With retirement, a person’s life changes radically. It was during this period that many people of venerable age begin to lack communication. To fill the void that has formed around them, many decide to acquire a four-legged pet. In today's article, we will look at the best dog breeds for an elderly person.
General recommendations
It should be noted that special requirements are imposed on such animals. First of all, the dog should not need complicated care and a special diet. It is also important that the elderly are no longer able to make long walks. Therefore, a dog for an elderly person should not be too active.
Another condition that should be considered when choosing a four-legged pet is the ability to remain in the apartment for a long time without walking. It is important to teach the animal to cope with a special need in a special tray.
Given all of the above, we can distinguish several breeds that are ideally suited for the role of a companion for a single pensioner. The best dogs for older people are pugs, German Spitz, Maltese lapdogs, Cocker Spaniels and Pekingese. The main features of each of these breeds will be considered later.
Pug dogs
Representatives of this decorative breed are incredibly successful with domestic dog breeders. As a rule, excellent companions grow out of these small animals. Due to their miniature pugs are ideal for keeping in urban apartments.
Perhaps this is the best dog for the elderly. It does not require special care and long walks. As for nutrition, they eat natural and dry food equally well.
Representatives of this breed are distinguished by an inquisitive and friendly disposition. They quickly become attached to their owner. Pug, who felt human care and guardianship, will remain faithful to the owner until the end of his life.
German Spitz
This is the perfect dog for the elderly. The breed in question has an independent character and excellent health. These animals are very smart, smart and friendly. Usually they will make great companions.
German Spitz is miniature in size. The head of this animal is somewhat reminiscent of a fox. A small body of representatives of this breed is covered with a thick beautiful coat of brown, brown, zoning-gray, white, blue, cream or black.
It is difficult to find a more mischievous and funny dog than a German Spitz. This is the best dog for an elderly person, which instantly becomes a universal favorite. She is kind to all members of the family. Representatives of this breed have a complaisant character and a high level of intelligence.
These are very friendly, funny and gullible animals. Their maximum weight is about four kilograms with an increase of about twenty centimeters. Due to its miniature size, this dog for an elderly person is ideal for keeping in a small city apartment. Most of all, she tries to please her master, therefore, in the process of her upbringing, as a rule, there are no special problems.
Representatives of this breed quickly become attached to humans and can suffer if they are left alone for a long time. From birth, they are characterized by natural goodwill and delicacy.
As for feeding, the Maltese lap-dog should be given high-calorie food. It is important that the volume of one serving does not exceed two tablespoons per kilogram of dog weight. In the diet of representatives of this breed must be present fruits, vegetables, fish, rice, buckwheat, veal, dairy products and chicken. Occasionally, a pet can be pampered with walnuts and eggs.
Cocker Spaniel
This is a very cute, funny, energetic and friendly animal. This is an ideal dog for an elderly person who will never let his master get bored alone.
All cocker spaniels have a wonderful scent, lightning fast response, excellent memory and the utmost concentration of attention. These are very initiative and sociable animals with a well-developed intelligence. Usually excellent companions grow out of them, able to accompany their master everywhere.
Cockers are very picky about everything. They eat with equal appetite both purchased and homemade feed. It is important to consider that representatives of this breed are prone to obesity. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they do not overeat.
The disadvantages of these animals include too loud barking and a predisposition to the development of ear infections. The rest is an ideal dog, suitable for keeping in a city apartment.
Despite the fact that these dogs have a very affectionate and friendly disposition, at the right time they are able to show perseverance and stubbornness. They can not be attributed to well-trained animals. They are apparently reluctant to carry out commands, so it is very important to start educating them on time.
Due to its miniature size, the Pekingese adapt equally well to the conditions of detention in a city apartment and in a private mansion. They will not be stressed if left alone for a long time. One of the main advantages of representatives of this breed can be considered the lack of need for long walks.