Acne is also added to all the problems that the future mother faces on the way to motherhood. They bear no danger either to her or to the fetus. However, during pregnancy, acne tends to melt a woman who is expecting a baby.
How the skin looks depends on the processes taking place in the body and its general condition. During pregnancy, many systems start working differently. The hormonal background changes, and in the first trimester almost every day. Therefore, acne in the early stages of pregnancy bother future mothers more often.
However, some do not have a single one for the entire period of bearing a baby. The fact is that everything also depends on what happened with the hormonal background and metabolism before pregnancy. Moreover, many women with problematic, oily and prone to rashes, noted that acne did not appear during pregnancy.
Metabolism during the bearing of the baby also changes, and it also has a serious impact on the appearance. Therefore, you must carefully monitor the diet. To prevent acne during pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce, and it is better to exclude fried and fatty foods, as well as sweet and flour.
Women are usually quite worried about the appearance of their skin. Therefore, during pregnancy, acne causes a lot of negative emotions. The problem is that you cannot seriously fight them, and even this is not very effective.
For example, many procedures and drugs for treating acne during pregnancy cannot be and are pointless. Therefore, as a rule, recommend home care. It is necessary to cleanse, moisturize and tone the skin with special means. Moreover, you should first consult with a gynecologist about the possibility of their use.
However, one should not hope that they will greatly help. Therefore, you have to be patient and wait until delivery. Basically, after them the hormonal background is restored, and all the rashes pass.
As a rule, during pregnancy, acne is located on the hips, abdomen, chest, but especially on the face. These are acne and ulcers of different sizes. They can hurt and itch. Acne is located either singly or in groups.
In addition, it is believed that toxicosis and nervous tension influence the rashes. Therefore, do not worry, and their number will decrease.
You can go to a consultation with a cosmetologist, but you should definitely inform about your condition. And all the prescribed procedures and means to discuss with the obstetrician-gynecologist, so as not to harm the baby.
Most future mothers face this problem, therefore, today the appearance of acne during pregnancy is considered the norm. However, there is no universal remedy for rash control. Many women during the gestation of a baby try more than a dozen options and still nothing helps. Others manage to reduce the number of rashes.
The use of funds is very individual, you can find the best option for yourself only by trial. The future mom should feel completely psychologically calm and certainly not worry about nothing, especially since everything will pass soon.
So, during pregnancy, acne appears in many due to changes in metabolism and hormonal levels. Their manifestations can be reduced with the help of proper nutrition, comprehensive skin care and a positive attitude. Serious procedures should not be used, since they can harm the baby and are ineffective during this period, and after delivery everything will go away by itself. There is no universal remedy for acne, everything is very individual. You can consult with a beautician and always with an obstetrician-gynecologist.