First of all, with the birth of a newborn, parents tell everyone about his sex, height and weight. The same parameters are recorded in the health history. The thing is that how a child grows up to a year by months is determined precisely by these indicators. They are compared with the established norm. And these are the most important indicators of normal development in a given period of life.
About the newborn
It is also extremely important to monitor the size of the circumference of the baby’s head and chest. Physical development is monitored precisely by the dynamics of these characteristics. Comparing the size of the head and chest of the baby, you can find out about the presence of any disease. As the baby grows up, pediatricians will give recommendations on the nutrition system, based on this information.
Figuring out how a child grows up to a year by months in cm, one must take into account that the normal growth in newborns is considered to be in the range of 46-56 cm, weight should be up to 4 kg, and chest circumference - 32-34 cm.
What affects the weight of the child
It is important to take into account that these indicators are hereditary. In addition, the way a child grows by months is greatly influenced by his diet, quality of life. Most clearly, the hereditary factor is manifested in the growth of the child. But in general, how a baby grows months after birth will be affected by how often he takes sunbaths, how actively he communicates with him, what are the living conditions.
Monthly increase
Most often, the growth of the newborn is in the range of 46-56 cm. Usually, males are taller than girls. However, provided that the parents are tall, the girl may be taller than the boy.
Considering how many centimeters a child grows per year, it must be borne in mind that it is in the first year of life that the baby grows most intensively - in only 12 months a person grows by 20-25 cm. Subsequently, such dynamics will not be observed.
At the same time, growth in people increases spasmodically. When figuring out how quickly children grow up to a year, it must be borne in mind that growth will be carried out seasonally. It affects the time of day. So, at night, a person grows faster than in the daytime.
Experts have revealed a curious fact: figuring out how the baby grows months after birth, what it can do, they noticed that the parts of the body that are farthest from the head develop most rapidly. So, the foot will grow faster than the shin. And the latter will increase in size faster than the hips. For this reason, age-related changes in body proportions occur.
Extra options
Keeping track of how a child grows up to a year, be sure to consider how the circumference of his head and chest changes. If after birth the head circumference is 34-36 cm, and the chest is 32-34 cm, then after the 4th month of life, the chest will grow faster than the head. At 1 year, the chest circumference is already 48 cm, and the head is 46-47 cm. However, it is impossible to know exactly how much the child grows per year, since each person develops according to an individual “schedule”. And different children will have different development and growth rates. To a small extent deviations from the average statistics are allowed.
Answering the question of how much the child grows per year, doctors indicate that the average increase in growth is 2.5 cm per month.
Monthly Weight Gain
When a person was just born, his weight, as a rule, is 2.5-4 kg. If the baby weighs more than 4 kg, it is considered large. Heredity can affect weight, and it can also be a consequence of impaired carbohydrate metabolism in women in labor.
Finding out how a child grows up to a year, one should not be afraid that after discharge from the hospital the baby will weigh less than immediately after birth. This is called physiological weight loss. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the child loses water through the lungs, skin, his umbilical cord dries up, urine is released.
Most of all, a child loses weight on the 5th day of life. Normal is considered a loss of 6-8% of the weight. But if the baby has lost much more, this is a cause for concern. It is also worthwhile to beware if he has not been recovering lost grams for a long time. To find out how a child grows up to a year by months, the most convenient is the photo with tables. It should be borne in mind that in weight, as well as in height, the most significant increase is noted precisely in the first 12 months of human life.
In the first six months of life, the baby should add about 600-800 g in weight monthly. As a result, by the 6th month of life, its weight becomes twice as much as the original. In the next six months, the pace is slightly reduced - the baby grows by 300-550 g per month. This trend is noted due to the fact that the child becomes more mobile.
During this period, he no longer just lies, but begins to crawl, get up, walk. By 12 months, as a rule, the weight is already three times greater than the original.
How to measure weight
Tracking how a child grows up to a year, some mothers measure this indicator every day after each meal, expecting that the weight will increase after eating. But do not do this: the weight of the baby along with growth will change in jerks.
Tracking how a child grows up to a year, it makes sense to weigh once a week. It is best to do this at the same time, dressing him in the same clothes. To weigh the kids use either mechanical or electronic scales. At the moment, electronic scales are considered more convenient due to their lightness, compactness, and mobility. In the absence of opportunities to buy scales, people cost by weighing in the clinic.
Already after the child is over 12 months old, weight is added much less, as well as height. Never again in his entire life will a person double or triple these figures in such a short time.
Modern tendencies
Usually, all parents have their own ideas about normal indicators of children's health. Some parents believe that the child must be well-fed. And if the child weighs a little, it starts to bother them.
