How to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7: basic methods

Many users do not like the IE IE browser included in Windows operating systems , and, as practice shows, the vast majority would like to get rid of it. But how to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7 if the program is “wired”, and getting rid of it with the simplest standard methods is almost impossible? Further , we consider several original solutions that will get rid of the browser not only in Windows 7, but also in other modifications of the system.

Internet Explorer 7th version of Windows: basic removal methods

Windows . , , -?

how to remove internet explorer in windows 7

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  • PowerShell ;
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remove internet explorer windows 7

( ). Internet Explorer Windows 7 , , , . , (regedit «»), «».

, . , Windows 7 Internet Explorer .

internet explorer 7

, ( ). , Windows. . . , , .

Windows 7 Internet Explorer ?

, . , PowerShell. , Windows Internet Explorer.

cmd «» ( ), FORFILES / %WINDIR%\Servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*.mum / "cmd / echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart". , , .

PowerShell Get-Appx Package, (PackageFullName), Remove-AppxPackage . .

. , Windows 7 Internet Explorer, , , . . , iObit Uninstaller.

windows internet explorer

Windows 7 Internet Explorer ? . , Win Manager Windows. IE . , , , , .

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