Italian greyhound dog is a small, elegant and graceful animal that has a soft character and gets along well with children even of infancy. Animals are fearful, therefore, unexpected actions will be followed by an immediate response.
Italian greyhound is a dog that does not get along with cats and other medium-sized breeds. Almost all small animals are afraid of their sharp barking. This breed was bred in Italy. The average height of the little dogs is from 30 to 38 cm, and the weight is from 3 to 5 kg. These cute creatures live for 12 and even 15 years. Italian greyhounds are perfect for apartment maintenance, but it is recommended to start them with experienced dog owners.
Dog with a surprise
When you see a slender animal with thin legs, a long neck and a thin physique, it may seem that the Italian greyhound dog is very fragile, like a porcelain cup. When you look at a pet that peers into the distance with tension and twitches, it seems that he is afraid and freezes. When you see black eyes that do not come off your piece of bread, the thought arises that the dog has been hungry for more than a day.
It all just seems! This small dog (Italian greyhound) is submissive and inexhaustible tenderness in nature. She is devoted to the owner to the last hair and carefully watches his speech. Destructive behavior is unusual for her. It can manifest itself only in stressful situations, with abuse or during a long absence of the owner.
Italian greyhound is a pretty playful and intelligent dog. She will become a favorite member of the family. Pets are very attentive and careful. Handling animals of this breed should be softer, because they always take the command and intonation of the owner in all seriousness.
Proper maintenance of the dog is possible only when the owner finds a way to overcome her shyness and timidity. Italian greyhounds perfectly feel the mood and individual characteristics of the owner. It’s easiest for them to get used to a calm natural environment. During stressful situations, animals need encouraging words and stroking.
They are independent of nature, but at the same time they need a host to create a sense of peace. What else is this breed of dog known for? Italian greyhound is very easily irritated during a feeling of fear, excitement or embarrassment. Such animals are not so easy to keep, because the excitement occurs in them regularly.
Is Italian greyhound running well? A photo of a dog clearly demonstrates this ability. Nature made Italian greyhound excellent runners. They jump perfectly, are able to overcome fences and develop high speed.
These Italian little dogs are afraid of large congeners, as they do not have adequate protection from them and may be injured. But they perfectly coexist with other Italian greyhounds and live together in pairs.
Natural instincts and gentleness of character help them to communicate well with children of any age. But during games it is necessary to ensure that no one scares the dog. But with representatives of cat and other indoor dogs, Italian greyhounds do not come into contact.
Is this breed of dog easy to care for? Italian greyhound does not apply to animals that practically do not require attention and care. However, most of the difficulties are overcome over time through training and patience.
Puppy cost
After analyzing the ads for the sale of Italian greyhound puppies (see the photo of the dog in the article), we can say that their average cost in the Russian Federation is 25-30 thousand rubles. Elite doggie, who shines with a wonderful exhibition career and the ability to leave good offspring, sell a little more expensive (from 30 to 45 thousand rubles). Moscow prices do not differ significantly from prices in the regions. In some countries, it is possible to buy a puppy cheaper than in Russia.
Italian greyhound dog practically does not need special care. The most important thing for her is the manifestation of love, care and attention. First of all, the ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab. In the veterinary pharmacy there are special drugs for these purposes.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the claws of the dog. As they grow, they are shortened with a special nail clipper and leveled with a nail file. You cannot remove the claw to the base, because the sensitive ends of the nerve fibers are located in it.
Italian greyhounds are unusually clean. They do not emit a sharp dog smell, and the wool does not smell of the street. Therefore, there is no need for frequent water procedures. However, cleaning your paws upon returning from a walk will not be superfluous.
Dogs of this breed need daily brushing. The choice of brushes and pastes is preferably done in conjunction with a veterinarian. The assortment of these products in pet stores is quite wide. The puppy should be accustomed to this procedure from 2 months. At this age, he will quickly become addictive. The dog will perceive this as something obligatory.
