By about 4-5 months, the baby begins to lack vitamins and minerals that enter his body along with breast milk or a mixture. Therefore, it is then that the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods with vegetables, the sequence of which will be discussed later in the article.
When the time comes
It is important for a growing baby that nutrients enter its body. Until a certain time, breast milk satisfies vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Gradually, its amount decreases, and the question arises before mom: is it time to introduce complementary foods. What vegetables and the sequence of their inclusion in the diet are optimal?
Old-school pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods to a child starting at the age of three months. However, the modern view of this is different. Up to 6 months, the baby does not need any food other than breast milk. However, do not forget that each baby has individual characteristics, so it develops at its own pace and according to its own rules. The optimal time for the introduction of new food can be determined by the pediatrician who observes the baby.
How to drive the lure of vegetables? Most often, it is the children themselves who declare their readiness for this process. It could be the following:
- the baby sits confidently without additional help;
- head movements are controlled;
- the child doubled its weight, and for premature babies the coefficient is 2.5;
- the child is interested in the food that adults eat;
- the baby is completely healthy, active and in a great mood.
By his appearance, it is clear that the child is ready for the introduction of complementary foods with vegetables. There are certain nuances and rules for this.
What is the use of complementary foods from vegetables
There are many recommendations and tips on which foods to start complementary foods with. However, there are several advantages of mashed vegetables as an acquaintance with adult food:
- When comparing vegetables with fruits and gluten cereals, the former are much less likely to cause allergies.
- They include fiber, which guarantees the development of beneficial microflora in the intestine, and also helps to promote food along the digestive tract.
- Vegetables have a beneficial effect on the baby's stool, preventing constipation.
- Pectin substances free the child’s body from toxins.
- Vegetables have a positive effect on the acid-base balance of the body, which ensures the healthy functioning of all systems.
Before starting a child's acquaintance with adult food, it is important to establish the order of vegetables for complementary foods. Many of them have a positive effect on the digestive process. This is especially important for children who suffer severely from colic.
What vegetables to start with
Traditionally, acquaintance with adult food begins with the choice of vegetables for feeding, the sequence of their inclusion also plays an important role.
When the opinions of the parents and the pediatrician agree, it is necessary to begin accustoming the child to new types of products. In what sequence should vegetables be added to complementary foods?
The main criterion for selection is the complete hypoallergenicity of the product. These vegetables include:
- Zucchini. It is rightly called a hypoallergenic vegetable, which is why the first puree for the baby is prepared from it. Zucchini also has a useful composition: potassium, carotene, copper, vitamin C. This guarantees its general strengthening, anti-allergic and choleretic effect.
- Cauliflower or broccoli. The main advantages of vegetables include their rich vitamin and mineral composition. This means that cabbage is useful for the baby’s strong immunity and for all body systems.
Usually mothers of babies prefer zucchini puree and introduce a vegetable for the first feeding.
How to continue the process
In what sequence should vegetables be added to complementary foods? Further in the diet of the baby include:
- Carrot. She is in doubt among mothers because of her bright color. However, this is completely in vain. Carrots act as a second vegetable after zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower. It contains carotene, fiber, vitamin A, volatile and other useful substances.
- Potatoes. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C, starch, carotene and B vitamins. The most useful for the baby are tubers of yellow, pink or purple.
- Pumpkin. The content of nutrients is not inferior to other vegetables. Pumpkin has 5 times more useful carotene than carrots.
- Tomatoes and green peas. After assimilation of the above vegetables, the time comes for these types of products.
The correct sequence of introducing vegetables into complementary foods allows a child to positively affect his health and prevent the development of allergies.
WHO recommendations
WHO has developed professional guidelines for the correct sequence of feeding vegetables. As practice shows, this helps mothers to better navigate in this process.
Many parents are afraid of amateur performances and prefer to act according to certain and correct schemes in the first year of a baby’s life.
Such a table will make life easier. According to the reviews of mothers, this happens sequentially.
Table of the introduction of complementary vegetables
Days consistency | Dish | Amount in grams | Amount in teaspoons |
1 day | mashed vegetables | 3 | 1/2 |
2 day | mashed vegetables | eight | one |
3 day | mashed vegetables | twenty | 3 |
4 day | mashed vegetables | 40 | 7 |
5 day | mashed vegetables | 70 | 12 |
6 day | vegetable puree with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil | 120 | twenty |
7 day | vegetable puree with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil | 166 | 27 |
Many experts advise mothers of babies to keep a food diary. This is not mandatory, but greatly facilitates the transition of the baby to adult food.
The notebook should be written when the mother introduced a new vegetable, how the child reacted to it. This will help the pediatrician, if necessary, to understand what products the baby has a negative reaction to.
How to introduce complementary foods to vegetables? Usually, acquaintance with adult food begins with zucchini. Moms should initially prepare one-component vegetable purees. After he assimilates a variety of tastes, then you can give him a culinary variety.
Fundamental rules
Parents must comply not only with the order of introducing vegetables into complementary foods, but also prepare them with all the rules. After all, this is the first food for the baby.
Although there is nothing complicated in the preparation of vegetable puree. The main secrets include:
- Peel vegetables with vegetables immediately before cooking.
- The optimal cooking method can be attributed to a double boiler. It will retain all the nutrients and taste of vegetables.
