How is the tone of the uterus during pregnancy: signs and symptoms

Signs of uterine tone scare many women who are in an interesting position. However, the symptoms characteristic of this condition are not always a pathology. The uterus and the fetus located in it periodically show sensitivity to physical influences, as well as to the psycho-emotional mood of the future mother. Therefore, the temporary tone to some extent can be considered a variant of the norm, which reflects the well-being of a woman.

Medical certificate

The uterus is a muscular organ. It is able to contract, grow in size and stretch. The basis of the uterus is the myometrium. At rest, he is in a relaxed state, and at the time of birth is reduced, thereby helping to pass the fetus through the birth canal.

Sometimes the gynecologist reveals the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. In this case, the organ muscles for a long period remain in an excited state, often contract. It cannot be ignored, since the consequences can be dire. In the first and second trimesters, the tone is dangerous spontaneous miscarriage, premature birth. In addition, tense muscles pinch the vessels of the umbilical cord, restricting the flow of oxygen to the fetus. A similar phenomenon leads to hypoxia and malnutrition (stunting) in a child.

Norm and pathology

In order for the baby to fully develop inside the womb, the uterus must remain relaxed. A short tone in the early stages is considered to be a variant of the norm. In this case, muscle contraction:

  • occurs up to 6 times a day;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • is a consequence of intense physical activity.

If the signs of uterine tone are not accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, the woman feels well, there is no reason to worry. Short-term muscle contraction can be observed even at the time of sneezing or laughing. It affects the state of the uterus and the psychological mood of the pregnant woman. For example, an ordinary examination on a gynecological chair sometimes provokes muscle tension.

Another thing is if the tone persists for a long time and is accompanied by pain. At the same time, the woman experiences sensations similar to those on critical days. It is important to understand that this condition carries more danger to the fetus than to the expectant mother. When the muscles of the uterus tighten, the pressure in its cavity rises. This is a pathology that requires immediate medical attention and appropriate treatment.

pregnant woman and doctor

Causes of Tonus

How is the tone of the uterus manifested? This condition is primarily associated with discomfort in the abdomen. It can be due to both experiences and stresses, as well as more significant reasons. Among them, the most common are the following:

  • progesterone deficiency;
  • excess male hormones and prolactin;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • rhesus conflict;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • excessive stretching of the uterus against a background of multiple or multiple pregnancy.

Separately, the so-called risk factors should be noted. For example, malnutrition or lack of rest can be a kind of trigger for enhanced contraction of the uterine muscles. Also, risk factors include age after 35 years, increased physical activity and intimacy until the 12th week of pregnancy.

causes of uterine tone

How to determine the very tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

The initial signs of pathological tone are not always noticeable. It all depends on the stage of pregnancy and the severity of tension of the uterine muscles. How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself? To do this is quite simple, listening to your own body.

Signs of uterine tone in the first trimester

Immediately after the moment of conception and throughout the first trimester, a woman can only guess about her tone by subjective sensations. During this period, the body of the genital organ is located deep in the pelvic cavity. Therefore, through the stomach to feel it yourself is not possible. To understand how uterine tone manifests in the early stages, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations. As a rule, they resemble pain during menstruation. Women describe them as pulling, permanent or periodic.
  2. Frequent urination. The uterus is very close to the bladder. Therefore, against the background of contractions, she begins to put pressure on the bubble, provoking false urge to the toilet.
  3. Pressure on the rectum. If the body of the uterus is slightly tilted back, it does not affect the bladder, but the rectum. In this case, there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Possible soreness in the perineum, felt in a sitting position.
  4. Special sensations. Some pregnant women, especially waiting for the baby for the first time, are hard enough to tell about their feelings. For example, some describe the tone as "stony" of the uterus, while others describe it as a cold in the stomach.

For the gynecologist, these complaints are a good reason for an extraordinary examination. Usually a two-handed examination is carried out, according to the results of which one can judge the presence or absence of tonus.

Manifestations in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the reproductive organ is already well palpated above the bosom. Therefore, a woman can not only subjectively, but also objectively monitor her condition. How the tone of the uterus in the second trimester manifests itself does not practically differ from the symptoms of pathology in the early stages. The expectant mother is also worried about the increased urge to the toilet, pain in the lower abdomen, pressure on the rectum. However, discomfort sometimes manifests in the back and resembles renal colic.

In addition to this, you can try to grope the uterus through the stomach. Normally, it should be soft and not different from surrounding tissues. If the genital organ is palpated as a solid ball, it is most likely that there is a tone.

symptoms of uterine tone

Uterine tone and training contractions in the third trimester

Third trimester - the time of preparation of the body for the upcoming birth. During this period, short contractions of the uterus are a variant of the norm. Training fights, as a rule, occur at 7-8 months. How is the tone of the uterus in the third trimester, it is difficult to determine. On the other hand, it poses a great danger, as it can cause premature birth. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to her own feelings and body.

You can distinguish training contractions from tone by the following features:

  1. They do not differ in duration and regularity.
  2. Pain in preparing the body for childbirth is excluded.
  3. Blood discharge is always absent.