However, today, based on statistics, weight in children is often overweight. This is especially true for those who are on artificial feeding. The thing is that parents often want to feed the baby tightly, they increase the amount of food, the number of meals, and sometimes make the mixture more concentrated. As a result, the child begins to weigh more than the norm, and this leads to a lag in development. After all, such a baby later begins to crawl, walk, he will be more prone to diseases, allergies.
Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor how a child grows up to a year. Having noticed the advantage, you need to reduce the amount of food, replace cereals and crackers with fruit and vegetable purees. It is recommended that the baby moves more. At the same time, one cannot go to the other extreme - the underweight also needs close attention. After all, this is one of the most striking symptoms of rickets or anemia.
At the same time, tracking the parameters of the child, do not forget that development indicators are strictly individual. And there is absolutely no need for each baby to comply with the average data. It is important to remember how the baby was born. So, if his height was 48 cm, and his weight was 2,900 g, his development will be different from a child who was born with a height of 55 cm and weighs 4,000 g. And this is the norm, this manifests a variety of genes, due to which man has been actively developing for many years on this planet.
Child development up to a year
It is important to remember that the basic norms for the development of a child up to a year, which until recently were generally accepted, are now actively changing. So, if in old books about children it is often written that a newborn sleeps most of the time, being active for half an hour, then modern babies increasingly sleep 1.5-2 hours, and 40-60 minutes are engaged in exploring the world. Often they listen to the speech of adults who turn to them, attract the attention of others not in order to satisfy their needs, but out of boredom.
When a child turns a month old, he becomes even more active. The wakefulness period at this stage can last already 60 minutes. The kid fixes his gaze, watches objects, but does not turn his head to moving objects. He tries to express his emotions using screams, facial expressions or grunts.
It is already noticeable that he has a need for social communication. The baby will feel good people, depending on their mood. Parents often note that the child seems to “mirror” their mood and well-being.
If a smile appears on the face of a baby who is 2 months old, it is no coincidence. At this age, the child smiles consciously. He begins to communicate with people, to observe where his mother is going, he is following objects. Wakefulness is steadily increasing.
When the baby is 3 months old, he is already able to distinguish his mother from other people. He reacts to appeals to him. He begins to play - here rattles, developing rugs, are used. And he is unlikely to be doing one thing for more than 4 minutes.
When a person turns 4 months old, he shows more interest in fixed objects, begins to hold rattles tightly in his hands. He is able to laugh, tries to crawl, tries to make a roll.
At 5 months, a small person shows musical abilities. He already easily distinguishes all kinds of emotions, the intonation of the voices of others, considers everything around for a long time. He is able to recognize himself in the mirror and reacts very violently to this.
After six months
If you call your baby by name at 6 months, with a high degree of probability he will respond. In addition, at this age, the child already begins to utter not syllables, but syllables. For this reason, it is important to talk with the child: he will listen with interest.
At 7-8 months, the child already distinguishes surrounding objects, he is able to express his mood with complex emotional babble. In his conceptual apparatus, the gradation “friend or foe” appears. And if grandmothers are rarely visiting, with a high degree of probability, it will be difficult for them to find grandchildren. During this life period, the child is able to show more and more emotions.
When a person is already 9-10 months old, he is able to consciously call his mother. He will be able to show where the doll has a nose and where the eyes are. He will be interested in the pyramids, observe what causes joy in the parents. The kid is already aware of what it means "impossible", and is trying to show cunning. Sometimes a baby threatens itself with a finger and does forbidden things.
The closer the baby’s first birthday is, the more adult it becomes. He is already able to realize what he wants and what will be unpleasant for him. This is the time of the first psychological conflict. The kid may seem moody. At the same time, he still does not have a long-term relationship between emotion and action. He is still unable to do something to someone "in spite", he will only try to stay in comfort. By the year a baby is often trained to hold a spoon, remove a hat, socks. Someone starts asking for a pot on their own. The child is already able to stand, turn over, some begin to walk.
Other times
It must be remembered that 10 years ago a child who was one year old began to talk. But at the moment, normal indicators have shifted. Children began to listen more often and less often to reproduce. Often, speech in a child occurs after 18 months. Otherwise, physical development also proceeds, do not sound the alarm, noticing such manifestations. For the modern stage of human development, this is considered the norm.
At first, children are especially emotional, they will laugh a lot, get angry, sad. Caring for the full development of the child, it is worth considering what is most important for the baby, so that he is surrounded by care, love, so that they spend more time with him. In this case, there will be more returns, and soon the baby will begin to delight parents with his new abilities.