- If a pan is used for cooking, it should be enameled with an opaque lid.
- Salt, sugar and other spices should not be added to vegetable puree for babies.
- Soak foods before cooking. Potatoes - during the day, and the rest of the vegetables - for several hours.
- During the soaking period, water must be changed periodically. This will get rid of nitrates.
- Grind and grind vegetables only when hot.
- To make puree for a child, all foods must be fresh.
- So that the new food does not shock the baby, a few drops of breast milk are added to it.
With these tricks, cooking mashed vegetables does not seem to mom a very difficult process.
Mashed pots in jars
The recommendations on how to properly introduce vegetable complementary foods do not indicate that the child will like it more. It can be mashed potatoes prepared by mom or bought in a store. The main thing is a quality product. Its composition, except for water and mashed potatoes, should not include any other additives.
After opening the jar, you need to take mashed potatoes for one serving, and put the rest in the refrigerator until the next meal. Keeping it in the refrigerator is not recommended for more than a day.
The contents of the jar before use by the baby are heated in a water bath.
Dish recipes
For parents, it is important not only the sequence of introducing vegetables during complementary foods, but also the correct recipes for dishes from them.
Zucchini puree is very easy to make. The vegetables are washed, peeled and cleaned with the middle seeds. Unzipped diced zucchini is placed in boiling water and boiled for 7-10 minutes. The finished vegetable is passed through a sieve or a blender to make the mashed potatoes airy and tender. Breast milk or ready-made milk mixture is added to the dish.
The next recipe for complementary foods is pumpkin puree. The vegetables are washed and cleaned, the seeds are removed and cut into small pieces. Put 200 g of pumpkin on a baking sheet and add water. Vegetable is sent to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Ready pumpkin beat in a blender. You can add a little breast milk or vegetable oil to the dish.
To prepare multicomponent puree, potatoes, several inflorescences of broccoli and cauliflower are separately boiled. The last vegetables are boiled in slightly salted water for 2-3 minutes. Potatoes should be less than other components. Boiled vegetables are whipped in a mixer, mixed. Add breast milk or vegetable oil.
For the baby, you can cook pumpkin soup. To do this, 100 g of carrots and 250 g of pumpkin are cut into cubes. They are thrown into boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. Finished vegetables are crushed using a blender or sieve. In the soup, you can add greens. 125 ml of milk are poured into the vegetable mixture and boiled for 5 minutes. Such a soup is allowed to be given to babies, in whose complementary foods such products have already been introduced and provided that they are not allergic to cow protein.
If the child does not eat complementary foods from vegetables
The sequence of the introduction of products may be broken if the baby refuses vegetables. He may not like cauliflower, carrots, or broccoli. Moms need to establish the cause of the failure. Perhaps this is due to discomfort. The baby's stomach or teeth may hurt, an allergy to this product may occur. Sometimes he may have a cold, a loss of appetite, or his teeth will erupt. In this situation, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the pain or discomfort.
It happens that the child does not like the appearance or taste of the dish. Therefore, mothers should diversify the menu, making it interesting and rich.
Mums should try food on their own, showing by their own example how delicious it is. After all, this is the best way to include a new product or dish in the diet.
Mom can take advantage of beautiful and colorful dishes with her favorite children's cartoon characters.
If the baby does not eat any particular vegetable, then you can add it to your favorite dish. For example, mix a little zucchini in mashed potatoes. Indeed, many babies do not like to eat it, although it has benefits for the children's body.
Tips from a famous pediatrician
The principles of complementary foods, according to Komarovsky, include:
- Any innovation in food should occur gradually. First, give 1 tablespoon of mashed potatoes and feed them with breast milk or a mixture.
- As a reaction to a new product, problems with stools or a rash on the skin can occur. Increase the number of dishes only in the absence of a negative reaction.
- If there are painful symptoms, the introduction of the product is temporarily stopped and does not switch to another until all the negative reactions have completely disappeared.
- It is not recommended to give the baby something new if he is sick or before the start of preventive vaccinations - three days before and after the procedure.
- You should not force a child to try a new dish if he refuses. His body is more aware of what he needs.
- Up to 6 months of the baby, it is not recommended to feed anything other than milk. This applies to breastfeeding. For artisans, the start of complementary foods is 5–5.5 months. This is due to the earlier completion of the formation of the enzyme system.
Dr. Komarovsky advises kefir to start complementary foods. The specialist explains this with the fact that from the period of birth, the baby's digestive system gets used to dairy products. Kefir is its closest analogue. In addition, it contains many beneficial bacteria that strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of developing intestinal infections.
After the child gets used to kefir and cottage cheese, then dairy products can be replaced by morning feeding. This usually takes about 10 days. Further, the doctor advises the introduction of milk and cereal (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal). This dish replaces evening feeding.
The sequence of feeding vegetables according to Komarovsky is that they are recommended to be included no earlier than 8 months of the baby's life. In this case, the doctor advises starting with decoctions. And when the child gets used to it, go to mashed potatoes or soup. After 2 weeks, include egg yolk and meat.
Feed vegetables should be carried out correctly and consistently. Initially, the most hypoallergenic ones are included in the diet. Feeding is carried out in small portions. After the inclusion of vegetable puree in the diet, the reaction of the baby is necessarily observed. In case of rash, redness and other symptoms, feeding should be temporarily abandoned.