How and how to wash the carpet at home - tips and tricks

How to wash a carpet at home? This question is asked by many owners of cozy soft coatings. Washing the carpet on your own is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process, which can lead to an unexpected result. A frivolous, amateurish approach can cause a loss in the neat appearance of the product.

Therefore, if you decide to take such a step, be extremely careful and accurate. A win-win option would be to use a product sample or a small piece of it. Due to this, it is easy to conduct an experiment with the selected method of washing and to verify its effectiveness and effectiveness, to evaluate all the advantages. If the result is not impressive, then you can easily take on a different washing method.

how to wash a carpet at home

Practical tips

Before starting the washing process itself, you need to think about simple rules and uncomplicated tips that you must definitely bring to life. How can I wash the carpet at home? There are special detergents for washing carpets. It’s best to use them. The following recommendations should also be observed:

  • Do not wash carpets made of woolen materials with ordinary powder or detergent. Such funds can provoke the most unpredictable and deplorable results, starting with harm to the pile and ending with discoloration.
  • It is necessary to protect the product from getting whitening preparations, dyes and not to use alternative methods of cleaning, which are not intended purely for carpets. In this case, neglect of the choice of funds may entail the loss of the product or its original appearance. But such a thing is expensive, and it is chosen for at least a decade, so you need to treat it very carefully and carefully.

How to wash a carpet at home if you live in a small apartment?

Washing the carpet in the bathroom

Residents of cities very often wonder about how to do the washing of the carpet in the bathroom. Often, a bathroom is the only option out of all possible, especially if the apartment is located on the upper floors. If you are not sure how to wash the carpet under such conditions, the following knowledge will be required.

Useful Tips

  1. Before the process of water treatment, you must very carefully and thoroughly vacuum the carpet, removing foreign and unnecessary objects. Next, you need to roll up the product and put it in the bathroom itself, which is half filled with water. Having turned away one of the ends of the carpet, it is necessary to carry out the process of rubbing it with a brush previously moistened in a special gel-like product. Having cleaned the upper corner, it is necessary to proceed to further sections of the product.
    how to wash a wool carpet at home

  2. Be careful! Before starting to wash the carpet at home, it is imperative to choose a worthy cleaning agent. It must be liquid.
  3. What is better to wash the carpet at home? The answer is only a special tool. It is forbidden to use a simple washing powder, due to the fact that it leaves streaks. If you have not encountered such a problem before and are not sure that you know how to remove the carpet product, then it is better to use a special detergent.

How to dry a carpet after washing?

How to wash the carpet at home, more or less became clear. No less seriously, it is necessary to take the proper drying of the product, so as not to entail the deformation of the fibers and the loss of their original attractiveness. To do this, follow these tips:

  1. In the case of warm summer weather, to quickly dry carpet products, it is necessary to open the windows, thus ensuring a sufficient air flow. It will be useful to turn on the air conditioner for the heating function, so that the air flow is directed towards the product, but not to the carpet itself.
  2. A great option for drying is to hang the product in the open air. It can be a balcony or a street.
    how to wash a carpet at home

  3. If this is not possible, it is necessary to lay out the carpet on chairs so that it is in a suspended, well-ventilated position. It is forbidden to lay the product near heating devices or appliances in contact with fire, so as not to cause the effect of deformation.

How to wash wool carpets?

If your product is made of natural wool materials and the question of washing it is perplexing, then you need to understand it thoroughly. How to wash a wool carpet at home? It’s easy enough to do it, the main thing is to understand how to do it:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to dilute a special tool in cold, but not ice water and whip the foam. To apply this mass with a superficial layer on a carpet and massaging movements very carefully with a washcloth or a hard brush.
  2. After this process, sprinkle copiously on the coating or pour it with clean water. This manipulation is performed to remove excess foam.
  3. Then carry out the drying process with dry clean towels.

how to wash the carpet at home

Is it possible to wash wool with folk methods? This is allowed, but a recipe with sauerkraut, for example, will not work at all. For such cases, the use of neutral methods is more appropriate. For example, bran or non-aggressive black tea.

