How to choose glass for a fireplace?

Many of today's interior projects involve a fireplace. It gives special comfort to the room, therefore, are in great demand. But in order for them to be safe and practical, it is very important to choose the materials that will be used in their manufacture.

fireplace glass


You need to be especially careful when choosing a fire-resistant glass for the fireplace, which closes the flame of the hearth.

Due to the presence of a small temperature coefficient of expansion, it is used in those places where unexpected temperature changes are possible. Due to its unique properties, the glass for the fireplace does not burst and does not deform in the product.

Borosilicate and quartz coatings are excellent for him, which are distinguished by the best operational and heat-resistant properties.

Manufacturers take into account the wishes and interests of the client, try to adapt the type of fence to the design of the room in which it will be located. Glass for the fireplace door can be tinted, have sound insulation, and this will allow you not to hear the sounds of burning wood or coal. Heat-resistant barriers can be completely safe, which is very important if there are animals or children in the house. Touching them, thanks to the glass ceramics from which the fireplace mantles are made, it is impossible to get burned.

fireproof glass for a fireplace

Cheap or expensive

The leader in the production of such glasses is considered the German company ROBAX. This manufacturer is famous for its established position and high quality products. But, when purchasing glass for a fireplace from a well-known company, we always overpay for a brand.

High cost - this is the very factor that characterizes the purchase of goods from a famous manufacturer. Although no less quality products can be purchased for a smaller amount, their properties will not be inferior.

Not very well-known brands also offer high-quality fire - resistant heat-resistant glass for a fireplace, the price of which is affordable for many (from 5000 rubles). The variety of their varieties and forms is suitable for different foci.

fire door with glass


To avoid the occurrence of an open fire in the house, while still enjoying reading at the hearth of an interesting book or watching family movies, you should close the fireplace flame. To do this, fireproof glass for the fireplace is used, which makes it possible to be near the fire completely safe, while not being afraid of a fire.

The heat-resistant coating does not allow sparks to enter the room in which the hearth is located, but it does not interfere with the ingress of air inside it, which supports and ensures the combustion process.

The properties

When choosing fireproof glass for a fireplace, you need to pay attention to its characteristics:

  • Thickness and strength - it is advisable to choose a glass whose thickness is not less than 4 mm.
  • The temperature limit that the coating can withstand. This indicator should not be exceeded.
  • Service life - it is measured in hours and depends on temperature. In order to extend the life of the coating, it is not necessary to heat the hearth with coal, create the effect of high traction and load it with a huge amount of wood.

glass for the fireplace door

It is also worth noting that closed fireplaces, due to a significant increase in heat transfer, aesthetics and safety, are more popular than open fireplaces. In addition, a closed source of fire implies the ability to control the entire combustion process, and this, of course, is incredibly convenient.

Cleaning system

There are different types of glazing of fireplaces - segment and flat, side and straight.

I must say that the doors for fireplaces with glass also have disadvantages, the main of which is their soot pollution. At the same time, soot not only spoils their appearance, but also reduces the period of operation. In the manufacture and installation of the hearth, such soot protection methods are used as:

  • Glass for a fireplace is treated with metal oxide. In this case, under the influence of temperature on the glass surface, the soot burns out on its own. The protective coating is invisible to a person and does not affect the appearance. Glass cleaning in this case is not required.
  • A recirculation system is laid in the furnace. Good traction does not allow soot to settle on the glass.

fireplace glass Price

Causes of glass contamination:

  • insufficient traction;
  • a certain model of the fireplace (glass on some models is faster covered with soot);
  • the use of fuel with a huge amount of wood resins.

In order to prevent the occurrence of soot, heat-resistant glass should be regularly washed with a damp cloth . This must be done when the product has completely cooled. Small impurities can be easily removed with simple products that are suitable for ovens, stoves, grills and microwave ovens. Soot can also be removed with citric acid, ammonia, white ash. But serious contaminants can be removed by means designed specifically for cleaning the glass of the fireplace. You can not use abrasive substances: the glass can be scratched, thereby losing attractiveness.

Where else is refractory glass used

The range of its application is very wide. Not only fireplaces with glass are produced. It is often put in the oven, which makes it possible to control the process of cooking. The firebox of the fireplace is also made of refractory laminated glass , the color of the material can be anything.

fireplace glass

Around the fireplace must be arranged "apron" of special non-combustible material - it will help prevent the spread of fire. In this case, the glass will be an excellent material for its creation - it will help make the “apron” invisible and protect the walls and floor from fire. Such glass is almost not scratched, therefore, neither fireplace accessories nor firewood will harm him at all. Since heat-resistant glass has a high impact resistance, it is very difficult to inflict mechanical damage on it.

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