Such an item as a dishwashing sponge is a completely familiar accessory that is available in every home, in any kitchen. However, do not underestimate such a small thing, because even for him there are rules of use, adhering to them you can not only extend his "life", but also maintain his own health. It is no secret that this indispensable dishwashing item is considered one of the most dangerous in the whole house, since bacteria most often accumulate on it. They appear there due to food debris on the surface, despite the use of detergents. For this reason, it is believed that dishwashing sponges should be changed at least once a week, because otherwise you risk being exposed to microbes, which, in turn, can penetrate the body.
If a too frequent change seems uneconomical to you, then there is a way to get rid of bacteria that have accumulated on the surface. To do this, moisten the product and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. As a result, microbes on the surface will die. However, due to the repetition of such a procedure too often, even the most resistant dishwashing sponge will quickly lose its appearance, and accordingly, it will have to be replaced.
To avoid unnecessary expenses in housekeeping, you should initially approach the choice of a kitchen item wisely. When buying it, you should be careful about the material from which it was made. To begin with, be sure to study the quality of foam rubber, as usually it is the basis of any thing for kitchen cleaning. This material should be dense, color - uniform, no unpleasant odor.
You should also test the hard part of the surface, without which it is difficult to imagine washing dishes (heavily soiled). To do this, rub the edges of the solid component between the fingers: it should not crumble. You can be sure that you are holding a product of dubious quality in your hands if the adhesive layer between the rigid part and the foam rubber is already starting to recede. Such a dishwashing sponge is unlikely to last long. When choosing this necessary household item, attention should be paid to the manufacturer’s brand, since really serious companies value their reputation and produce accessories from quality materials.
In addition to choosing the right accessory to clean dishes, you should also pay attention to its operation. Firstly, do not use a foam rubber product with such cleaning solutions that can corrode its surface. Any dishwashing sponge is designed exclusively for use with mild detergents. After the kitchen utensils have become clean, the sponge should be thoroughly rinsed from the remnants of detergent and food, squeezed and laid on a clean, dry surface for natural drying.
Now you know all the rules for using a small kitchen attribute.