What is Amigo (browser)? How to install and how to remove it from a computer?

When visiting the Internet portal "Mile.ru" many inexperienced users have a question: "What is Amigo and why is it needed?". It appears because when viewing this site it is proposed, almost forcibly, to install this software. Amigo is a relatively new application that has a number of advantages over competitors. The main one is integration with social services, which are becoming more and more popular every day. Therefore, such a decision "Mile.ru" is really justified. Only here the approach to its distribution leaves much to be desired. Who needs such a browser, he will find and install it. Well, such an approach leads to the fact that the unpopular Amigo is becoming even less popular. In some cases, it is included in other programs,and when they are installed on your PC, another browser appears that is not needed. This is also wrong.

What is Amigo?


2012 «.» – - «». , , . – «», « », «», «» «». . , . «». . . ? , .

Set Amigo.


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Amigo browser reviews.

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Amigo reviews.

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How to remove Amigo from a computer?

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Amigo browser.

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