Calculation of an old-age pension, or We consider our pension ourselves

Basic concepts in calculating a pension

The calculation of the old-age pension is carried out in accordance with Law No. 173-FZ adopted by the State Duma in December 2001. The law defines the basic concepts of accrued pension, such as seniority, which is insurance. It is defined as the period in which a person paid contributions to the pension fund . Based on this amount of estimated pension capital, then, through calculations, the procedure for calculating an old-age pension is established.

Dates and age of pension calculation, which is included in the calculation formula

The amount of the assigned pension depends on the funded part and the insurance. The insurance part is the entire time of work, confirmed by entries in the workbook of the future pensioner. The law takes into account the working hours in Russia and abroad. The procedure for determining this length of service is specified in the law (Article 10, paragraph 2). Article 11 lists other periods of work that may be included in the length of service.

The calculation of the old-age pension is based on the basic part of the pension savings (it is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and in 2012 amounts to BC = 3170 rubles). If there are dependents in the family, then the CU will be greater (depending on the number of dependents, the amount increases). The basic part changes along with a certain place of work (Far North, harmful production, etc.), this is reflected in the Law, in Article 14. Remember that you must apply for a pension in advance, two or three months before the age specified by law.

Insurance part formula

The formula of the insurance part is MF (which is obtained by calculation) = PC / T. It is the basis by which the calculation of the old-age pension is made. PC is a certain amount of pension capital, which is calculated as of the day on which a person applies for accrual of a retirement pension. In the formula, the letter T denotes the period during which the pension is supposed to be paid, this is a fixed number of 216 months. PC is the number obtained during the calculation.

Billing period

The most difficult thing is to correctly determine the amount of pension capital when you are independently calculating the amount of your old-age pension. The formula for calculating pension capital is defined in Article 30 of the Law and is defined as follows: PC = (RP - BC) x T. In this formula, the RP is calculated as follows: RP = SC x / x .

SK is an indicator of the experience coefficient, it is calculated and depends on how many years of experience a person has. Experience in twenty / twenty-five years - a coefficient of 0.55. Each next year of work adds to the figure of 0.01, but the total figure of SK can not be more than 0.75. Have at least 50 years of experience, a coefficient of 0.75 is the ceiling.

ZR - this is the employee's salary for 60 months taken from the period when the employee received wages, which he confirms with a certificate of employment registered in accounting. 60 months are taken for any period of employment, regardless of whether or not there was a break in seniority. ZP is an indicator of the average salary in Russia for the same period, this figure can be obtained from the Pension Fund. In case of refusal, write a written statement asking you to give this figure.

FFP is the average salary data for the III quarter of 2001 set by the Government, expressed in a fixed amount of 1,671 rubles. This figure is set by the Government of the Russian Federation to calculate the pension, since the publication of the Law it has not changed. Therefore, you need to calculate the coefficient of your experience, multiply it by the amount that will be obtained after dividing the average salary of a pensioner (divide your salary by sixty months) by the average salary in Russia, then multiply the resulting number by 1671 rubles.

We get the RP (called the size of the old-age pension), we put this number in the formula PK = (RP - BC) x T, where all the numbers are already known. We get pension capital. We calculate insurance (see the formula above). We connect it with the base part, we get a pension.

Count and calculate

The calculation includes the funded part, but not for everyone. It depends on the year of birth and is defined by law. Thus, when calculating an old-age pension, you need to understand the principle of calculation, understand the formulas, and then take it. If you are still confused in the numbers, get the Law and read everything from the beginning, with the help of the article and the Law you will definitely figure it out and count everything yourself.

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