The microprocessor Core i5-3210M is designed to create high-performance mobile computer systems . The characteristics of this chip are still relevant and allow you to execute most of the existing software code. It is to this model of the CPU that the small overview offered to your attention will be devoted.
2012 i5-3210M. , . , . .
Ivi Bridge i5-3210M. 2 , , , 4 . 37,5 37,5 22. TriGate. 2,5 , 3,1 . 35 , 105 . FCPGA988, .
Intel i5-3210M. , . , , 10-15%. , 2 4 , 8 . : DDR3, DDR3L DDR3RS. 1333 1600 . , - . 1600 . , , 32 . 4, 8 . - . 128 , - 512 . , 3 .
i5-3210M. . HD Graphics 4000. , . 22 . 650 , 1100 . 3- . , , 3 . .
, i5-3210M. 3DMark06 3553 , i5-2520M i7-840QM. 3542 , - 3532. FX-7600P "", 3589 . , . , , .
Intel Core i5-3210M. . , . 2-3 . . , .
i5-3210M. , . , , .