INDD - чем открыть файл

Today we’ll talk about the INDD format. How to open it, we will consider in more detail below. This is an InDesign document. The developer of this format is Adobe.


indd than open

An INDD file is a page layout project. It is created by Adobe InDesign. This material includes content, page formatting, styles, and related files. Opening of files of this type is carried out by several programs, they will be discussed later. They are used, as a rule, for formatting and creating brochures, leaflets, newspapers, magazines and books. If necessary, you can import the projects of interest to us in QuarkXpress, using the ID2Q plugin. Next, consider the options for interacting with this format.

Main decision

indd file

So, here is the INDD file. How to open, Adobe InDesign will help you figure it out. This is a computer layout system. The application makes it possible to create documents for their subsequent output to printing machines or desktop printers. In addition, the created documents can be exported to electronic formats. Installation of an official publication does not require special skills. The workspace of the application is a configuration of menus and palettes. All this is implemented on the basis of a convenient graphical interface, which includes many components.

Other options

opening files

We continue the discussion about the INDD format. You already know how to open files of this type, however, the program described above is not the only way to achieve this goal. Acrobat is also suitable for this. This is a collection of products designed to manage and create documents. The program allows you to create presentations and forms. This application is available in two versions. The Standard option received basic functions, which are enough to create documents. Professional version is a special professional complex. It supports additional features, including the introduction of interactive forms in a document and the insertion of multimedia.

. Acrobat Pro . . . , . , . . . , . . . , . : InCopy, QuarkXPress ID2Q XTension. , INDD. , .

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