Since ancient times, cats have been considered mystical animals. It was believed that the cat is the keeper of the hearth, the brownie. Despite technological progress and modern views, most people continue to treat the mustachioed and striped as magic charms. And still, when buying new housing, the first to launch a cat into an apartment. And the fact that cats can cure diseases has long been proven by science.
The benefits that cats bring in reality are obvious and undeniable. And how to understand the dream in which you saw a cat? Interpretation of such a vision will help us dream interpretation. Cats that appeared to you in a dream can be explained in several ways.
Why do cats dream?
A cat in a dream is a sign of female sexuality, energy, mysticism, mystery, strength and maturity of your personality. In order to correctly decipher the dream, you need to understand how you yourself feel about these animals. If you like cats, and you love them, then such a dream can mean the development of your personality in a positive direction.
As interpreted by the dream book, cats that you don't like can be associated with the female archetype. It can be a cruel mother, an unloved mother-in-law, etc. Or a woman will appear in your life who will act like a cat.
The meaning of sleep can be explained in different ways, depending on many aspects. So, if you dreamed of a lot of cats, the dream book explains this as a deceitful environment around you. So, you need to carefully look at those people with whom you communicate, perhaps some of them are weaving intrigues behind your back. As the dream book explains, to see cats crippled or killed in a dream is a successful overcoming of obstacles. But being bitten or scratched by an aggressive cat is an unkind sign that portends enemies who want to ruin your reputation or seize property.
Of great importance for the interpretation of sleep is the color of the cat.
According to the dream book, a red cat in a dream is a sign of romantic and love relationships. But if it is a red kitten, then in love, on the contrary, no luck. Letting a ginger cat into the house means waiting for trouble. A white cat in a dream can mean that you will find yourself in an incomprehensible situation that will cause unhappiness. But a dream with a black cat suggests that you can rely on intuition to solve a problem. If a black cat crosses your road in a dream - wait for obstacles in the conceived business.
According to the dream book, cats dreaming about you in the form of kittens can be associated with small children. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you devote too little time to yourself. You need to please yourself more, entertain and pamper. Holding kittens in your hands means being involved in some unseemly business.
There are a lot of interpretations and meanings of what the cat is dreaming of. Prophetic dreams are a rare occurrence, we usually dream of the most ordinary, which have no meaning. The main thing is not to take everything literally. Dreams can not determine our fate, they are only clues and help to choose the right direction on the path of life. Everything else, including our fate, depends on us and our actions.