Nine-month age in a child’s life is a new stage when he becomes even more active. The baby already has 4-6 teeth, and the glands begin to produce all the necessary digestive enzymes. What kind of complementary foods at 9 months with breastfeeding is necessary for the baby? The article will discuss the features of nutrition.
How can I feed a baby at 9 months
At this age, the question arises before the baby's parents about how to feed him at this time. Age features suggest new conditions for the diet and menu. Mom's milk still occupies an important place in the baby’s diet, but it is no longer able to fully satisfy physiological needs.
The complementary foods menu at 9 months should be selected in such a way as to develop the skills of chewing and swallowing solid food. Under the influence of the dense consistency of dishes, further development of the digestive tract, chewing muscles will occur and a bite will form. It should be borne in mind that the mucous membranes of the digestive organs are quite vulnerable and unable to absorb solid food. It must be taught to bite off slices with food and drink from a cup.
Nutrition for a 9 month old baby
At this age, the menu of the child becomes more adult. Starting from this period, parents should offer him new dishes and products. Here we are talking only about the children allowed to feed the first year of life.
The diet includes five meals, two of which are breast milk. This month, parents can enter meat on the menu, and pediatricians recommend doing this at the age of 9 months.
With breastfeeding, the importance of dairy products does not decrease. However, breast milk cannot completely replace this need. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of children's cottage cheese, yoghurts and cereals. The most suitable time for the introduction of new products such as kefir. If the child likes him, then the mother can safely supplement them with the daily menu of the baby.
When feeding for 9 months with breastfeeding, it is best to buy meat in the form of mashed potatoes for infants. It has a uniform consistency, and children often like this innovation.
If the baby refuses to try mashed meat, then you can salt it a little, as a result, the taste of the dish will change. However, excess salt for such a baby is harmful.
For a child who has enough teeth, mother can offer some hard bread, a dryer or a cracker. This helps the baby learn solid foods faster.
Breastfeeding a baby at 9 months of age may include solid foods. He should eat a cracker or dryer under the supervision of his parents, in order to avoid biting them off a large piece.
Chicken egg yolk is added to the baby’s mashed potatoes; if mom hasn’t done this yet, then it's time to try.
At 9 months, it is allowed to include new fruit purees in the diet, provided that the baby is not allergic and has no problems with the digestive tract.
Feeding schedule
The daily routine of a 9-month-old baby is practically no different from older babies. The first feeding occurs in the morning (7 hours). The baby must sleep twice a day. Between meals, he is active: walking, playing with toys and listening to fairy tales. Sleep the baby at 21-22 o'clock in the evening.
Nutrient infants 9 months should consist of a varied menu. It is necessary to feed the baby at this age 5-6 times a day. The interval between meals is 4 hours. At the age of 9 months, most infants refuse night feeding.
If he still continues to wake up to eat, then perhaps his parents did not plan the day menu correctly. Mom can give the baby some water for several nights in a row. If he cries and asks him to feed, then it is necessary to increase the amount of food in the afternoon.
At this age, the mother must teach the child to drink milk and other drinks from the mug.
Foods to be included in the diet
The menu for complementary foods for a baby of 9 months should include:
- cottage cheese in an amount of 10-30 ml;
- fruit juice - 50 ml;
- mashed meat - 30-70 g;
- vegetable puree should be 170 g, and fruit puree - 70 g;
- milk porridge - 200 ml;
- kefir - 30 ml.
It is necessary to introduce complementary foods at 9 months gradually. Mom can increase the rate of children's cookies to 5 g per day. Bread should be 5 g per day. You can give your baby a crust of bread to chew and reduce itching from teething.
You can add oil to food: vegetable (5 ml) and cream (5 g). Hard-boiled yolk is added to porridge or vegetable puree. A day you can eat the baby 1/2 chicken yolk or 1 quail.
