Dwarf dogs: features, description, care and interesting facts

Throughout the history of civilization, the dog was considered a companion of man. She was distinguished by selfless devotion to her master, performed the role of a guard. Currently, dogs are considered, often, as a four-legged friend, which can be taken care of, caressed and pampered. And for this purpose, more suitable breeds than miniature dogs can hardly be found. Breeders have bred many dwarf dog breeds that have become very popular.

dwarf dogs

Content Features

Buying a small dwarf dog, a person does not think about how difficult it will be to care for her. There are a number of features of these breeds that their owner should know about. After all, getting a dwarf dog, you need to understand the degree of responsibility that will fall on the owner for 10-15 years. Keeping such a pet is work.

Each breed has its own characteristics of content, but there are common to all.

First of all, the dog must have its own place: a house or a couch. Careful hair care is required: combing, washing with special cosmetics, grooming. Overgrown claws need to be trimmed regularly.

Dwarf dog food should be energy-intensive, rich in vitamins and amino acids, but at the same time - easily digestible. It is served in small portions. Food for such pets must be of high quality, as they differ in very sensitive stomachs.

Small dogs are very active, as a result of which their energy is quickly wasted. Therefore, the nutrient content in the feed for such pets should be greater than for their large counterparts.

For these dogs from a young age a certain nutritional system is needed. The puppy's health and life expectancy will depend on this.

dwarf dog breeds

Dwarf breed dogs need constant attention. Such pets try to constantly accompany their master, getting underfoot. Therefore, there is a danger of injury.

It is recommended to regularly show dwarf dogs to a veterinarian and keep a veterinary passport.

Content Benefits

Having a little four-legged friend is convenient. Dwarf dog breeds do not need to be walked daily, as for these purposes you can simply use a disposable diaper or tray. They also do not need regular physical activity. For them, it is enough to jump near the owner and run around the room.

A dwarf dog will not take up much space in the apartment, even if it is small. Such pets can be kept even in the dorm room.

Miniature dogs are very beautiful, many of them look like toys. They are loving, strongly attached to the owners, very devoted and trusting.

Despite their small size, such dogs are fearless enough. They bark out loud at strangers. Some of them can be aggressive, rush at people and bite.

If you do not want to part with your four-legged friend - with dwarf dogs this is also a solved problem. It can be carried everywhere with you: in shops, and in restaurants, and when traveling.

small dwarf dogs

Such dogs do not require large expenditures for maintenance, since feed and means for their care are needed in minimal quantities. Therefore, any person with an average income will be able to afford the maintenance of such a pet. True, the prices of dwarf dogs are much higher than their large counterparts.

Cons of keeping baby dogs

Having a number of advantages, nevertheless dwarf dogs bring a lot of trouble to their owner. The fact is that these crumbs have poor health, they have a wide range of developmental disabilities. Internal organs cannot function normally if the weight of the dog is one and a half or less kilograms. In addition, breeders do not always pay attention to the genetic diseases of the parents of the puppies, being guided only by the size of the dwarf producing dogs. Therefore, often such babies are born with a poor genetic inheritance.

Health problems

In dogs of small and dwarf breeds, a number of problems are often encountered, which the owner must know about.

dwarf dog size

One of them is associated with teeth. The fact is that these dogs have a narrow jaw and insufficient distance between the teeth. This often leads to various pathologies, including malocclusion and edentulousness. Due to weak jaws, the change of milk teeth to molars is delayed. In addition, these crumbs are deficient in calcium in the body, which contributes to early tooth decay.

Another problem is impaired brain development. If your baby has a large and rounded head - this may be a manifestation of hydrocephalus. The result of fluid accumulation in the brain is intracranial pressure, which dooms the dog to severe headaches and negatively affects life expectancy.

The next common problem may be the fontanel, which does not overgrow throughout life. The non-ossified cranial vault is traumatic, as the brain is damaged.

The most common physical disadvantage of infants is the underdevelopment of internal organs, a tendency to form an umbilical hernia. These dogs have such a weak muscle corset that the internal organs fall out of the abdominal cavity.

The tendency to fractures and dislocations is also a feature of babies with fragile bones. Jumping from a height of 20 cm or more is considered to be traumatic.

Such dogs are allergic. This tendency can manifest itself even in adulthood. Dwarf dogs freeze quickly and are prone to colds. Therefore, going out with a pet in cold weather, it is imperative to wear it.

Names of breeds of dwarf dogs

The breeds of such dogs are very diverse. They are long-haired and short-haired, room-decorative, sports, unsportsmanlike, terriers and hounds. All dwarf dogs can be divided into 3 groups: toy breeds, dwarf and small. Instances of the toy breed at the withers reach no more than 30 cm, and their weight is no more than 2 kilograms. Dogs of dwarf breeds do not grow more than 35 cm, they weigh an average of 2.5-5 kg. Small breeds of dogs grow up to 45 cm, their weight is about 10 kg. The most popular breeds of small dogs with characteristics and features of care and maintenance are presented below.

dwarf spitz dogs

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed was introduced to Russia at the end of the twentieth century. They are considered the descendants of the black Russian terrier. They are distinguished by a fighting character, moderate aggressiveness. These dogs do not fade, so even a person with an allergy can get them. But long hair requires special care. He needs regular bathing, combing, haircut. The main disadvantage of the breed is weak teeth.


