How to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen: methods for diagnosing the pose of the baby

Every mom is interested in knowing what her baby is doing in the womb. When he is still small and swims freely in the uterine cavity, his position can constantly change. Of course, everyone’s activity is different, some crumbs sleep more, while others constantly spin. But by the end of the term, it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to roll over, and as a result, he should sit head down. It is this position that provides the physiologically correct birth, the easiest and simplest. Today we want to talk about how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen.

how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen

What methods does the obstetrician have?

Of course, the doctor can much more accurately determine the location of the crumbs. The easiest way to do this is by ultrasound. At any time, an ultrasound specialist will immediately see the child’s pose. However, this examination is recommended no more than three times during pregnancy, with the exception of emergency situations.

Speaking about how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen, many women refer to the experience of gynecologists, who for more than 28 weeks feel the stomach. But we must emphasize that the doctor knows exactly what he is trying to determine. Usually, after such an examination, the doctor can approximately say:

  • Along or across lies the child.
  • What is below, near the bottom of the uterus, the head or legs.

Finally, the last method for determining previa is used when the cervix is ​​ajar. This may be the first period of childbirth or the threat of termination of pregnancy for a period of more than 22 weeks. In this case, the doctor can use your fingers to feel the parts of the fetal body that are closest to the exit from the uterus.

how to determine the position of the child in the abdomen yourself

How long does the presentation issue become relevant?

Since it is not so easy to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen, you should not pay special attention to this up to 32 weeks. At this time, his posture in the uterus is unstable, the baby spins and turns over. After the 32nd week, he takes a static position, in which he passes through the birth canal. Now until his birth he will only move his arms and legs, as well as unbend and turn the head to the sides. Obeying gravity, he turns his head down. The back is turned to the left and looks outward, to the front wall of the abdomen. The face, on the contrary, is turned to the right and inward.

how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Self study preparation

And we turn to the most interesting: how to independently determine the position of the child in the stomach. First of all, a woman should remember the moment when the child is most active. At this time, you should sit comfortably on the couch and listen to your feelings. Usually the child will be unhappy that the mother does not move and begins to move with particular zeal. If he, on the contrary, has become quiet, then you can cause his activity by gently patting his stomach with his palm.

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So how to determine the position of the child in the abdomen yourself? Listen to your feelings. If the baby is located head up, which is typical for an early period, then tremors will be felt below. Often this is a little scary for young mothers: they believe that the child is very low and there is a risk of miscarriage. Actually nothing like that. But since it is quite difficult to determine the position of the child in the abdomen at the 28th week of pregnancy, due to its frequent changes, it is better to consult a doctor. He will dispel your doubts.

how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 31 weeks

Atypical fetal position

Time passes, the 31st week has come, which means that very soon the baby should decide on its permanent location. Most often it is vertical, then the mother does not feel discomfort. Therefore, speaking about how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 31 weeks, it is necessary to note the shape of the protruding "belly".

If it became unusually wide, then perhaps the child turned over across the abdomen of his mother. In this case, severe pain is very often observed. Sharp, painful sensations arise due to the movement of the legs, and strong pressure due to the extension of the head. Even just stretching, the child strongly presses on the internal organs. At the same time, his knees or feet are easily felt.

how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at week 35

Special exercises

At this time, the baby should already decide on its location, but it may well turn over, as its size so far allows it to be done. How to make him do it?

The answer is obvious: you need to shift the center of gravity, that is, flip the mother. You do not need to stand on your head for this, just put a thick mattress obliquely (for example, on the edge of the sofa) and lie down on it with your head so that your hips are above your head. So it is recommended to lie several times a day for 20-30 minutes. In this case, it is advised to talk with the child and stroke the stomach clockwise.

Normal presentation

It is also difficult to confuse it with something else. Therefore, speaking about how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 35 weeks, we again suggest listening to your feelings. If you feel strong pressure in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and bowel movements, then most likely the child is lying correctly and presses his head on the intestines and bladder. At the same time, the liver and solar plexus experience constant blows of its legs. In this case, you should not worry, the child is lying correctly.

how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 37 weeks

We help to roll over

If the period is already long (34 weeks or more), and the baby is still not in a normal position, then simply lying upside down is too late. Now it is recommended to take poses that are uncomfortable for your baby as often as possible. Go to bed on your side or on your stomach.

The uterus and water protect the baby well, and the natural discomfort will make it move. Speaking about how to independently determine the position of the child in the abdomen at 37 weeks, it should be remembered that by this time you will have to undergo a mandatory ultrasound scan, which will show whether your efforts were effective. If the child is still in the wrong position, then it can be recommended to swing the pelvis. To do this, get up on all fours and 10 minutes actively swing the pelvis. This should be done 2-3 times a day. In this case, be sure to stroke the stomach and gently push the child clockwise.

Do not forget that all the recommendations should be given by your doctor. You can feel your stomach on your own, play with the baby and perform special exercises for the intended purpose, but do not try to diagnose yourself and even more so to take any measures to change the situation. In your position, the control of an experienced doctor is much more important than your curiosity.

However, the communication of the baby with his mother is very useful, so spend as much time as possible at the games, so you will establish a good relationship with your baby even before he is born.

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