The main condition that mother must observe when expanding the feeding menu at 9 months with breastfeeding: it is necessary to introduce products into the diet in small portions. You need to start with 1 / 2-1 teaspoon. In 2-3 days no more than 1 news. This will help to identify the allergen if the corresponding symptoms in the form of a rash or redness occur.
If the child feels fine within 2-3 days after eating a new product, then you can continue to feed further and gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to the age norm.
Sample menu of the baby
Nutrition at 9 months of breastfeeding consists of the following menu:
- The first breakfast consists of breast milk. Extra food is usually not required. For breakfast, the baby sucks 200 ml of milk. Do not offer your child any other food that keeps lactation for a long time.
- The second breakfast takes place 4 hours after the first. Usually it consists of cereal and fruit puree. If the baby is prone to constipation, it is forbidden to eat rice porridge. It is best to give him buckwheat - the most useful and hypoallergenic. It can be included in the menu 3 times a week. The total volume of the meal should be 200 ml.
- Lunch should saturate the baby well. The menu should include meat or fish dishes with vegetable puree. As a drink, compote or juice is great. Fish should be present in the diet 1-2 times a week.
- At mid-morning, mom can offer crumbs of drying or fruit.
- Dinner time is 6 hours. It should consist of light and nutritious dishes. When breastfeeding, the baby is given a breast. Additionally fed cottage cheese or kefir with cookies.
- Before going to bed, the baby is given a breast.
When forming a weekly complementary foods menu of 9 months, parents must alternate meals to achieve diversity.
How to cook a child
The process of preparing children's dishes for 9-month-old babies will not require special knowledge from mom. To provide him with a correct and healthy diet, it is necessary to take into account such nuances:
- Products need to be steamed or stewed. A blender, juicer and slow cooker can help with this mom.
- Salt and sugar should be used in a minimal amount, and it is best not to use them until the age of 1 year.
- Spices should not be included in children's dishes, even parsley or dill should be postponed until the child is 2-3 years old.
- The first dishes are prepared only on vegetable broths, because meat broths are difficult for the baby’s digestive system.
- Meat and fish are cooked separately, and their chopped pieces are added to the finished vegetable broth.
- Porridge is boiled in water, and at the end add a small amount of milk and butter.
- Vegetables are laid in the soup depending on the cooking time of each component.
The mother of the baby should diversify its menu so that the child learns new tastes.
Complementary feeding
The menu in a child has its own characteristics. According to Dr. Komarovsky, complementary foods at 9 months should include 5 meals:
- At 7 o’clock - breast milk.
- At 11 o'clock - low-fat kefir and cottage cheese for young children.
- At 15 o'clock - soup or mashed potatoes with vegetables with meat and yolk.
- At 19 hours - breast milk.
- At 22 o’clock - porridge with cereal in milk.
After the introduction of vegetables into the diet, the mother feeds the baby for 2-3 weeks with vegetable soups or mashed potatoes. Further allowed to include meat. Soup is preferable to cook on chicken broth, and after 2-3 days add meat to it. Before this, the yolk is included in the diet.
To diversify the menu, you need to cook porridge with pieces of fruit. You can include soups with different vegetables and a variety of, but not too greasy broths.
Baby Recipes
To diversify the menu, mom can cook oatmeal with fruits. To do this, you need such products: 50 g of oatmeal, 100 ml of water, 5 g of butter, half an apple and a banana, 3 plums.
Oatmeal is added to boiling water or milk. Cook for 7-10 minutes. Grind the fruit. Add them to the porridge. The mixture is beaten until smooth. Before serving, you can put butter in the porridge.
To prepare pumpkin soup, take the following ingredients: 150 g pumpkin, potato, half carrot and 5 ml of olive oil.
Vegetables are peeled and diced. Carrots are chopped with a blender. All prepared vegetables are thrown into boiling water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Finished vegetables are crushed to a homogeneous mass. At the end, add oil.
The menu of a 9-month-old baby should consist of varied and healthy dishes. If the baby is breast-fed, then mother's milk should not be neglected, leaving him at the beginning and end of the day.