Dogs of this breed are popular all over the world for keeping in an apartment. Pugs are very funny and clumsy. They are not distinguished by the ability to train. Love walks with the owner. Due to the physique, pugs snore and are prone to heat shocks. Caring for them is difficult. These dogs are recommended for experienced owners.


This dwarf dog bred for hunting rabbits and other small animals. Therefore, it is also called rabbit dachshund. This dog crawls into hare holes, grabs prey and carries it to the owner. Thus, from a small dachshund, you can raise a real service dog. Its structure - a long body and short limbs - leads to increased loads on the spine and legs, requiring the attention of the owners. But the dachshund has powerful muscles, due to which they do not have an umbilical hernia.

Dwarf poodle

Representatives of this breed are also very popular. Dwarf poodle dogs are very intelligent, excellent at training, unlike other small dogs, which can only be taught to obey the owner. A poodle can perform quite complex tasks. They are very friendly, affectionate, playful, and not only with the owners.

The dwarf poodle is very fluffy, it has a soft coat that requires constant bathing, combing and haircuts. Be sure to clean your ears.

Dwarf pincher

These small pets have short hair and erect ears, therefore they do not require special care. They do not cause allergies in the hosts. Dogs of the dwarf pincher breed must be constantly monitored, since they are fighting, they can arrange fights. They do not tolerate competitors in the house, selfish, require constant attention of a person. A dwarf pincher dog is fearless, can protect its owner.

dog breed dwarf pincher

Dwarf spitz

These dogs are also called Pomeranian. Representatives of this breed, as well as a poodle, are considered very quick-witted. But, unlike poodles ready to serve, dwarf spitz dogs dominate. Their training requires a lot of time and effort. After the owner consolidates his position of the main, from these dogs a humble and trained friend is obtained.

The dwarf spitz dog is suitable for families with children with whom pets get along well, very playful. In this way they look like poodles. But they do not like to be disturbed.

Spitz has a thick, soft and dense coat, which requires appropriate care. Periodically, you need clipping, brushing your teeth and ears.


Dwarf dogs also include the Pekingese. Bred in China, they have an imperial relationship to others. These dogs are capricious, wayward, constantly attract attention and do not tolerate competitors in the house. Therefore, if there is a child in the house, it is better not to start a Pekingese.

In China, it is believed that these dogs protect houses, palaces, monasteries from evil spirits.

Representatives of this breed have very short noses, which causes choking, especially when the room is hot and dry. It must be borne in mind that they have a thick coat, as a result of which they quickly overheat. One of the conditions for the maintenance of the Pekingese is a cool and rather humid room.

Shih tzu

This is a royal dog of Chinese breed. They lived in palaces, were inaccessible to ordinary people. They have a long coat that requires constant care. This breed needs constant attention.

Maltese (Maltese lapdog)

This is an aristocratic variety of lapdogs that were bred on the island of Malta. Maltese - the oldest representatives of the pedigree line - have Italian roots. The hair of these dogs is snow-white, soft and long, requiring careful care. The Maltese are very beautiful, friendly, active, distinguished by a sharp mind, extremely obedient.

Bichon Frize (French lapdog)

This breed of snow-white dogs is intended for keeping in an apartment. Bichons have curly hair, which is why caring for them is quite difficult. By nature, these dogs are complaisant, friendly, balanced, human-centered.

small and dwarf dogs

French Bulldog

These dogs are a smaller and transformed version of the English Bulldog. The French, unlike the British, were not attracted by bullying and dog fights. However, they really liked the bulldogs with their funny, snub-nosed faces. This breed was bred as a companion dog. At present, French bulldogs are apartment dogs that need loads and strictly balanced feeding.


Dogs of this breed are considered the smallest in the world. They often have health problems. But, despite this, they are very popular. Such dogs need special care, attention and an extremely careful attitude.

Chihuahua is fearless in nature, very friendly and non-conflict.

Russian toy terrier

This is a fairly rare breed in the world. However, in Russia they are common. Distinguish smooth and long-haired variety. Dogs of this breed are derived from the English variety, therefore, have the characteristic of a companion. They are extremely active, so it’s good to take them with you for a morning run, as well as play active games with your pets.

English toy terrier (black and tan toy terrier)

Dogs of this breed are considered the most famous and coveted miniature breed in Europe of the XIX century. The breed standard allows exclusively black and tan color. Unlike Russian Toy, English has more activity and good health.

Chinese Crested Dog

This small dog is distinguished by its original appearance. These pets are completely missing six on the body, but their head is decorated with a lush crest. However, the downy variety is also considered the standard.

Continental Toy Spaniel Papillon and Falen

Dogs of this breed were bred in order to emphasize the status and ensure the safety of the owner. These babies tasted the host's food (for poisoning). Today papillons and falens are prestigious companion breeds. They are distinguished by friendliness and devotion, they are very active. These pets are aggressive towards other animals, so they need to be taught to get along with them.

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