2 years the child does not go to the potty: what to do, how to teach

Each mother acts at her discretion or refers to the advice of her mother or girlfriend. But often it also happens that this experience does not help. In some situations, it is quite difficult to give practical advice. Especially when it comes to such an intimate issue as the toilet. Moreover, the child sometimes begins to fear the pot. And this is already bad. So, adults did not take into account some important things, trying to instill in the baby certain hygiene rules. In order for the child to get used to this procedure without problems, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, which we will talk about later.

Life off schedule

The baby does not defecate on schedule, but spontaneously. He has stools before and after meals, during sleep or in the morning.

2 years the child does not go to the potty

For children who are about to turn a year old, a chair can occur on certain hours. Attentive mothers and fathers begin to plant the baby on the pot at precisely these moments. And they rejoice at how well done he is - he quickly got used to order.

However, this is not a well-developed skill. Hours seen by parents are subject to change. And then a daughter or son will cause you a lot of trouble.

What is mom’s first reaction to seeing dirty panties if a 2 year old baby doesn’t go to the potty? She shames him, scolds him. Then, almost half a day, keeps it “on a leash”. So what? The pot stays perfectly clean. And as soon as mom allowed to get up, the prankish person waddles about after a change of clothes after a while.

Training is not education

Forced sitting in the toilet, if a 2-year-old child refuses to go to the potty, and other non-pedagogical measures can cause not only fear of this vessel, but also neurotic reactions, which can subsequently lead to nervous breakdowns and breakdowns.

In addition, any spanking, ridicule, dragging, disassembly, threats lead to a violation of the child’s ability to correctly evaluate their actions. So there is self-doubt, thoughts of inferiority.

Not all parents are aware that the baby’s fear of punishment can lead not to conscious self-control, but to the appearance, for example, of constipation. And it becomes clear: why he (the child is 2 years old) does not go to the pot in a big way. And then at least scream - the baby will not be able to do anything with his body.

Having intimidated a son or daughter, mother will, of course, control children's actions. But he himself will not be able to do this. Despite being 2 years old, the child does not walk on the potty. He is afraid not so much of punishment, but that his mother will cease to love him. He will take for himself another obedient boy or girl. And this is just quiet horror!

Never “give” your child to someone else’s aunt or uncle, in an orphanage, police. First, you really will never do that. Secondly, the baby will lose confidence that mom and dad are his main support in this large, sometimes terrible and incomprehensible world.

child 2 years does not go to the potty

You must show that you adore him anybody - I clean and dirty, exemplary and indulging. You can not say: "You are bad!" It is necessary to say: "You did wrong." And these are two different things.

New skills

Is the kid growing? and we want him to quickly learn to hold a spoon, wash himself, and dress himself. Etc. But stop. He is already 2 years old. The child does not go to the pot so far!

We will tell parents how, without insults, screams and threats, to correct this exciting situation. But first, each mother should understand: if things did not go, then serious mistakes were made.

And the first is that the child was still too small when they began to put him on the potty. He was not ready for this either physiologically, psychologically, or socially.

If mom thinks that you can plant on a pot in six months, 8 or 12 months, then she’s wrong. The child is not yet aware of such a need.

In no case rush your son or daughter. The best period to start studies is from a year and two months to a year and nine months. In the meantime, he reaches this milestone, preparatory measures are needed.

a child at 2 years old does not go to the potty

Wean from diapers

The kid is in them around the clock. And when they are drastically removed, there will still be no instant getting used to the pot. It will take 3-5 months. So it turns out: although it was 2 years old, the child does not go to the potty.

Also, regular wearing of diapers leads to the fact that the genitals are deprived of the opportunity to train in holding large portions of urine. A grown boy or girl is dropping in droplets like newborns.

Negatively affects night sleep in diapers and on the maturation of kidney function. It is noticed that such children continue to urinate at night until three to four years old. And babies sleeping in their shorts, by the age of two, stop doing this.

