Today, the rosary is both an auxiliary element in reading prayers or mantras, and just a decoration. Their appearance does not have any date; various sources indicate different periods. However, all the research comes down to one opinion: they owe their appearance to Indian traditions and beliefs. The rosary is used in various religions: Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, which has many currents. The main ones are Orthodoxy and Catholicism. They have a difference in the design of temples, the conduct of services, the attire of clergy. And, of course, Orthodox prayer beads are different from those used in Catholicism. It is believed that they began to be used around the 4th century; they are associated with the name of St. Pachomius.
Initially, Orthodox prayer beads served the monks to count the number of prayers during the day or service. According to the canons of the church, the monk must constantly be in prayer, which must come from the depths of the heart. And in the novices and in the monks came a lot of people who could not read, nor write, nor count. All of them were given a rope on which, after each prayer, it was necessary to tie a knot. Thus, initially the rosary in Orthodoxy did not have the shape of a closed ring, as in the modern world.
In a later period, beads of various shapes from a wide variety of materials began to be strung on a thread or cord and fixed in the shape of a circle. In the Catholic Church, the rosary is called the "rosary" - the crown, and in Orthodoxy - the "ladder" (staircase to God). Of the materials used fishing line or strong cords, round or oval beads, beads in the form of volumetric geometric shapes. Initially, rosaries were made of wooden elements. But over time, not only priests and monks began to use them, but also parishioners. And wealthy families, in order to stand out, began to order masters of beads from precious and semiprecious stones.
In general, Orthodox prayer beads in a classic version are a durable natural thread with strung wooden beads, at the junction there is a wooden cross and a tassel attached to it. The number of beads ranges from 10 to 1000 pieces, their diameter is individual. But the most common Orthodox rosary for 100, 12 and 24 beads. The catholic ones are distinguished by the fact that after a vicious circle, the cross shows the volumetric crucifixion of Jesus Christ with legs crossed.
Jade rosaries came to our world from Buddhism and Hinduism. In addition to other dogmas and postulates that form the basis of beliefs, they also attached importance to stones. Therefore, minerals that bring happiness and luck to one person, according to the teachings, can bring misfortunes and problems to another. Jade prayer beads not only help to focus attention, develop finger motility and calm the nervous system, but also change a person’s destiny, awakening a sense of justice, courage, love, expelling negative thoughts leading to various unworthy actions. But Orthodox jade prayer beads will not bring good luck to family people. This stone requires detachment from the world and communication with people, therefore it is more suitable for novices or adherents of the faith.