Baby formula "Nutrilon Pepti Gastro": reviews of doctors, description and composition

So, today we will find out what Nutrilon Pepti Gastro receives from doctors and parents. In general, baby food and complementary foods is a rather difficult question. And therefore, you need to take it seriously. When choosing mixtures, parents often turn to the reviews of those who have already tried this or that food. This is the only way to understand what exactly this or that product is. What about the mixture called Nutrilon Pepti Gastro? How good is she? What age is it for? Do doctors really recommend it? Or is it just an invention in order to attract new customers? About all this further.

nutrilon pepti gastro reviews

For whom

What are the Nutrilon Pepti Gastro reviews? Here, to be honest, it’s quite difficult to give an exact answer. After all, the children's body is a mystery. And opinions about the product depend on the consequences.

Nevertheless, you can often see that both doctors and parents assure - this mixture is intended for children from the very first minutes of life. The manufacturer indicates that it is developed according to a special scheme that helps to feed and feed newborns.

If you look at the product description, you will notice - it is designed specifically for babies suffering from problems with absorption. That is, if the baby for some reason is not able to eat breast milk, and also has a tendency to allergies, you can buy Nutrilon Pepti Gastro. And already with this mixture to feed him. After all, his development and immunity depend on the baby’s nutrition.

Lactose free

Baby formulas and supplementary foods (complementary foods) are an eternal problem. Often, lactose intolerance has recently begun to be observed in newborns . Most infant formulas contain it, which means they are not suitable for feeding.

At such times, Nutrilon Pepti Gastro comes to the rescue. Reviews of doctors and some parents indicate that this mixture does not contain lactose in its composition. So, it is perfect for those who have intolerance to this component. That is, the problem with complementary foods will be solved once and for all.

nutrilon pepti gastro doctors reviews


The Nutrilon Pepti Gastro mix receives positive reviews from doctors and parents for its composition. The thing is that it, as already mentioned, does not contain lactose. So, it is suitable for kids with intolerance to this component. In addition, as the manufacturer indicates, complementary foods are made on the basis of natural cow's milk.

The composition of the mixture, according to doctors, is hypoallergenic. You can find in it glucose syrup, a mixture of a variety of oils (palm, vegetable, rapeseed), fish oil, choline, taurine, various trace elements, inositol and a complex of vitamins. Nutrilon Pepti Gastro also contains minerals, an emulsifier of ether-citric acid, as well as fatty acid mono- and diglycerides, and whey protein concentrate (hydrolyzed).

Such a composition is considered really safe and useful for the baby. Unless some parents doubt certain components. But more on that later. Doctors point out that the composition of Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is really worthy of attention. It is natural, contains many nutrients and nutrients that help the baby grow and develop properly.


The Nutrilon Pepti Gastro also receives reviews for its use. And they are mainly pleasing. In any case, parents assure that it is no more difficult to breed a mixture and feed a child with it than to use any other complementary foods.

mix nutrilon pepti gastro reviews

True, you will have to pay attention to a special feeding table. It is attached to the instructions. In accordance with it, the number of spoons of the mixture per bottle will be varied, as well as the amount of liquid used to dilute the mixture.

According to the instructions, you need to boil the water, and then cool it to 40 degrees. Then take a bottle for feeding and disinfect it (sterilize) and fill with liquid. It is important to observe the proportions from the table. Next, you have to add a certain amount of the mixture to the bottle. According to doctors and the manufacturer, the violation of proportions is harmful to the baby. Therefore, it is worth observing the data from the table. All that remains to be done is to close the bottle and shake it. More precisely, shake until the infant mixture is completely dissolved. After you can start feeding. Easy and simple. For this mixture, Nutrilon Pepti Gastro receives positive reviews. There are no "dances with tambourines" in relation to breeding and application of the mixture. So, without difficulty and in the shortest possible time it will be possible to cook food for a baby who, for one reason or another, does not eat breast milk.

From problems with the tummy

"Nutrilon Pepti Gastro" earns positive reviews from buyers and doctors already because this baby food is an effective method of combating intestinal diseases and problems with the baby’s tummy. That is, it is ideal for children who have certain problems in the matter of nutrition.

