Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can be of very different localization and arise for several reasons. Often, such symptoms do not pose any threat, however, even with the appearance of even slight soreness, you need to visit a doctor for an examination and subsequent treatment.
A woman bearing a child should be very attentive to her health in order to notice a problem in a timely manner and not aggravate its course.
Causes of Abdominal Pain
Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can be associated with stretching the muscles that support the uterus, and also arise as a result of weight gain. With the gradual growth and weight of the child, the pressure on the ligament area gradually becomes greater, and as a result, the uterus is stretched.
At the same time, all organs are slightly compressed, which somewhat impairs their functioning. This abdominal pain can be sharp, but it goes away very quickly. Pain may appear when coughing or sneezing. To reduce it, you need to take the most convenient position for yourself. Medications are not needed.
Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can be associated with natural physiological processes. Sometimes, such symptoms occur when the egg passes through the tube with its growth to the uterine mucosa. A child growing in the uterus can transmit not only internal organs, but also nerve endings, which provokes a certain discomfort. In this case, you need to try to relax as much as possible.
During the bearing of a child, almost all women experience a change in taste preferences. In order to avoid serious health problems, it is important to learn to control your desires. Too frequent consumption of spicy, sour and sweet can cause dysbiosis. During this period, you must be extremely attentive to your health in order to avoid problems.
Pain in various diseases
Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur due to various diseases. In particular, among the main diseases, it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- appendicitis;
- cholecystitis;
- cystitis;
- chronic gastritis;
- pancreatitis
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. Such a condition necessarily requires surgical intervention. Pregnant, especially in the later stages, it is very difficult to recognize the course of the disease, as it constantly experiences a certain discomfort.
Pregnancy acts as a provoking factor for the development of appendicitis. The thing is that the inflammation of the appendix occurs due to insufficient blood supply. An enlarged uterus presses the blind process, as a result of which the blood flows very slowly. Among the main signs of appendicitis during the bearing of a child, it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- sharp pain in the upper abdomen;
- nausea and vomiting;
- bloating;
- temperature rise.
Symptoms manifest themselves in completely different ways and depend on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, if constant pain occurs, you should urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment is carried out only surgically. If you remove it in the initial stages, then the woman and the child are not in danger. Appendicitis filled with pus is very dangerous. If it bursts, then the purulent contents will penetrate into the abdominal cavity and provoke peritonitis.
A fairly common disease in pregnant women is cystitis. Inflammation of the walls of the bladder can be infectious and non-infectious. Often, cystitis acts as the first sign of pregnancy. Among the main features it should be noted:
- aching stomach pains;
- cramps when urinating;
- blood in the urine;
- frequent urination;
- temperature rise.
The danger of cystitis is that if timely treatment is given, then the disease can go into pyelonephritis. Treatment of cystitis is carried out with medications. There are many drugs that can be used without harm to the child. However, after treatment, you need to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.
Another reason that pulling pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur is cholecystitis. This is inflammation of the gallbladder, provoked by infections and stagnation of bile. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, characteristic signs will be such as:
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- bitterness in the mouth.
The main treatment is taking medication and following a strict diet.
Cutting pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur with the onset of chronic gastritis, which can worsen under the influence of hormones. This disease is mainly associated with malnutrition. Also, provoking factors can be mucous burns with hot food, mechanical injuries, the penetration of pathogens, poisoning. Among the main features you need to highlight such as:
- loss of appetite;
- diarrhea;
- temperature rise;
- weakness and dizziness;
- nausea and vomiting.
Often women do not notice symptoms of gastritis, mistakenly believing that this is toxicosis. As a result of the pathology, nutrition deteriorates, which is bad for the fetus. In the presence of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.
Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is quite common during pregnancy. The main symptom is the presence of pain in the upper abdomen on the left side. Proper expert supervision and adherence to a special diet are required.
Soreness in the first trimester
It is very important to understand exactly why the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy in the early stages, as this will prevent the occurrence of complications. It is worth noting that during this period, pain does not always indicate the occurrence of pathology. With mild pain that rarely and quickly disappears, do not worry. However, for greater certainty, it is still worth consulting with a gynecologist.
This will not only eliminate constant fears, but also morally set up bearing a child. If pulling pains in the upper abdomen are constantly observed during pregnancy, you need to urgently see a doctor, as this can be a sign of dangerous diseases. This may also indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy, which requires urgent surgical intervention.