Therefore, let the baby occasionally be in diapers during the day, and be sure to remove these devices at night. Yes, it can spoil the crib, sofa, carpets. Cover them with diapers, put on covers. The baby’s health is the most precious thing in the world!

In general, diapers are best used up to a year. Then forget about him. However, in the winter for a walk still wear a diaper. And in the summer, walk without it, but with a bunch of spare things.

the child stopped going to the potty for 2 years

"This is also me"

While accustoming to the potty, the child becomes acquainted with his body. At the same time, he learns to control the excretory functions of the body. But if his genitals are locked in a diaper, he is forced to skip the normal stages of growing up.

A serious mistake is the excessive perseverance of mom, dad, grandmother to quickly accustom the baby to the potty. And almost every hour they seated him separately in the room. They are not allowed to get up until they do what they need. Showered with reproaches: “You are a big boy, and like this - a child at 2 years old does not go to the potty!”

And action, as you know, is equal to counteraction. The child has a violent reaction of rejection - on an emotional level. Continuation - in fact: the child is 2 years old - does not go to the potty! How to solve the problem?

child 2 years old refuses to go to the potty

Gotta do it myself

The best thing is to create such conditions when the baby voluntarily approaches the pot. Just because he is a good, smart and beloved peanut of the whole family.

So, you need to stop scolding and shaming him, putting him in a corner, not giving sweets, which is most often the case with grandmothers. Young mothers are somehow easier to relate to the fact that the child ruined his clothes. Otherwise, the time of the final “acceptance” of the pot will move even further. And phobias, neurosises, whims will not be slow to become character traits. We will show you how to fix this problem. Your child (2 years) does not go on a potty? How to teach him, we will prompt.

He dirty himself - and removed

An excellent educational method (at any age!) Is to attract a child to cleaning. Wipe the puddle, wash the slippers and so on. Better yet, ask him to completely (how big already!) Fix it yourself. And you will see that in your family there is no longer such that at 2 years the child does not go to the potty.

All children want to be good. Therefore, you must show what is best for the baby to do so as not to upset anyone.

what to do if a child at 2 years old does not go to the potty

Different opinions

There are parents who believe that a daughter or a son does not need to be specially trained to the pot at all. They are sure that it is enough to show the child how to use it. And there will come a time when the baby begins to do this without an outside pointer and help.

Other dads and mothers think that a child is a crazy creature due to age. Therefore, his every step is under their control. And the strictest! This attitude is based on a lack of confidence in children's nature and the belief that a boy or girl is simply unable to do anything or learn something without the intervention of an adult. This is a dangerous trend. It is possible to grow a limp person who does not know how to make any decision in a simple or complex situation.

What we get in the end

If you continue to make the above mistakes, then all the efforts of the parents will be useless. A daughter or son will sit on the pot themselves, but when they will be 4-5 years old. There have been such cases.

But there is a group of mothers who treat children soundly and correctly. They perceive their child as an ordinary person. Just a little one. His main desire, his driving force for development is to become in all respects similar to his beloved mom and dad. Based on this, it is clear that any child himself will use the pot when he is ready for this!

a child of 2 years does not go to a pot how to teach

Long road to the pot

The task of parents is to create such conditions that the baby can grow up according to the laws of nature. Moreover, everyone has their own pace of development. Therefore, do not push anyone. Like, neighbor Vasya has long been sitting on a pot. The time will come - and your baby will delight you.

A few examples from life. In one family they planted a doll on a pot. Daughter repeated this. But there was no result. Then the parents realized that it was necessary to add some water there. Corrected - and the baby began to completely copy the toy.

And in another family, the child stopped going to the potty. 2 years old boy turned. Then at home he was not reminded of this at all. They even threw out the object hated by their son. And they bought a highchair. They didn’t put it in the room — in the bathroom. And the boy favored these changes.

In the third family, they bought a bicycle. Everyone admired the beautiful seating. “But it doesn’t want you to get it dirty all the time,” they said to the child. And it worked.

In a word, get creative! And you will forget that you once suffered and did not know what to do if a child at 2 years old does not go to the potty. The problem will simply disappear from your life.

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