A pregnant woman has the opportunity to contract any infectious disease in the process of bearing a child, since her immunity works for two. But what if some infections existed in the body before pregnancy, but were not dangerous, and now they suddenly need to be treated, and even in such a joyful period of a woman’s life? Is it possible to treat them during pregnancy? Let's try to answer these questions.
Ureaplasmosis: what is it?
Ureaplasmosis is an infectious disease that affects the human urogenital system. Ureaplasma bacteria cause it: urealitikum and parvum. These bacteria are in the human body, but do not harm him. But as soon as adverse factors appear, how can ureaplasmosis develop. Such adverse factors are changes in the chemical composition of the blood, a decrease in immunity or the presence of another infectious disease in the genitourinary system.
This answers the question why this disease can occur in pregnant women. Firstly, they have reduced immunity, especially in the initial stages of pregnancy. Secondly, under the influence of hormones, the composition of their blood changes. Well, and thirdly, the infection could simply be present in the woman’s body even before pregnancy, but she did not pay attention to her.
The turning point in the development of this disease is the concentration of ureaplasma 10 to the 5th degree. This means that the bacteria have become more active and measures need to be taken.
How to determine the presence of the disease?
To understand whether the bacteria are harmful to you, urealitikum and parvum need to be tested. This involves taking a smear from the mucous membrane. Most of these bacteria are found in the mucosa of the genital tract. That is, the concentration of these bacteria in men will be in the urethra, and in women in the vagina and fallopian tubes.
However, children are also susceptible to this infectious disease. They will have a concentration of bacteria in the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and lacrimal glands. This spread of infection is due to the fact that ureaplasma 10 to the 5th degree is a sexually transmitted disease, for example, during unprotected sex. Children can become infected from the mother if, at the time of delivery, there was an accumulation of these bacteria in the mucosa of her genitals. Children simply inhale or swallow them, moving along the birth canal.
To the question of whether it is necessary to treat this disease, the answer is unequivocal: it is necessary! A person may not even know about a violation of microflora in his body, because there may not be any symptoms. But when a couple wants to have a baby and they won’t succeed, it’s worth considering, since these bacteria can cause temporary infertility.
If, upon passing the analysis, the ureaplasma index is 10 to the 5th degree or even higher, it is necessary to begin treatment. Delaying treatment may result in infertility, cystitis, thrush, or other more serious diseases of the genitourinary system.
Types of pathogenic bacteria
When analyzing PCR for ureaplasma, a bacterium titer and their sensitivity to the effects of antibiotics are detected. The main types of bacteria are urealitikum and parvum.
Urealitikum destroys lymphocytes, which are the basis of the human immune system. However, it also negatively affects other elements of the blood, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. And also adversely affects the sperm of a man. This species is even capable of causing “urethral channel syndrome”, the main symptom of which is problems with urination, accompanied by pain, pain, burning and spotting.
Ureaplasma parvum 10 to the 5th degree affects urea, which causes an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. This type of bacteria over time can go into the chronic stage and ultimately lead to urolithiasis. Parvum also has a pathogenic effect on the blood.
The clinical picture of the disease
Ureaplasma 10 to 5 degrees in women can be expressed by the following symptoms:
- cramps and burning in the genitals;
- problems with using the toilet;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- spotting from the vagina outside the menstrual cycle;
- discomfort or pain during intercourse;
- lack of sexual desire;
- infertility.
Do not forget that this disease can occur without symptoms. In this case, there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic.
Decryption analysis
After passing the analysis, you will get results with which you need to contact a gynecologist. You yourself can incorrectly decrypt them and lose time to treat the disease.
However, many people, before visiting a doctor, first try to figure out the results of the analysis themselves and turn to the Internet or online consultation for this.
As we have already figured out, ureaplasma 10 to the 5th degree is an indicator of the presence of ureaplasmosis. To this extent, the disease must already be treated. A conditional norm is ureaplasma 10 to 4 degrees, but consultation with a doctor in the presence of such a result is still not recommended to be avoided.
Usually, when conducting a quantitative analysis, the concentration of bacteria per 1 ml of collected material is also indicated. For example, in the results of the study, ureaplasma 3 * 10 to the 5th degree can be written. For a correct assessment of the situation, both a qualitative and a quantitative indicator are taken into account. Because it helps to determine the neglect of the disease, if any.
Can be written and ureaplasma 4 * 10 to the 5th degree, and ureaplasma 1.6 * 10 to the 5th degree. All this shows the number of bacteria in the material taken. However, only a doctor will help you understand how serious this is. Therefore, after receiving the results of your analysis, do not delay the visit to the specialist in a long box. Procrastination can cost you a lot!
When should ureaplasmosis be treated?
The answer to this question is the following indicators:
- The presence of clinical manifestations of infection: endocervicitis, colpitis, urethritis, prostatitis.
- The presence of inflammatory changes in the absence of symptoms. The presence of red blood cells in the urethra, cervix and vagina in the urine is examined.
- In preparation for pregnancy or in the process of bearing a child.
- If it is impossible to have a child, the so-called temporary infertility.
Ureaplasma 10 to 5 degrees during pregnancy
A pregnant woman with this infectious disease can infect her baby in two ways: intrauterine and neonatal. The first method involves infection of the baby in the womb, the second, on the contrary, in the first 28 days after birth. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, it is imperative to get rid of ureaplasmosis before pregnancy.
If the infection occurred during pregnancy, then the time of the onset of the disease is of great importance. In the first trimester of pregnancy, ureaplasma bacteria can cause a miscarriage or a dead pregnancy. Recently, doctors even regarded the presence of the disease as an indicator for abortion, since bacteria can cause significant harm to the fetus. At this stage in the development of medical care, this is not a diagnostic criterion for terminating a pregnancy.
Infection in the later stages can also lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, as well as infect it. The consequences of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy also include complications after childbirth, which include inflammation of the uterus and appendages.
Bacteria can affect the condition of the cervix, softening its structure. this may entail premature disclosure and delivery or miscarriage. In such cases, doctors can stitch the neck or put a special ring.
The incubation period is about 1 month. After this period, a woman can discover the symptoms of the disease. However, be careful, they are very easy to confuse with an ordinary thrush, which, in fact, often worries expectant mothers, or with cystitis. Therefore, any incomprehensible symptoms that you have not previously observed or which began to cause you discomfort, must be reported to your gynecologist.
How to treat ureaplasmosis?
In the treatment of this infectious disease, in most cases hospitalization is not required. However, getting rid of pathogens is not so simple. They adapt very quickly to the effects of antibiotics on them. Because of this, during the treatment process, additional testing in a nutrient medium may be required to identify an antibiotic that can fight bacteria.
During treatment of ureaplasma 10 to the 5th degree, you may be advised to refrain from sexual intercourse, as well as review your diet, excluding fried, spicy, salty and alcohol from it. Your partner may also need treatment to avoid reinfection.
Remember, self-medication is by no means unacceptable, especially if you are in a position. Most antibiotics for pregnant women are contraindicated.
Disease prevention
Prevention of ureaplasmosis includes:
- lack of promiscuous sexual intercourse;
- if sexual intercourse occurs with an accidental partner, barrier contraception must be present;
- conduct antiseptic treatment after oral-genital intercourse;
- regular examinations by a gynecologist;
- healthy lifestyle.
Remember! It is better to identify and prevent any disease in time than to fight its chronic form later.