Pregnancy is a real miracle. And the birth of a baby is a huge work and joy for future parents. Ahead are waiting for pleasant chores associated with choosing the right name, buying clothes, a crib, strollers and other important things. Future mothers know that after some time they will have to go on maternity leave. From what month it will be possible to do this, a gynecologist will establish.
But first, the woman faces the crucial task of preserving the baby in health and tranquility, and enduring the baby without troubles and diseases. Permanent and dramatic changes in the mother’s body are all transferred in different ways. It’s easy for someone to travel long distances, while others always fall asleep, and fatigue accumulates at lightning speed. It’s becoming more and more difficult to be at work, I want to walk outdoors more often. Women giving birth not for the first time already know from which month they go on maternity leave. Young and inexperienced only begin to think and actively take an interest in this issue.
Legal issues on maternity leave
More precisely, from what month they go on maternity leave, thanks to modern medical research, you can find out after the first ultrasound examination. The doctor will look and determine the approximate day of birth with the greatest possible accuracy. Based on this, a preliminary date for maternity leave will be established.
According to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, a woman who has a baby can go on legal rest, starting from the 30th week of pregnancy. A simple calculation will help her navigate and calculate the desired date. And happy mothers of future twins or triplets should know that you can go on maternity leave a little earlier. More precisely, from the 28th week.
In all organizations in the personnel department they know from which month they go on maternity leave, so it’s enough to talk about pregnancy and the date of birth. Next, you need to write a statement on the basis of which the employer will have to pay the entire amount due to the future woman in labor for 140 calendar days. When several babies are expected at once, the calculation changes. Before giving birth, a pregnant woman is entitled to 86 days of rest, and after - 110. It is clear that the birth of a child is not always simple. So, for example, with cesarean section, they pay extra 16 days after delivery.
In some organizations where the “white” wage is minimal, it is irrational to go on vacation at the appointed time, but it is better to earn more. The calculation, regardless of the date of departure, will be calculated for 140 days, and in cases with twins or triplets - for 186 or 196, respectively. Payments are not made by the organization, but from the health insurance fund. Therefore, most often the management does not care from what month future mothers go on maternity leave, despite the difficult financial situation of the present time.
How much does maternity leave cost?
This year, the largest figure when receiving benefits will be 44 975 rubles. Since 2010, an increase of 9,729 rubles. Such a calculation has been carried out since 2011. The algorithm is simple:
1. The average wage (of course, official) for 24 calendar months is displayed.
2. The resulting figure is divided by 730.
3. The final result will be the result multiplied by 30.4.
There are also limitations. The maximum amount of wages should not exceed 568,000 (data for 2013).
All working employees registered under an employment contract can receive benefits. If it so happened that the woman in the position was fired a month before leaving for maternity leave, then she retains the right to benefit. A pregnant woman who has become unemployed due to the liquidation of an organization also has all the rights to receive legal money. But this is possible if more than 12 months have not passed since the termination of the company.
Often, a mother who is on maternity leave with the first baby, who is less than 1.5 years old, has a second. And in this case, she is not deprived of benefits. Here the choice arises between receiving maternity leave payments or an allowance for caring for an older child.