Adults raising children often wonder how many months they can put a boy without harm to health. The abundance of various information (reliable and not quite) often leads parents to a standstill. What does the real picture of the baby's development look like from zero to a year and what should be guided in making certain decisions?
Physiological characteristics of newborns
The skeletal, nervous, muscle systems and internal organs are formed, developed and improved throughout childhood. When deciding how many months a boy can be imprisoned, adults should be guided by the physiological readiness of the child for such an action. How to determine the right time and what should you pay attention to first?
First of all, the state of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system is clarified. There are stages in the development of a healthy baby, a violation of which should alert parents:
- By the age of three months (depending on the state of health, the influence of the environment manifests itself earlier, but not later), the infant itself holds its head, looks around, lifts up from a prone position. This indicates the formation of a cervical bend of the spine.
- At the age of six months, a thoracic bend begins to form, which is accompanied by strengthening of the muscles of the spine and the final formation of this department by eight months. How many months can I put a boy, taking into account all of the above? All doctors unequivocally say: you need to do this when the baby is ready to independently conduct this procedure. The parents are able to help their child grow stronger, gain sufficient physical activity and dexterity with the help of gymnastics, massage and other procedures.
- From nine months to 2 years of age, the formation of the lumbar and sacral bends occurs, which is due to the onset of upright posture. This process ends only in the third year of life.
Seating steps according to the child’s readiness
How many months can I put a boy without support and for how long? Pre-preparation of the child for the realization of the desire to be in this position takes a lot of time. It is conditionally possible to divide it into the following stages:
- In the period from three to six months, daily gymnastics is carried out, including exercises for the development of the muscles of the arms, legs, spine and vestibular apparatus.
- Prerequisite: compliance with the rules of supporting the boy while in the arms of an adult. The peculiarity boils down to the fact that the child can be held by clinging to his chest, but in no case can not be supported with support on the ass. This rule is effective until the baby begins to sit down on his own.
- The first sittings are carried out on the hands of the mother in compliance with a bend angle of 45 ° and a short period of time. Such a procedure can be carried out subject to sufficient mobility of the boy, lack of excess weight, good health.
How many months can I start to put the boys to sit on a chair on their own? The answer is unequivocal: only after the baby learns to independently take upright position and safely mastered crawling (or walking on all fours). Adults in this case can help in the development of new movements with the help of massage, gymnastics, tempering procedures, exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus.
The correct actions of adults
Starting from the second month of life, the child already holds his head, a “revitalization complex” appears when an adult appears (smile, active movements of his legs and arms). Parents contribute to the physical development of the baby, make sure that the child does not stay in the position “on the side” for a long time (this is fraught with curvature of the spine in the future or the appearance of torticollis).
The third month of life is characterized by the development of the ability to hold the head in the supine position, but the thoracic bend of the spine has not yet been formed. You should be patient, although the question of how many months you can plant a baby boy is haunting and sometimes becomes an obsession. This will not happen in three or four months. The period for the formation of the body's readiness for such activity begins in about five to six months.
At four months, a crawling period begins - this is the most crucial stage. During the movement "in the way" and walking "on all fours" there is a training and preparation of all the muscles of the body for the development of space in an upright position. You can not artificially reduce the crawl, it is fraught with the appearance of problems with memory, attention, spatial orientation at the age of 5-7 years. Adults encourage this activity and create the necessary safe conditions.
During the fifth and sixth months, training and muscle strengthening takes place: the baby learns to independently turn over from back to stomach or side and back, rests on his hands and examines the environment, moves crawling. Various exercises with tossing the baby, changing the position of the body in space (up and down, to the sides) are relevant. The child receives a lot of pleasant emotions and at the same time gradually develops three-dimensional space.
Can a child start to sit down himself
At seven months, with the normal state of health and appropriate preparation of the baby, the “X time” begins. Parents usually no longer wonder how many months they can put a boy in the ass, but they monitor the correctness of the movements mastered by the child. The main thing in this period is not to force the baby to take this or that position by force. If the boy is uncomfortable to sit, then the general condition of the body is not prepared as it should and the parents have an extensive field for activity (to strengthen muscles and health, of course).
Important: if by the age of seven months the child does not show a desire to take an upright position, but at the same time he crawls, turns over on his own, does not experience health problems, it is impossible to speed up the process in any case. Some children sit down only after they begin to walk on all fours, and this happens at eight to nine months. But then the stage of walking with support for support is usually shortened. Independent movement in space is mastered faster. This problem is voiced in his program, "How many months can you put boys" Komarovsky.
The eighth to twelfth months of life are different for everyone. It should be remembered that sitting a child up to six months of age (regardless of gender) has only negative consequences in the future. By the age of one, the baby is assimilated in space, learns to control his body deftly enough, takes the first steps.
Common mistakes made by adults
Despite the fact that development at an early age is taking leaps and bounds, parents want everything to happen faster. Carried away, adults involuntarily resort to erroneous actions, which it is advisable to avoid:
- Until the age of three months, you should choose the correct position of the child's body when carrying. You can not support the baby in the pelvic area, only for the thoracic region.
- From 5-6 months of age, the boy can be seated, but not sit on a high chair or among pillows for a long time. The ability to hold your back in an upright position is formed gradually. It is important not to overwork the baby, forcing him to be in one position for a long time.
- The child develops in movement, so adults provide sufficient physical activity during wakefulness. You can not lay the baby in front of the TV screen and go about their business - this negatively affects the development and health of the boy.
- Such a device as a walker was invented for children with cerebral palsy, a healthy child does not need them, since they cause irreparable harm to the baby. Adults like what can be left out of sight for a while, but parents rarely think about what price they will have to pay.
- Any skill is formed and develops gradually, in stages. You can not skip any of the stages, and even more so jump over several at once.
The consequences of erroneous actions of adults on the health of the baby
No matter how well-intentioned the untimely actions of adults may be dictated, they always entail a series of problem situations. The unresolved issue of “how many months you can put a boy in bed” can also be an activator of negative consequences. Some appear immediately, while others make themselves felt only after a few years.
Oddly enough, but problems such as a drop in visual acuity, curvature of the spine, impaired internal organs and their improper formation, impaired memory, attention, developmental delay are often the result of thoughtless parenting of a child under three years of age. You should always keep in mind the possible consequences of rash decisions and make a choice in favor of a rational approach.
Child Health Activities
A strong mobile kid learns all the skills on time and without much difficulty. Therefore, much attention is paid to the state of the boy's body. A well-chosen diet, a well-organized sleep and wake regimen, the absence of harmful environmental and domestic influences, emotional contact with parents, and an adequate motor regimen contribute to health promotion . Knowing the features of the formation and development of a child under three years of age will help parents avoid many risky actions and find the only correct solution to the question of how many months to put a boy. Reviews of adults who follow the recommendations of pediatricians, orthopedists and massage therapists in raising children indicate the need to pay enough attention to this problem.
Each parent should remember that a healthy baby should sit down himself and it is impossible to force him to do this ahead of time. The rate of formation and development of the body is individual for all children, therefore, first of all, you need to abandon the comparison of your son with "neighboring children" and help the baby in the development of three-dimensional space. After all, every person, even the smallest, is unique, do not forget about it.