Probably, many users do not even have an idea about what Yandex sorcerers are and what they do. Most users, having heard such a phrase, think that Yandex is hiring some sorcerers. To grow their ratings or what? But this is not so at all. This term refers to special programs that are designed to make the search for Yandex faster and more convenient. It is worth considering this topic in more detail, since search magicians are actually very interesting things. But first, some general information. She will not hurt.
What are sorcerers?
So, sorcerers are special software modules that are implemented in a search engine and respond to a user's request in a certain way. For example, if a user needs a certain song, then the search engine will give on top of all the found links exactly the desired composition from the service that is connected to the search engine. These "bots" help users search for information on the World Wide Web. The sorcerers at Yandex were first launched in 2006. And the first was a module for working with color. He provided the desired color with its possible shades after entering a specific color code in the search string.
At that time it was a breakthrough. However, over time, this sorcerer was forgotten. Its restart took place only in 2015. By that time, there were already many sorcerers engaged in their work in the search engine. For example, a bot appeared for music lovers, poetry lovers and those who need an accurate weather forecast. There are special time sorcerers who, upon request, are able to provide the exact time in a given time zone at a given moment. And now we will consider what sorcerers have Yandex at all. It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of them. But we will describe the most popular.
Flower sorcerer
This is the first module that generally appeared in Yandex. It provides the user with the exact color in accordance with his request. At the same time, the sorcerer displays all possible shades and the encoding of this shade in various systems. A very useful thing for designers and graphic creators. However, not to say that such a module was very popular. The average user needs other information that will somehow help in everyday life. Therefore, the Yandex flower sorcerer is not particularly used in everyday life. But there are many other (much more useful) modules. Here we will consider them now.
Translation sorcerer
If the user enters the phrase in the address bar in English, then Yandex will helpfully issue a translation into Russian. The same thing happens with other languages. The sorcerer Yandex.Translator uses the eponymous service to provide the necessary information. At the moment, the module can translate from more than 150 languages. This is a completely normal result. Most users do not need more. It is unlikely that any of them will seek translation from Swahili or other rare languages and dialects. Such a sorcerer "Yandex" is very useful. And this is an indisputable fact. But there are other modules in the arsenal of the search giant. Now more about them.
Market sorcerer
Among Yandex services, Yandex Market is very popular - a trading platform that allows you to purchase almost any product. The developers took into account the popularity of this platform and created a special sorcerer who, upon request, provides direct links to Yandex.Market products. Yandex sorcerer, which allows you to work with the trading floor, is a very interesting thing. It increases the attendance of the market. But this is exactly what was the ultimate goal of the guys from the Yandex company. But this is not the last search module in the arsenal of the search giant. In fact, there are many more sorcerers.
Musician sorcerer
This Yandex sorcerer uses the capabilities of the popular Yandex.Music service. If the user enters the name of a musical composition in the search bar, the module immediately displays the desired song for listening. Also loaded biography of the artist, his discography and more. There is only one drawback: download the desired song will not work. To do this, you will have to use other services or subscribe to Yandex.Music, which is by no means free. In any case, this sorcerer is very convenient and useful.
It is worth noting that the Yandex.Music service is a very good library of musical compositions of various genres. There are even very rare things there. And if you are looking for a song using Yandex, then with an almost one hundred percent guarantee, the music sorcerer will provide the desired track from Yandex.Music. Now let's move on to the other modules.
Weather sorcerer
Here, the Yandex.Weather service is used to display the data the user needs. Yandex sorcerer is able to provide the user with accurate weather information in a specific region based on a user's search query. In addition to temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, type of precipitation (and their amount) and much more are displayed. The sorcerer is intended for those who need to quickly find out the exact weather information outside the window. The module is very popular and has proven itself.
In general, the weather is just what users are most interested in. According to the statistics of Yandex. Therefore, the company is constantly improving and improving this particular module. To the detriment of other sorcerers. But it pays for itself. Weather sorcerer is by far the most popular search module of the company. In second place is the music search module. And only then all the other sorcerers go. However, let's move on to other "bots".
This is a very interesting module. If the user enters a line from a poetic work in the search bar, then the sorcerer will instantly display an excerpt from the work, its name, a link to the author’s purchase or download, and a biography of the author. Using this module, you can find on the Web almost any work of any author. And you do not need to travel to various sites for this. This is the charm of sorcerers. They are able to provide just the information that the user needs at the moment. That is why Yandex is the most popular search engine among domestic users.
Now to summarize. Sorcerers are special software modules that are used in a search engine to provide the user with the necessary information on top of found links and pages. How to get into the Yandex sorcerer? Yes, very simple. It is enough to enter a query in the search line (for example, the name of the musical composition), and the sorcerer will appear as the first result. These modules are designed to facilitate the user’s work with the search engine. And they cope with this task perfectly.