Gallstones during pregnancy: symptoms, treatment, diet

During pregnancy , a restructuring occurs in the female body. In particular, the ratio of certain types of hormones changes. All this is necessary in order to successfully bear the fetus and have a baby. It’s just not always that such changes have a positive effect on the body of the woman herself. For example, progesterone relaxes muscle tissue, including the walls of the gallbladder. As a result, the latter can not be reduced as before, which often leads to stagnation of bile and the appearance of stones.

pregnant by a doctor

Let's talk about cholelithiasis, symptoms, treatment and diet during an ailment during pregnancy.

Reasons for the development of pathology

One of the reasons for the appearance of stones in the gallbladder during pregnancy, we have already mentioned above. This is an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which makes the walls of the gallbladder weaker. But there are other factors that can affect the development of the disease:

  • genetic disposition to gallbladder disease;
  • overweight woman;
  • malnutrition, passion for fatty, smoked, fried foods, marinades and pickles;
  • non-compliance with the diet, too large breaks between meals, lack of distribution of food in approximately equal portions;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • the presence of diabetes.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of gallstones in women may be absent for a long period of time. The appearance of signs of the disease occurs only when they enter the ducts. During this process, a pregnant woman may begin to complain about:

  • sharp pains in the right side;
  • pain in the right lower part of the ribs, which can spread to the shoulder, neck, shoulder blade;
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • the appearance of belching;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • flatulence.
pain in the right side

Often, the symptoms of gallstones in women are perceived as signs of toxicosis, and it is not possible to detect the presence of pathology in a timely manner. Pregnant women should be attentive to their well-being and promptly seek help from a doctor at the slightest suspicion of possible diseases.

The effect of pathology on the fetus

Fortunately, cholelithiasis during pregnancy does not directly affect the development of the fetus. But some factors can still harm the health of the future baby. In the presence of the disease, the risk of infection of the body and the development of the inflammatory process significantly increases. As a result, the state of the pregnant woman will noticeably worsen. Against this background, a woman may feel stress, her appetite and sleep quality will deteriorate, which cannot but affect the normal development of the child.

What to do during an attack

The presence of stones in the gallbladder during pregnancy usually makes itself felt in the evening or at night. A woman feels very severe pain, which can even lead to loss of consciousness. It is important not to waste time and immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctors, a few simple steps must be taken:

  1. Calm down and take a lying position.
    woman lies

  2. To eliminate spasms, take one No-Shpy pill. This item is performed only in the absence of vomiting.
  3. Put a cold object under the right ribs.

All other actions will be carried out by the doctor.

What you should not do

If gallstones are found during pregnancy, some women try to do everything possible to reduce unpleasant symptoms. Without wanting it, they can only aggravate the situation. It is important to remember that during an attack it is strictly forbidden:

  1. Warm up the place of pain. An increase in temperature can lead to the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Compress, rub, press on the sore spot. Such actions can lead to peritonitis and rupture of the bile duct.
  3. Take any pain medication. Undoubtedly, they will alleviate the patient's condition and bring temporary relief. But this will greatly complicate the diagnosis of the disease.

Ignoring the signs of pathology and attempts at self-medication can lead to the development of complications, for example, peritonitis. The latter is dangerous not only for the life of the unborn child, but also for the woman herself!

Disease treatment

What to do to a woman who has discovered stones in the gallbladder during pregnancy? How to avoid seizures? The doctor will help to answer these questions. It is he who will choose the right therapy and give advice on further actions.

doctor and pregnant

Treatment and prevention of attacks of cholelithiasis will consist in taking medications and following a diet. In more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Drug treatment

The process of getting rid of stones in the gallbladder during pregnancy has some features in comparison with the standard treatment of the disease. This is due to the fact that in a given period of time a woman is contraindicated in most of the funds that are usually prescribed in this case.

First of all, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics to the patient. These include No-shpa, Papaverin, Drotaverin.

During pregnancy, choleretic drugs are in the prohibition group, since many of them are able to penetrate the fetus through the placenta or cause the uterus to contract. But in some cases, you can not do without such medications. Then the specialist selects the choleretic drugs that are most safe for the pregnant woman and her baby. It can be:

  • "Valerian".
  • "Holos."
  • "Holemaks."
  • "Atropine".
    atropine solution

  • "Holosas."
  • "Cholensim."
  • "Metacin."
  • "Magnesia" (magnesium sulfate).

There are also drugs that are allowed to be taken only under the constant supervision of a doctor. Such choleretic drugs include:

  • "Cholestin."
  • Hofitol.
  • Flaming.
  • Odeston.
  • "Febihol."

The use of herbs with a choleretic effect is also possible. But, despite the large number of nutrients, their effectiveness has not been proven.


When considering the symptoms and treatment of cholelithiasis, the diet also cannot be ignored. It is her compliance that allows you to avoid complications and wait until the end of pregnancy, after which the disease can be treated in the usual way.

diet number 5

A woman will have to adhere to diet No. 5, which is also indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Its observance implies an exception to the diet:

  • fatty, spicy, smoked, fried foods;
  • preservation;
  • various sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise);
  • spices;
  • heavy foods;
  • rich broths;
  • coffee and other caffeinated products;
  • alcohol.

Light fish broths, low-fat meat, vegetables, eggs (not more than one per day), low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits are preferred.

It is important to adhere to the diet and not allow too long breaks between meals, as this can lead to stagnation of bile.

Surgical intervention

In cases where the presence of stones in the gallbladder during pregnancy is accompanied by unbearable pain, the symptoms do not quench after using the approved drugs, and tests show the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention. Most likely, such signs indicate a blockage of the bile duct.

invasive laparoscopy

During pregnancy, gallstones are removed by a minimally invasive laparoscopic method. When using it, the risk of possible complications is minimized, and postoperative rehabilitation is fast enough.

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