What is a holiday in honor of Bacchus?

The legends of Bacchus even reached India after the conquest of the East by Alexander the Great. Religious mysteries in honor of the god of wine were famous for their licentiousness and immorality.

The holiday in honor of Bacchus served as an inspiration for many artists. Titian, Rubens, Caravaggio, Velazquez, Vrubel captured on their canvases the image of the god of winemaking and its noisy festivities.

In one of the myths, Bacchus becomes the husband of Ariadne, who Theseus left behind. But soon the young wife died. The inconsolable Bacchus threw the crown of his beloved high into the sky. There the immortal gods secured it - so, according to legend, the constellation Crown of Ariadne appeared.

Bacchus - the god of winemaking

In Roman mythology, Bacchus is the god of wine and winemaking, the patron saint of the harvest. His wife was the goddess Libera, who helped growers. Bacchus in Greek mythology is called Dionysus, Bacchus. He is depicted in ancient sculpture, painting in the form of a young man with bunches of grapes in his hands. His scepter is entwined with ivy, and panthers or leopards are harnessed to the chariot.

holiday in honor of bacchus

Still very young, Bacchus was appointed god of winemaking. Engaged in his education and education satyr Silenus - half-man, half-goat. In all his travels and wanderings he was next to the young Dionysus.

Holiday in honor of Bacchus in ancient times was accompanied by traditional sacrifice, fun, plentiful libations.

The history of the holiday

Bacchus and Libera were revered by the common people. Numerous events were held in their honor. The holiday in honor of Bacchus from ancient times was celebrated on March 16-17. In cities and villages funny jokes and songs sounded. A special feature of the holiday was the adoption of a wonderful drink - grape wine.

feast in honor of bacchus from ancient times

Solemn events were called Dionysos, liberals, vendemialia, orgy. Holiday in honor of Bacchus served as the basis for theatrical performances. The entry of choirs dressed in goat skins attracted many residents. The singers performed praises in honor of Bacchus and Libera. Later, from the praises, according to legend, the genre of tragedy arose (this word means “goat song”) and comedy.

How is the celebration

According to ancient legend, it was Bacchus, the Roman deity, who taught man to make wine from grapes. It relieved anxieties and worries, removed moral principles. Therefore, bacchanalia are associated with rampant, intoxicating ecstasy.

Wine was used during religious ceremonies for the unity of God and man. Bacchanalia were accompanied by intoxication, unbridled orgies, ritual dances and praise of Bacchus.

roman deity

Initially, bacchanalia passed secretly. Only women took part in them. Later, men joined them and festivities began to be held much more often - 5 times a month.

Bacchus's cousin King Pentheus wanted to ban the unholy festivities. They were often accompanied by violence and murder. Pentheus was torn to pieces by distraught Bacchanes. His mother Agave, intoxicated, mistook her son for an animal and led his murder.

In 186, the Senate took tough measures to eradicate this rampant festivity. A wave of links, executions swept through Italy. But the government did not achieve the complete eradication of the immoral mysteries.

The myth of the birth of Bacchus

According to the myths of the ancient world, Bacchus's mother, the earthly woman Semele, burned down in flames. The newborn was saved by his father - the god Jupiter. Out of great love for Semele, Jupiter took her soul to heaven and made her an immortal goddess.

The hatred of Juno, the wife of Jupiter, knew no bounds. To protect herself from her anger, Jupiter urged Mercury to take Bacchus to the nymphs, so that they would take care of the baby.

When the very young Dionysus was appointed the god of wine, he created a large retinue for himself. It included nymphs, satyrs, fauns, men and women who worshiped the deity.

winemaking god

The holiday in honor of Bacchus from ancient times was a fun and noisy feast. The god of winemaking loved to travel. His retinue traveled with him to different cities and countries, showing how to praise Bacchus. The procession played the pipes, beat the cymbals, treating everyone to wine.

Bacchus holiday in the modern world

Antique holiday in honor of Bacchus came to our times. In France, the wine festival gathers numerous crowds who want to take part in competitions. Skating wine barrels, parades of wine fraternities and orders, master classes in winemaking - such events can not do without a feast in the glory of Bacchus.

In Italy, during the traditional Venetian carnival in honor of Bacchus, a fountain with wine was opened on the square. This event brought joy to the ranks of the townspeople. The fountain worked every evening during all carnival days.

In the Czech Republic, the Bacchus festival is timed to the harvest of grapes. It is accompanied by performances of folklore ensembles, a demonstration of crafts. Warm Prague wine during the celebration is sold on every corner.

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