Many things are available to modern parents to facilitate the care of their baby. The kenguryatnik for the child is very popular. However, not everyone understands its purpose and is interested in how old it can be used. Next, consider what this product is needed for, its advantages and age range of use.
What is a kangaroo bag?
Kenguryatnik for a child is a kind of bag with straps for carrying newborns. Mounting is supposed to be on the shoulders and belt of an adult using soft straps. The baby is in a half-sitting or lying position. It depends on age.
Why is a kenguryatnik necessary?
A young mother needs to complete many tasks in a day. But a small child needs attention. If you carry it on your hands, then many functions are simply not available. The stroller can help out, but its dimensions do not allow it to be mobile. A baby carrier can come to the rescue. It has a lot of advantages:
- the baby is on the body of the mother (dad), and at the same time hands are free;
- the load is evenly transferred to the shoulder girdle and lower back, so the spine does not strain;
- you can quickly go for a walk, even if there is no way to take a heavy stroller into the yard;
- mom becomes mobile and even with a child can make purchases;
- the baby constantly feels maternal warmth, therefore it is calm;
- even motion sickness can lull the baby.
All models of kangaroo bags are made from soft and breathable fabrics that are easy to care for.
Recommended Use Age
Increasingly, parents began to use kenguryatnik for children. From what age you can have a baby in it, completely depends on its modification. A carrying bag can be recommended from birth only if it is possible to lay the baby horizontally. In such models, the child lies, as in a cradle, and always face his mother. Such options are recommended to be used from birth to 5 months.
At what age can a baby be carried upright in a baby carrier? It depends on its developmental features. A similar situation is possible after sustained attempts of an independent seat and, accordingly, the spine is ready for such loads.
Standard carriers are designed for a maximum weight of 10-12 kg. But usually by this time the need for such a device disappears by itself. Therefore, you can not worry about the load on the belts, but checking them before each use is required.
The nuances of choice
Kenguryatnik for a child must meet certain requirements. Among the main parameters, the most important are the following:
- Fixation. Belts and locks must be securely locked. It is from this parameter that the safety of the baby and the calm of the parents depend. Therefore, when choosing it is important to evaluate the quality of the fasteners and their convenience in terms of long-term wear.
- Materials used. The comfort of being in the baby kangaroo will depend on this parameter. The carrying material must be breathable so that the child does not overheat in the heat. It is also important that the fabric is easy to care for.
- Comfort and convenience. It is important for mom that the carrier can be fast, securely and conveniently fixed on its own. Comfort is provided by wide straps and a soft fixing belt on the lower back.
Convenience for baby
Not all children love kengury. It will be more comfortable to carry the child if the baby is calmly in it. This provides the right model choice. To make the newborn feel comfortable, it is necessary to provide him with free space and pay attention to the fact that nothing squeezes and does not interfere with the free movement of the limbs.
It is important to inspect the carrying back before purchasing. It should be moderately rigid and have a headrest to provide reliable support to the fragile spine. For newborns, transformers are recommended, which allow you to carry the baby both in horizontal and vertical position.
Useful Tips
It must be remembered that a prolonged stay in one position leads to stagnation of blood. Therefore, you can carry your baby in a kangaroo bag for no more than 1-2 hours. At the same time, it is recommended to take a break every half hour and remove the baby from carrying. At this time, you can give him a small massage.
When the child is in the bag, the legs and handles should be free. The kangaroo has a wide base, which makes it possible to correctly position the baby's legs. This gives a good preventive effect against hip dysplasia.
Moms and dads should ensure that the mounts do not rub the skin of the child. The headrest is required to securely fix the head. It is not recommended to use a kangaroo bag at home when mom is in the kitchen, near a hot stove.
If all the conditions of use are observed, then the kenguryatnik is able to significantly facilitate the life of the mother and enables the baby to always be with his parents.