During the change of teeth should be especially careful and careful. An awkward movement can injure the delicate gums. It is possible infection of the damaged area. This can lead to a disease, the treatment of which will require examination by a veterinarian.
What to protect a puppy from?
Italian greyhounds are afraid of the cold. To protect them, you need to prepare a warm place and waterproof jumpsuit. Doggies are so fragile that they can damage their limbs, trying to free themselves from their hands. They are not afraid of heights, because they do not know what it can threaten them with. Italian greyhounds are able to jump out of the window of a high-rise building.
Breed history
The breed of dogs Italian greyhound, a photo of which demonstrate its graceful appearance, is one of the oldest in the dwarf class. Its ancestors existed in ancient Egypt. Even the pharaohs venerated these dogs and introduced them to their closest circle. There is evidence that the rulers took the Greyhounds (ancestors of Italian Greyhound) in the last journey.
A dwarf dog of this breed was found mummified next to the first wife of the pharaoh Psammetikh. The main features of the animal resembled modern representatives of the breed.
One of the legends tells of the miraculous salvation of the son of Pharaoh with Italian greyhound. After the Persians conquered Egypt under the leadership of King Cambyses, Pharaoh and his family decided to kill. The elder heirs were executed, and the youngest was abandoned in the middle of the desert, where he was threatened with martyrdom.
From the moment a child was born, a small Italian greyhound dog was next to him. When the wagon took the boy to the desert, a four-legged friend followed her and remained next to the son of Pharaoh. He warmed the child with his warmth throughout the night. The little dog was cold, from her trembling the small bells rang on her body.
The sound was heard by the servants of the ruler of Egypt and saved the little heir. Since then, the thrill of Italian greyhound has been considered magical, saving lives.
Breed features
The breed is widely known, but its prevalence is low. The reason lies in the small number of puppies in the litter. In Italian Greyhound, 2 to 4 puppies are born at a time. Compared with other dwarf rocks, this is very little.
The dog has an interesting feature, which is that there is no need for long walks. Italian greyhounds like to be on the street, but will not be indignant if the exit does not take place.
What does this dog eat? Pygmy Italian greyhound came from wolves and wild dogs that hunt and gather food. Therefore, the diet of pets should include all the components inherent in their wild predecessors.
The little dog needs a balanced mixture of animal and vegetable products. The use of dry and canned food is allowed, provided that they are selected taking into account the main parameters of the animal.
The basis of the natural nutrition of Italian greyhounds is meat. It is advisable if it is beef. Animals happily eat it with cartilage, veins and films. A meat piece that has begun to fade slightly is absorbed by the body of Italian greyhound better than fresh. In addition, dogs eat it with great pleasure.
Cooking meat is not necessary, but if there is a danger of infection with worms, it is worthwhile to subject it to a small heat treatment. The dog does not need to give the broth, as it harms its health. Italian greyhound stomach is set to digest whole meat pieces, so do not cut them smaller.
Fish is a useful component of a dog’s diet. It does not have many calories compared to meat, which is a significant advantage for a dog living in the city. Feeding exclusively sea fish with a low fat content, i.e. capelin, herring, sprat, mackerel, etc., must be excluded from the diet.
It is allowed to include fermented milk products in the menu of small dogs. The choice is desirable to make in favor of those that contain a minimal amount of fat.
Feeding vegetables, fruits and cereals cannot be completely ruled out. But they should not form the basis of nutrition. It is not recommended to give both meat products and cereals, as their digestion requires the development of various enzymes.
Does bean greyhound eat? The dog described above should by no means eat peas, beans and lentils. Hercules, millet, rice and buckwheat cereals will be useful for her. It is advisable to give vegetable and fruit dishes in between the main feedings.
It is allowed to feed the dog with salads seasoned with vegetable oil. Greens can be added to almost everything. Feeding with natural products should be accompanied by a parallel intake of vitamin and mineral complexes selected by a veterinarian.