Why does the cat smell from the mouth: causes and solution to the problem

Why does the cat smell from the mouth? No, this is not about the case when your pet has just eaten a portion of food or a piece of such a favorite fish. We will not even consider this situation. The cat is disturbed by bad breath . Moreover, it is sometimes so fetid and very strong that it is impossible to withstand. Some owners deceive themselves: “I ate something wrong, it will pass!”

The cat smells bad breath


In fact, the reason a cat smells out of his mouth is, as a rule, in serious problems. Such a stable “aroma” arises from the accumulation and increase in the growth of harmful bacteria. But why they began to develop, you need to figure it out. What can be assumed in the first place? Among the most common causes are gum disease and the entire oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis), dental problems (plaque, stone formation, caries), respiratory tract, kidney, and liver diseases. In any case, a thorough examination of your animal will be required.


Is it possible to determine independently the reason why the cat smells from the mouth? Not unless you are a veterinarian. Sometimes even an initial examination is enough to identify the disease, in some cases it will be necessary to pass tests. Sometimes only a detailed study will answer the question: “Why does a cat stink from his mouth?” These are smears (with mucous membranes), and blood tests (primarily), urine, feces. Be prepared for questions regarding your cat’s hygiene, diet, activity, behavior in general.

Cat Bad Breath

Anxiety symptoms

In which case is a veterinarian really necessary? Close attention is required to the symptoms described below.

1. The presence of tartar (especially with salivation, gum disease, difficulty in eating). This situation usually indicates the presence of dental problems. In the future, this kind of disease will necessarily affect the general condition of the cat.

2. A sweetish (sometimes fruity) smell from the mouth can indicate diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the animal drinks more often than usual and urinates more.

3. If the cat smells of urine from his mouth, then most likely there is a problem with the kidneys.

4. In the presence of vomiting, lack of appetite, yellowing of the cornea of ​​the eyes and gums, one can assume problems with an equally important organ - the liver.

5. Attempts to scratch (scratch) the paws around the mouth (or even inside it) may indicate oral infections, including stomatitis.

Treatment and prevention

How to treat? You will be told about this only in the clinic. It would be unwise to give recommendations in the article, since each disease requires its own approach and treatment.

If the reason the cat smells from the mouth is due to a tooth disease (stones, plaque), brushing (already professional) is required. If the cause of the unpleasant “aroma” is the result of a malfunction in the digestive tract (or internal organs), we need an individual and sometimes long-term treatment regimen.

The cat stinks out of his mouth

Are there any general preventative measures? Of course. The cat’s bad breath does not appear due to age, as inexperienced tailed lovers say. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Owners of fairly young cats also face this problem. What to do?

1. Show the pet at the clinic at least once every six months.

2. Monitor the veterinarian's care when examining the animal.

3. Remember to brush your cat’s teeth. This is done daily, with special pastes, to avoid indigestion and related problems.

4. Provide your cat (cat) proper nutrition. Not all manufacturers of balanced feed can be trusted. Sometimes it’s better to give preference to natural food. What will feed your cat, your leading veterinarian will tell you.

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