeed, there are cases when babies are born approximately at this time. But there is nothing to worry about, since the thirty-week-old fetus is practically formed, and when the necessary conditions are created, it will function independently. At this time, the following occurs:
- The liver is actively developing and accumulating iron, which is important for the first year of a baby's life.
- The main emphasis is on increasing subcutaneous tissue. Thanks to this, the baby's skin becomes smoother.
- Actively continue to improve neural connections in the brain. Nervous reactions and fetal behavior are as close as possible to the level of a full-term newborn.
- The crumb of the baby constantly rises and falls, which contributes to the normal development of the lungs. If the child did not perform such breathing exercises, then his lungs would remain small in size, which would not be able to provide him with the necessary amount of oxygen.
- After the thirtieth week, the genitals begin to form in children, both in boys and girls. However, there are cases when the final development of organs in boys occurs after birth. As practice shows, prolapse of the testicles into the scrotum may occur a little later. But there is nothing to worry about, since this factor will not adversely affect health.
Despite the considerable gestational age, the fetus at 30 weeks has signs of prematurity. For example, the nail plates are soft and do not completely cover the nail bed. The ear cartilage is also distinguished by its excessive softness, because of which the baby's ears can stick out a little. But in the remaining ten weeks, the cartilage will become tougher and the ears will take the right shape.
Ultrasound Kid
The final planned ultrasound is prescribed by the gynecologist at any time from 30 to 32 weeks. Many future mothers are screened on their own initiative. In order to find out what the child looks like. At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby can look at its legs and arms, as well as suck fingers. You can watch your baby using this procedure. But in addition to this, ultrasound is also performed to study the course of pregnancy. And also to identify possible pathologies and determine the preliminary date of birth.
Consider what ultrasound shows at 30 weeks of gestation. In the process of this procedure, the doctor pays attention to how the baby moves his limbs, with what frequency blinks. In addition, absolutely all the organs of the baby are examined.
Also at the planned third ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the following parameters:
- Weight and size of the child, their compliance with the gestational age.
- The location of the placenta in the uterus, as well as its thickness and structure.
- The birth canal: the state of the internal pharynx and the length of the cervical canal.
- The condition of the uterus itself.
- Amniotic fluid volume and consistency.
- The location of the umbilical cord in relation to the fetus (is there a twist).
Mom's condition
You now know what a baby looks like in 30 weeks of pregnancy, now let's find out what happens at this time in a woman’s body. At this time, the expectant mother notices that she is gaining weight significantly. This can negatively affect the spine and joints of the lower extremities.
Sometimes mom can catch her breath. This is due to the fact that due to the rapid growth of the fetus, the uterus exerts pressure on the diaphragm. In addition, many women at this time are tormented by heartburn. As a rule, this happens due to an incorrect position of the stomach, but proper and fractional nutrition of a woman will help to cope with this ailment.
Pregnancy at this time is also characterized by hormonal changes. So, a woman can become more impressionable or nervous. But it is worth remembering that stressful situations can cause irreparable harm to the health of the mother and her child.
Midsection on study term. Features
At the 30th week of pregnancy, the abdomen significantly increases in size. In addition to the growing fetus and placenta, it contains about one liter of amniotic fluid, which of course adds extra weight. Even those women who until this time had a small tummy notice a sharp increase in waist circumference. And this is quite normal. What the stomach looks like at 30 weeks of gestation can be seen in the following photo.
Recommendations to the expectant mother
- The abdomen at this period begins to increase rapidly, which affects the rapid fatigue of a pregnant woman. About 10 weeks are left before childbirth, and this suggests that it is time to temporarily complete labor activity and thoroughly begin to prepare for motherhood. Doctors advise expectant mothers the following:
- Rest several times a day in a horizontal position.
- Wear loose clothing, avoid elastic bands, pressing on the grown belly.
- Give preference to shoes with non-slip soles and without heels.
- Try not to be nervous.
- Eat small meals. For the best development of the fetus, a pregnant woman should have enough iron, calcium and protein in the food.
- To avoid irritation and stretch marks on the tummy, it is recommended to start using natural creams or lotions in advance.
- Special courses for expectant mothers will help morally prepare for childbirth, master breathing techniques.
- Walk more in the fresh air and get a lot of positive emotions.
Now we will analyze what is impossible at the 30th week of pregnancy:
- Smoking.
- A visit to the bath and sauna.
- Drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.
- Sleep on the back.
- Air travel.
- Car driving.
- Eating fried, very salty and spicy foods.
- Visiting public places during exacerbation of seasonal diseases.
- Strong physical activity.
We hope that now the topic studied does not raise your questions.