Spray to teach the puppy to the toilet: principle of operation, reviews

An old dream came true - a puppy appeared in the house. Small, plump, with a baby fluff instead of wool, he evokes the only desire to love and pamper. But the baby requires a responsible attitude and education. One of the main issues that the owner has to solve is how to teach a puppy to use the toilet in the apartment.

Training spray

Gone are the days when puppies and kittens were punished for relief in the wrong place. The current owners take this more calmly, because they know how to prevent the appearance of piles and puddles throughout the apartment.

spray to teach the puppy to the toilet

Some use a spray to teach a puppy a toilet. Manufacturers claim that two weeks are enough for a small newcomer to get used to doing business in one place. Experienced dog owners, in turn, declare that during this period it is possible to accustom the animal to the toilet without using any newfangled pieces.

Operating principle

How to use a spray to teach your puppy to the toilet, prompt experienced owners. They acted as follows:

  • Sprayed the required amount of funds on a diaper, used as a toilet for a pet.
  • A puppy was planted next to him and given him a smell of a diaper.
  • We draw the attention of readers to the fact that you can’t poke your baby’s nose. He will be scared and refuse to understand what they want from him.
  • After the pet examines the diaper and the smell seems attractive to him, the puppy will want to relieve the need for this place.
  • Label refresh once a day.
  • When a pet went to the toilet in the right place, he should be praised for his deed and encouraged by a treat.
  • The term of training, as described above, varies from 10 to 14 days, depending on how quickly the baby understands where he needs to defecate.


Other owners are satisfied with the results, the spray managed to cope with its task. But most owners criticize the tool, considering it useless. Here's what people say:

  • The spray has a terrible smell, it spreads throughout the apartment.
  • Little puppies refuse to defecate on a diaper sprayed with the product.
  • Older puppies show interest, but continue to leave "business cards" across the floor.
how to teach a puppy a toilet in an apartment

The owners regret the time spent training the puppies in the toilet using the vaunted spray. Others lament about the money spent, the cheapest spray costs 150 rubles, the more expensive option is 300 rubles.


Is it worth it to use the spray to train the puppy to the toilet, it's up to its owners. We recommend proceeding from these reviews when making a decision.

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