In addition, among the main reasons it is necessary to distinguish a miscarriage. However, there may additionally be spotting and lower back pain. Causes of abdominal pain can also be non-obstetric problems. Such symptoms occur with digestive disorders or surgical pathologies. In any case, a doctor’s consultation is required to prevent irreversible consequences.
Second trimester pain
Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy in the second trimester can talk about less dangerous problems and pathologies. During this period, the body was already rebuilt and accustomed to a new state. Increasing in size, the uterus gradually presses on the muscles and ligaments, thereby provoking aching pain in the upper abdomen or only on one side of the body, which occurs with sudden movements.
Similar symptoms in the second trimester usually arise as a result of nervous overstrain, stress, excessive physical exertion. Soreness also develops against a background of impaired functioning of the intestines and stomach. Digestive spasms can cause malnutrition.
Soreness in the third trimester
If the abdomen hurts at the 36th week of pregnancy, then this may be a sign of premature birth or placental abruption. In addition, such soreness may indicate acute surgical pathology and digestive upset.
If the abdomen hurts at the 36th week of pregnancy, then this is mainly due to the activity of the fetus. An almost fully developed child moves his legs and arms, pushes off, causing a certain discomfort to the woman. However, mostly symptoms occur only at the time of the baby's movement.
In the case when at the 38th week of pregnancy it hurts in the upper abdomen, then a doctor’s consultation is required, as this may be due to fetal freezing. In addition, this can be a completely natural process, since during this period the pregnancy is full-term. The body begins to gradually prepare for delivery. Such changes are almost always accompanied by painful manifestations.
In the case when at the 39th week of pregnancy the upper abdomen hurts very sharply, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist or call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of the onset of delivery.
Pain in the center of the abdomen
Quite often during pregnancy, it hurts in the upper abdomen in the middle, which can be associated with various diseases or provoked by natural causes. Very bright pain manifests itself on an empty stomach, this is the so-called hungry pain. Sometimes this symptom indicates the manifestations of early toxicosis. However, if the condition progresses, then this may indicate the onset of gastritis.
Cramping pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which are accompanied by upset stools, nausea and bitterness in the mouth, can indicate a serious intestinal infection. Such a condition is almost always accompanied by fever and chills.
When an infectious agent enters the stomach or intestines, gastritis, enteritis, or colitis may develop. The most dangerous conditions are dysentery and salmonellosis. At any time, this situation requires an urgent examination by a doctor and often hospitalization.
Basically, at the 39th week of pregnancy, it hurts in the upper abdomen, and the reason for this is the constantly increasing uterus, which gradually begins to squeeze the peritoneal organs. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the stomach throws up gastric juice up the esophagus, causing severe discomfort. To avoid the occurrence of such symptoms, you need to follow a special balanced diet.
Stitching pains in the upper abdomen in pregnant women can occur for a variety of reasons. This can provoke stagnation of feces in the intestines, which provokes constipation and flatulence. This can cause hemorrhoids.
If the skin in the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be due to the fact that the fetus grows and the skin is stretched. It also provokes periodic itching. If there are no additional signs, then this condition should not bother.
Pain on the right
If it hurts in the upper right abdomen during pregnancy, then this may be a sign of inflammation of the gallbladder, with cholecystitis or stagnation of bile. Sometimes stones are present in this organ that impede the normal outflow of bile, but can also be a possible cause of pain.
In this case, the pain can be very strong, cramping. Sometimes the shade of the skin and sclera of the eyes may change. Feces become light, and urine, on the contrary, dark. Often, pain in the upper right abdomen during pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Progression of the disease continues if the woman:
- overeating;
- suffering from constipation;
- eating irregularly;
- leads a sedentary lifestyle.
In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor and conduct an examination, since diseases of the liver and gall bladder cannot be treated independently and can lead to very serious consequences.
The doctor prescribes medication and, in the rarest cases, surgery is required. Soreness can occur with pathologies of the right kidney and duodenum 12.
If during pregnancy the stomach hurts in the upper right, then this may be a sign of too active fetal movement. Often a similar manifestation is observed at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, no specific treatment is required.
Soreness can be triggered by an attack of acute pancreatitis. This is a very painful process, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and increased sweating. The pain literally penetrates the back, and in the supine position it only intensifies, and in a sitting position, leaning slightly forward, you can notice that the pain is somewhat reduced. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to conduct a thorough examination, which the doctor will prescribe.
