Bronchial asthma in children - symptoms and treatment methods

The problems of respiratory diseases in the modern urbanized world have recently become increasingly relevant. This is, of course, connected with environmental problems. And one of the most common diseases of this group, without a doubt, can be considered such an ailment as bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis (the symptoms are identical), which is a chronic disease characterized by regular repeated attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath.

As a result, a number of main symptoms can be distinguished, according to which it is possible to assume with a high degree of probability that the child has this disease - this is a chronic dry cough, breathing with a characteristic whistle, asthma attacks, stuffiness inside the chest. It should be understood that bronchial asthma in children can manifest its symptoms already at birth, which automatically implies an intensive course of treatment. And the sooner this course is led by a doctor, the less likely complications of varying severity in the future.

As a rule, bronchial asthma in children manifests its symptoms due to the following aspects preceding the development of the disease - the formation of excess mucus, inflammation of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, and possible hypertrophy. It should be understood that signs of asthma in children can occur in connection with the complex effect of two components - an imbalance of the nervous system, as well as a violation of various kinds of metabolic processes that occur in the human body. In this case, it is the nervous component, acting on the respiratory tract, causes a sharp spasm, which, of course, leads to an acute attack of suffocation.

As you know, the occurring attacks of suffocation, by and large, can have a different etiology, however, only with this disease of the respiratory tract there is a difficult exhalation, while in other cases inhalation is difficult.

Bronchial asthma in children, the symptoms of which are manifested, should be treated after the relief of possible whooping cough, bronchopneumonia, bronchoadenitis. It is regrettable, but the cause of this rather serious disease can be the excessive enthusiasm for all kinds of drugs in self-medication, for example, various kinds of respiratory diseases. This uncontrolled absorption of drugs leads to a malfunction of the immune system, which can result in various kinds of allergic reactions and the subsequent development of allergic asthma.

Bronchial asthma in children, the symptoms of which have already manifested, may be depending on the complexity and intensity of asthma attacks of four degrees. In the first degree, seizures occur no more than 2 times in one month and, accordingly, no more often than 1 time per week. In this situation, intermittent bronchial asthma is formed. The second stage - more often than 1 time per week, but accordingly, less often than 1 time per day (mild reliving bronchial asthma). In the third degree, reliving asthma of moderate severity leads to daily attacks, as well as nighttime more often than 1 time in 7 days. And the last fourth degree is a severe form of asthma, with daily daytime and frequent nighttime attacks.

Given the specifics of the vital activity of the child’s body, it is worthwhile to understand that the therapeutic course of treatment should be based on the basic medical postulate “do no harm”. In combination with the hormonal inhalers necessary in this situation, after consultation and approval by the attending physician, various kinds of phytotherapeutic drugs that contribute to a more effective relief of the disease.

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