Who will teach children to read

Nowadays, the school has its own requirements for children. The current parents still remember how they went to first grade, where they solemnly handed the primer and taught reading and writing. Modern children, however, must be proficient in reading techniques before entering an educational institution. This makes some sense, because reading best contributes to the development of children's intelligence.

Who will teach?

Many people have a question: “Who will teach children to read?” You can teach children to read on their own. The main thing is to be patient. In no case should you impose training. You need to wait until the baby is ready for this.

How to prepare children?

Prepare children for learning should be from infancy. Already from 5-6 months you can introduce the baby to the book. To do this, it is better to choose books with dense pages, colorful pictures and small quatrains that he needs to read from time to time.

A year old baby can already read small tales. Better if they will be in verse. Pretty soon, the little one begins to repeat individual phrases from his favorite tale, developing his memory. Children need to read daily.

Reading parents will teach children to read later. The main thing is to choose the right time when it is located to listen, but in no case to impose. This can forever discourage the baby's interest in reading.

What age to start?

As there is no definite methodology that will teach children to read, there is no consensus on the age at which one can start learning. It is believed that children can receive full-fledged education at the age of 6 to 7 years. Some academic educators and psychologists say that 3 years is the best age for learning.

The answer to this question lies in the individuality of each preschooler. Parents themselves must understand when the time comes for classes with the baby, given its developmental features. The main thing here is not to miss the moment.

We teach to read the kid of 3 years

It is generally accepted that this age is critical for the baby. It is at this time that the formation of logical and spatial thinking takes place. How will reading affect the development of children at this age?

First of all, memory, logic and imagination are developing. Significantly broadens the mind. And finally, it will come in handy in the future when he goes to school. Possessing the technique of reading, it will be easier and easier for him to master the school curriculum.

You need to deal with the baby regularly, but not more than 10 minutes a day. After that, you can gradually extend the training to 30 minutes. All training is best presented in a playful way, so children can better understand the process.

At the initial stage, we learn to read the child by remembering letters. You can buy baby cubes with pictures depicting letters. By asking him to show a certain picture, you should say what letter she represents. For example, a doll - K, a machine - M. Subsequently, he will find certain pictures already by letter.

Having learned all the letters, you can start reading by syllables. Help in this ABC book or specialized manuals for preschoolers. First you need to learn how to add simple words, with syllables of two letters, for example: ma-ma, ra-ma, pa-pa, mo-lo-ko and the like. After that one should proceed to more complex syllables, for example: mis-ka, kosh-ka and others. It will be very interesting to depict the words read. This will give classes a playful form.

Over time, the baby will learn not only to read more confidently, but will also love the independent reading process. But you can’t give up classes. You must constantly maintain the acquired skill.

Learn to read a preschooler 7 years

At the age of 7, children already show their independence, they can and understand a lot, they can take care of themselves. Their active perception also increases. All this means that a preschooler of this age is fully prepared for learning.

Surely a 7-year-old child already knows the alphabet, but the reading process does not carry him away or he reads very slowly for this age. There can be many reasons for this: poor memory, low level of attention, the amount of the field of view when a future student cannot cover the whole word, but only a small part of it, a small vocabulary, texts that are too complicated, and much more.

How to teach a child to read at age 7 fluently and expressively? Try, for example, reading a book to him, stop and suggest further to continue reading yourself, and then be sure to discuss what you read. Write him notes with a list of assigned tasks, view interesting filmstrips with slow frames and short captions.

You can try to arrange a daily reading for a while, but do not forget to praise him for certain achievements and in no case scold him for poor results.

Reading to oneself also gives a positive result. In this case, when only the eyes read, the signal is sent to the brain, the tongue speaks the text, the eyes run ahead of the text and the preschooler understands the meaning of what he read.

Not all parents have enough patience and education to work with their children. Nowadays, there are many different training centers for preschoolers, where an experienced teacher will teach children of different ages to read, given their personality and developmental features.

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