The main advantage of this product is that it has a medical confirmation of its effectiveness. And, as a result, it is certified. That is, Nutrilon Pepti Gastro receives positive reviews for a reason. After all, both parents and doctors trust mostly only proven means. That is what Nutrilon is.

complementary foods after peptides gastro nutrilon reviews

Parents emphasize that this infant formula eliminates problems with the stomach and digestion after the first application. Yes, there are exceptions, but there are not so many. Thus, often this food is prescribed as a therapeutic agent by pediatricians. You can independently enter it as complementary foods / supplements / main food, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before doing this. After all, sometimes this mixture can harm the baby. Especially if you independently and without prior consultation quickly change it.

From allergies

Also, Nutrilon Pepti Gastro earned reviews of doctors as a hypoallergenic drug. That is, this product is perfect for babies prone to allergic reactions. It does not cure them, but nutrition that is full and enriched with vitamins and minerals provides 100%.

True, sometimes an allergy occurs in children after the Nutrilon Pepti mixture . The composition, application and most reviews indicate that such a phenomenon should not be. Although in practice often a rash or diathesis occurs as an allergic reaction. This factor is worth considering. Doctors are often silent about him. After all, the selection of infant formula for feeding is an individual issue. It requires taking into account the characteristics of the body. Someone "Nutrilon" is suitable, someone not quite. It’s hard to predict. But only in most cases, no allergic reactions are observed. So, it is logical to assume that the mixture is hypoallergenic. And in its composition, it does not contain any allergens.

reviews about infant formula nutrilon peptides gastro


Sooner or later, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods into the child’s diet. That is, the baby should be accustomed to adult food. In a situation where there was breastfeeding, everything is simple - there are no features. It is enough to follow special feeding tables in compliance with all the rules and recommendations. But this process, but with artificial feeding - this is a completely different matter.

How is complementary foods introduced after Pepti Gastro Nutrilon? Reviews indicate that there are basically no problems with this process. You can use the same feeding tables as with breastfeeding. Children tolerate these changes well, without consequences. So, do not be afraid for switching to adult food after the Nutrilon mixture. The composition of the product resembles real breast milk, which leads to a decrease in the occurrence of negative consequences and digestive problems after the addition of conventional complementary foods.

Not everything is perfect

But the Nutrilon Pepti Gastro does not always receive positive reviews. Yes, often such opinions are met. Only sometimes you can see that the use of the mixture entailed certain negative consequences. Of course, no one is safe from them. That is why it is recommended that you consult with your doctor first.

nutrilon peptides allergy composition use

Also, some people have suspicions of poor quality goods after studying the composition. In it you can see palm oil. There is an opinion that it is extremely dangerous for the child. But, to be honest, doctors say that in moderation, this component is even useful. So, you should not be afraid of it.

Reviews about the infant formula "Nutrilon Pepti Gastro" are left mixed by parents. But doctors, on the contrary, more "advertise" this product. If you were advised by Nutrilon Pepti, you should not think that you are insured against negative consequences. Remember, the selection of infant formula is a very difficult question. And therefore, you should not be surprised that Nutrilon did not suit you. It is almost impossible to predict compatibility.

What to choose

As you can see, in principle, our today's product is worthy of attention. Both doctors and most parents are still happy with it. Unless some are repelled by price. But this is not such a big problem, health is much more expensive, especially for children.

Recently, you can see several types of our mixture today. These are Nutrilon Pepti Gastro and Pepti Gastro Premium. Few can explain the difference between these. According to manufacturers and sellers, Premium has an improved formula. And this product causes fewer adverse reactions. But in practice, no significant differences between Premium and ordinary Pepti Gastro were found.

nutrilon pepti gastro and pepti gastro premium contrast

In general, Nutrilon is a quality and certified product, the effectiveness of which is clinically proven. Not suitable for everyone, but often there are no complaints about the use of this mixture. Paying attention to it is worth it. Nevertheless, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to introduce this complementary foods.

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