Which humidifier is better

A household appliance whose purpose is to maintain a normal level of humidity in the room is called a humidifier.

Comfortable air humidity is very important for human health. Frequent exposure to infectious diseases, dry skin of the hands and face - these are the main signs of low humidity. If, in addition to these signs, you notice that flowers are drying in your house and the parquet is creaking, you should consider purchasing a humidifier.

The humidity level in the room should be from 40% to 55%. With dry and warm air, it is the humidifier that can help increase the humidity level in the room. It is relevant to purchase such a device both in winter, when dry, frosty air enters the room and is dried by the heating system, and in summer, when air conditioning is used in the room.

When purchasing an air humidifier, often the buyer is faced with the choice of which air humidifier is better. Humidifiers are:

- traditional - humidifiers of cold steam;

- steam humidifiers ;

- ultrasonic humidifiers .

A traditional humidifier is a simple and economical model. The principle of operation is the evaporation of water. In the process of moistening a special cartridge, the air is saturated with particles of water.

The positive aspects of a traditional air humidifier: they clean the air of dust, plant fluff, animal hair deposited on the filter.

The principle of operation of a warm evaporation humidifier is the operation of a kettle. When the water begins to boil, steam forms, which comes out and the process of humidification of air occurs. Unlike a traditional humidifier, such a device is more powerful and better, but for large rooms (in apartments you can over-humidify the air).

As one of the applications, the steam humidifier can be used as an inhaler or flavor, thanks to a special recess in the device.

An ultrasonic humidifier is a fairly popular model. It is especially relevant in children's rooms, as it is noiseless, and the process of humidification occurs through a membrane that turns a stream of cold fog into water.

Which humidifier is better: traditional or ultrasound, we answer - ultrasound, especially for a child’s room. It is safe (cold steam), comes in the form of children's toys (suitable for the interior in a nursery), has night lighting for convenience.

Answering the question which humidifier is better The following should be noted:

- it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room or room. Which humidifier is good in the room? Of course, traditional or ultrasonic, but for offices where rooms with a larger area, you can safely choose a humidifier for warm evaporation.

- it is worth buying several appliances if you need to moisten the air in the whole apartment;

- The humidifier is installed on a flat surface, at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the ceiling, as well as from other objects.

- water that is used in humidification should be filtered (purified) or distilled. There are humidifiers that have a special filter for water purification.

- clean the humidifier once a week.

All types of humidifiers have high-quality air filters, but the question often arises which air filter is better for people suffering from asthmatic or allergic diseases. For such people, a traditional humidifier is not suitable. Pay attention to devices with special air purifiers (HEPA filters).

Having carefully studied the article, you can decide for yourself which air humidifier is best for your family and make the right choice.

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