After the text has been read, each person is now aware of how and with what to remove a carpet made of wool.

Washing natural carpets in unusual ways

How to wash a natural carpet at home using improvised means? The following recommendations are only suitable for the most daring.

  1. With a vacuum cleaner. Natural woolen coating is a kind of product, characterized by soft texture. Vacuuming can interfere with the weaving of the threads and change the original pile structure. You need to use it no more than 3 times a week. Driving with a brush should be carried out very carefully, controlling the force of pressure depending on the direction of the pile. Thanks to these simple rules, dust and dirt particles can be removed much better. It is not practical to use a washing vacuum cleaner. For such delicate textures, wet cleaning must be done with caution.
  2. Wet cleaning. Despite all the warnings, a systematic wet cleaning is needed, but quite gentle and accurate. In such cases, it is undesirable to use chemicals using a huge amount of liquid.
  3. Cleaning with salt. To perform this kind of cleaning, you need to take ordinary salt and gently sprinkle on the carpet product. Then leave for a certain period of time not exceeding an hour. Salt absorbs excess mud from the product. After that, you need to sweep it with dirt with a broom and open the window in the room for drying the carpet.
    the better to wash the carpet at home

  4. Snow cleaning. In winter, it is necessary to perform snow cleaning of the carpet. This can be done at intervals of one week. To do this, the carpet is taken out onto the street, laid out and sprinkled with pure snow. The product is left to lie down for a short period of time, after which the snow is swept away with a clean broom. This manipulation is repeated, after which the carpet is turned over and shaken out on the crossbar. After this procedure, the product becomes clean and fresh.
    how to wash a natural carpet at home

  5. Shoe cabbage. Despite the fact that the method is very old, its effectiveness is quite high. For the implementation of such a cleaning, only sauerkraut is needed, and without the addition of vinegar and flavors. This cabbage should be well wrung out and evenly spread over the product. First, she lies on the carpet for a while, then with a brush she is rubbed on a woolen product. Thanks to this manipulation, the cabbage will absorb the excess mud and change its initial color to a gray tint. Then it is carefully cleaned, and the carpet is dried.

Light carpet cleaning

How to wash a light carpet at home, while maintaining its color? The task at first glance seems impossible. But there is still a way out. In order to clean a light carpet at home, you need to take the following:

  • Pharmacy ammonia.
  • A brush.
  • Carpet cleaner.
  • Potato starch and ordinary edible salt.
  • Laundry soap and quality solvent.

The frequency of cleaning a natural product is once every six months. How to wash a carpet at home? To do this, arm yourself with a soft brush for cleaning. In order to remove the hated dirt, you should prepare a special solution, the main component of which is ammonia. To do this, water is mixed with alcohol and a brush moistened with a solution performs movements along the carpet, after which they wipe the product with a damp and dry cloth. Further drying is carried out in the usual way.

how to wash a light carpet at home

Best ways to clean a light coat

The light coating is quite easy to get dirty and very difficult to clean. Therefore, we recommend using special products for cleaning light products, the principle of which is based on removing dirt stains with a vacuum cleaner after washing. Therefore, it is necessary to opt for a tool that satisfies all the recommendations. For thorough cleaning of a light carpet product, you must use ordinary kitchen salt. The latter will need to be poured on the carpet in sufficient quantity and left for a couple of minutes. Then sweep with a broom.

Instant results can also be achieved by dry cleaning with chopped soap and starch. Mix this mixture until smooth and pour on the carpet, then gently vacuum.

To remove excess mud from a light wool product, just use ordinary peeled potatoes. To do this, grate it, mix with water until smooth and let it brew for a couple of hours. Use a sieve or gauze to filter out the liquid and clean the carpet with the potato compound . Then vacuum the carpet and dry it.

Above it was described in detail how to wash the carpet at home. If you follow all the recommendations, you can keep the original appearance of your favorite carpet for many years.

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