Pain on the left
Abdominal pain on the left during pregnancy can be triggered by various diseases of the internal organs. They can indicate various lesions of the stomach and pancreas, spleen and left kidney. If the pregnant woman has a severely painful stomach on the left, this can be caused by an increase in the size of the spleen. This can cause very sharp pain. In addition, the inflamed organ may rupture, and in this case, the skin around the navel will turn blue.
When the intestines suffer, there will be very severe abdominal pain in the upper left abdomen. This can be in case of diarrhea or constipation, and also there are spotting during bowel movements and fever. Another reason may be the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, as well as potent antibiotics. However, the pain is constant, aching. In addition, a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm can cause a similar condition.
In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, active growth of the uterus occurs. Soreness may result from ligament tension. These sensations are constant and can occur several times a day. Often this happens when you move or change the position of the body.
To get rid of soreness, you can just try to warm your stomach with your hands or with a warm towel. It is necessary to avoid too sharp movements, as this only enhances the discomfort.
Additional symptoms
Pain in the upper abdomen can occur for a variety of reasons, which can also have additional symptoms. These include such as:
- heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium;
- increase in pressure;
- swelling;
- discomfort and tightening of tissues in the abdomen;
- joint pain
- headache;
- feeling of heaviness in the legs.
The severity and bursting in the hypochondrium are mainly characteristic of dyskinesia. With late toxicosis, severe swelling, increased pressure and headache are observed. A similar condition can develop into the occurrence of seizures that threaten the life of the fetus and mother.
Under the influence of progesterone, softening of the ligaments can be observed, and this provokes significant discomfort and severe pain. Acute pains localized on one side only require urgent medical attention.
If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, what to do can only be determined by a doctor after a diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis based on patient complaints. A number of conditions require a gynecological examination and a smear collection for analysis.
In the presence of vaginal discharge, a blood test for biochemistry and infection, as well as a coagulogram and a general blood test, may be required. The most accurate result can be obtained when conducting ultrasound diagnostics. Using this technique, it is possible to determine pancreatic dysfunction, the condition of the uterus and fetus, as well as kidney diseases. Additional methods include fibrogastroduodenoscopy and MRI.
Treatment feature
Treatment is selected only by a doctor, depending on the ongoing pathology and the degree of its development. With the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, therapy is carried out in a hospital using conservative methods, namely taking medications, following a strict diet.
The use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs is required. Some individual cases necessarily require surgery.
With renal colic, painkillers and antispasmodics are used to help normalize well-being. If there are small stones, then they can come out on their own, but the overlapping of the ureteral gaps with large calculi requires surgery and their removal.
In case of pain in the later stages due to the threat of miscarriage, appropriate measures must be taken to save the life of the child.If this condition is exacerbated by bleeding, then you need to constantly be observed by a gynecologist. If ultrasound confirmed the non-viability of the fetus, then antispasmodics, vitamins and droppers with magnesia are used.
If there is a suspicion of placental abruption, an urgent cesarean section is performed. This is especially important in case of severe bleeding, regardless of whether the child is full-term or not. In any case, with the appearance of pain, regardless of their cause, it is necessary to visit a doctor for examination and diagnosis.
The prognosis after therapy
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A pregnant woman needs to relax as much as possible, and in a position with her legs raised up. The prognosis of pain in late pregnancy with a pathology of the internal organs can be disappointing. Acute and chronic processes often require surgery. However, it should be borne in mind that all the actions of doctors should be aimed at preserving the life of the child and mother.
There are many reasons why upper abdominal pain can occur during pregnancy. Competent prevention will help prevent them, which consists in:
- dieting;
- moderate physical exertion;
- lack of stress and negative emotions.
Proper nutrition is the key to a woman's well-being and proper development of the fetus. At the same time, the food consumed should be healthy, balanced and easily digestible. Be sure to eat foods such as:
- fruit;
- vegetables;
- boiled meat and fish;
- dairy products;
- nuts.
They will provide the body with the required amount of nutrients and nutrients for the whole day.
During pregnancy, it is useful to walk a lot in the fresh air, do fitness, gymnastics, and swimming. Yoga will bring great benefits to the body. However, too much physical activity and lifting heavy objects are strictly prohibited. If a woman’s work is associated with physical activity, then she must be transferred to light work.
Pregnant women should try to avoid situations that provoke negative emotions. It is recommended to surround only people who are pleasant for oneself, visit museums and exhibitions. All this favorably affects the emotional state of a woman.