Bump on the head of a newborn: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Absolutely every mother should carefully monitor her child, especially the state of his health in the very first days of life. And in case of a lump on the head of a newborn child, it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor about it. The origin of the bump may be different. There are several types of neoplasms, therefore it is not worth it to engage in treatment yourself and diagnose them. This can lead to serious consequences. What should parents do if, after birth, a newborn has a lump on his head? Whether it is soft or hard, it does not matter. It is necessary to determine the disease and cure it in time.

bump in a newborn on the head after childbirth

The lymph nodes

The most common cones that appear in young children are the lymph nodes. Their size does not exceed a pea. The appearance of this formation in a newborn is quite common. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the size of a given cone, as it moves under the skin. Such an education does not increase the level of discomfort of the baby. Often, these types of neoplasms on the head of young children appear at the moment when the formation of their own immune system occurs. They both appeared on their own and will disappear. To eliminate them, no special therapeutic procedures are necessary.


Unfortunately, such cases often occur when, as a result of a birth injury, a lump appears in the infant. A doctor or obstetrician can make a mistake and cause injury with a gynecological instrument. This will lead to a hematoma or small tumor in the future. Such a neoplasm passes independently after a few days.

bump on the head of a newborn baby


This is the third, fairly common reason why newborns may develop a small tumor. A neoplasm is an accumulation of fluid. During palpation, a discoloration may appear on the skin. In medical practice, this is considered the norm. Such an education passes in 5-14 days, without leaving any consequences.

What is a cephalohematoma?

If the bump is not malignant, its size is very small. When pressed, the fluid moves. If the hematoma contains little blood, the tumor resolves itself in just a few days, a maximum of ten. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when a cephalohematoma begins to develop and progress. The disease is gaining momentum. The neoplasm is becoming much larger. The skin in the place where a lump was formed on the head of a newborn baby becomes hot, discharge sometimes appears from the cavity. This is very dangerous for the baby, so you need to urgently see a doctor. Timely treatment will help prevent possible unpleasant consequences. If the tumor begins to grow further, it can lead to paralysis, disruption of vital functions and brain function.

a newborn has a lump on his head after birth

Malignant seals

Not all bumps are safe. There are those who must certainly make parents think and immediately consult a doctor. As soon as observant parents begin to notice the first symptoms of their child and detect the appearance of a tumor, it is necessary to immediately examine the baby. When observing a child, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The tumor began to grow soon after the appearance.
  2. New additional neoplasms appear.
  3. There is a rash on the bumps and new redness.
  4. The skin around the bump becomes very hot.
  5. On the formation of fluid is manifested.

Parents should also sound the alarm when the baby shows signs of sleep disturbance. The baby may lose appetite, he will behave uneasily, nervous. All this is necessary to pay attention to and go to the pediatrician. He will examine the child and issue a referral to a specific specialist. You can also seek additional advice from a pediatric surgeon.

how to treat a bump on the head of a newborn


The cause of the development and formation of a tumor in children who have just been born is considered to be jaundice or trauma during childbirth. In the event that the child’s immune system develops correctly, the body is able to independently overcome the disease, even at such a small age. In other cases, when the immune system is not able to cope with the disease, a cone grows. This, in turn, carries a great danger to the health of the child or a threat to his life.

Epidermal cyst

Atheroma is a round formation that brings the child pain. It is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous gland canals. Such cases are quite common in recently born children. Atheroma is filled with adipose tissue. The skin around this formation does not change color and structure. This disease develops due to increased sweating. This can occur due to poor hygiene, overheating, wearing too tight clothing or underwear made from synthetic fabrics.

Unfortunately, this disease does not go away on its own; medical intervention is necessary. If you let the situation drift, this will lead to an increase in the tumor in size. The first sign of an inflammatory process is the appearance of pain in the place where the lump appeared. The neoplasm becomes hot and causes concern for the child.

why is a lump on the head of a newborn dangerous?

To get rid of a solid cone on the head of a newborn, you will have to resort to surgical intervention. Before sending the baby to the operating table, you need to carefully check everything. To begin with, do an ultrasound. This will exclude cerebral hernia. If the tumor is small, then it can be removed with a laser. This will require several sessions. Larger formations are excised under general anesthesia.

If the formation of atheroma is small and does not bother the child, the removal procedure should be postponed until the age of three. If you believe the reviews of experts, such a disease does not bear any particular danger to the child.

Doctors recommend that parents carefully monitor the neoplasm. If you decide to postpone the operation for some time, do not forget that atheroma can begin to develop at any time. As soon as the child begins to complain of discomfort, pain and discomfort, it is necessary to go to the hospital and undergo an examination again. If this examination shows that the tumor has increased, then it is necessary not to wait for a certain age, but to proceed with removal immediately.

the newborn has a soft bump on his head

Treatment methods

As mentioned above, often the appearance of a small cone on the head of a newborn child does not require increased attention. Most often, special treatment is not required. It’s enough for a child to simply observe, make sure that the tumor does not change, does not become larger. It must be handled very carefully so as not to damage it. If parents began to notice that the tumor is rapidly decreasing in size, this suggests that you should not worry. This fact is a reason to calm down. It is likely that the neoplasm will disappear on its own over time and no medical intervention will be required.

When a child encounters a cephalohematoma, it is recommended to constantly be under medical supervision. Most likely, he will fix a stable decrease in the bump and reassure parents, since the immune system often copes with itself. However, it is worth remembering the fact that a child with a lump should have a stable position. It cannot be rocked, and the neoplasm should never be touched. This can lead to tissue damage. Bathing a newborn baby must be very careful. Doctors also recommend abandoning the use of soaps and shampoos during the treatment of this disease.

a small bump on the head of a newborn


If parents have to face the fact that a lump in the newborn’s head develops after childbirth, this will lead to surgical intervention. Doctors will observe the development of the tumor, conduct several tests, and only after that they will make a small incision. This is necessary so that the fluid flows out of the neoplasm. After the fluid is removed, a tight bandage is applied to the sore spot. Parents are given recommendations on how to care for an injured place. If the operation was successful, and this happens in 99% of cases, the baby will fully recover after 5-7 days.

If parents are faced with an incomprehensible formation on the child’s head, there is no need to panic. This can negatively affect the baby’s nervous system. To begin with, it is worth visiting a specialist and getting an exhaustive consultation. Feedback from parents who have already encountered a similar problem suggests that the sooner a diagnosis is made, the easier and safer the course of treatment will be.

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