In the third and even second trimester, in case of tonus, each movement of the child inside the womb is accompanied by soreness, and its activity usually decreases. The opposite course of events is also possible, when the baby begins to behave excessively briskly. If such behavior was not previously observed, you should inform the gynecologist about this. When the discomfort persists for a long time, it is better to call a team of medical workers.


Many expectant mothers exaggerate their feelings, worrying about the condition of the child. Primitive women often do not even know how the tone of the uterus is manifested. Therefore, to confirm this pathology, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo a series of examinations.

Standard diagnostics include:

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair. Already in the early stages, a specialist can detect increased tone. On palpation, the uterus is normally soft and supple. In the case of pathology, it becomes denser, and the examination itself is accompanied by painful discomfort.
  2. Ultrasound Through ultrasound, you can determine the local tone. It is especially informative at the beginning of pregnancy.
  3. CTG of the fetus. This procedure allows not only to evaluate the fetal heart rate, but also the presence of contractions of the uterine muscles. During its implementation, a special sensor is installed on the uterine fundus, information from which is transmitted to the device. Rhythmic muscle contractions are recognized on the graph as waves of different amplitudes. With a constant tone, horizontal lines of a certain height are noted. This research method is especially informative in the third trimester.

Determining the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, as a rule, is much easier than its root cause. However, the identification of a factor that contributed to the development of pathology is necessary, since its exclusion is the key to normalizing the condition of a woman.

Ultrasound with tonus

The first steps to eliminate tone

With the appearance of pain in the abdomen, first of all, a woman should take the most comfortable position for her, try to relax. If this condition occurs regularly, the pregnant woman knows exactly how the tone of the uterus is manifested, it is better to abandon heavy physical work. Hiking and fresh air will be helpful.

When there is no way to immediately consult a doctor with a tonus, you can use the following tips:

  1. Drink a No-Shpa pill or put a Papaverine candle.
  2. Take a warm bath. This procedure is permissible only in the first and second trimesters, as well as in the absence of spotting.
  3. Try using breathing exercises to relax.

In the absence of severe pain, you can try to perform light exercises to relieve tone. To this end, you need to kneel down and rest your hands on the floor. Then, with a deep breath, raise your head and bend the lumbar region as you exhale. In this position, you need to linger for 5 seconds. After you should lower your head, arching the spine. All movements should be smooth and not accompanied by discomfort.

These are universal recommendations. Some doctors allow the use of sedatives based on motherwort or valerian. However, is it possible with the tone of the uterus, these funds, it is better to first consult your gynecologist.

After stopping the symptoms, it is necessary to call a team of medical workers. It is impossible to delay in this matter, since the tone can threaten the life of the fetus.

Exercise therapy for uterine tone

Therapy Features

Depending on how uterine tone is manifested during pregnancy and for how long, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It can take place both at home and in the hospital. Medicines are prescribed in the form of vaginal or rectal suppositories, tablets, droppers and intramuscular injections. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms.

In the early stages of pregnancy, bed rest is primarily recommended. With an unstable psycho-emotional background, sedative herbs are prescribed. The main course of therapy includes taking drugs from the following groups:

  1. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverin). They help relieve tension in the smooth muscle fibers of the uterus.
  2. Hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan). Their use is especially effective with low levels of progesterone in the blood. Dosage and dosage regimen are determined individually.
  3. Vitamin complexes and microelements (Magvit, Magnefar). They are prescribed both for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

When the tone of the uterus is manifested as a result of placental abruption or inflammatory disorders, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and hemostatic drugs are additionally prescribed.

After 20-22 weeks, the range of medicines is expanding. Usually, Ginipral and Magnesia are prescribed for pregnant women. Therapy is supplemented with physiotherapy. If the pathology is accompanied by changes in the condition of the fetus, it is recommended to take vasodilators and drugs to improve metabolic processes.

treatment of uterine tone

What is dangerous uterine tone?

Not in every case, the tone of the uterus is a combination of unpleasant symptoms. Most often, more serious problems are hidden behind him. We are talking about neoplasms in the uterine cavity (polyps, fibroids), disruption of the endocrine system, chronic pathologies, hormone deficiency.

Expectant mothers are mostly afraid of abortion, which ends in a miscarriage or premature birth. Even the freezing of the fetus most often occurs due to tone. A woman ignores its initial manifestations, therefore, is in no hurry to seek help from a doctor.

On the other hand, tension in the muscles of the uterus can adversely affect the development of the child. The tone provokes prolonged oxygen starvation, as a result - a lag in the development of the fetal organs, the appearance of pathologies.

complications of uterine tone

Prevention Methods

Prevention of tonus is a very simple matter. It comes down to eliminating stress and excessive physical exertion. It’s good to eat right and observe a work / rest schedule. During pregnancy, any woman needs a full healthy sleep.

Separately, mention should be made of the dangers of addiction. Alcohol and smoking not only increase the risk of tonus, but also increase the likelihood of other, more dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon addictions at the planning stage.

Of great importance in the prevention of tonus belongs to regular consultations with a gynecologist. Equally important is a timely examination with the delivery of related tests. It will not be superfluous to ask the doctor how the tone of the uterus during pregnancy manifests itself, what to do in this case. This is especially true for women at risk.

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