CSS Frame: Impromptu and Effect

Cascading styles (CSS) with all their logical simplicity allow not only to create an effective design solution, but also to provide elements with a real action, emulate the execution of real code.

Any visual HTML markup tag is a rectangular area of ​​a specific structure and content. The element contains an indication of coordinates, sizes, indents, colors, font, its style, etc. The CSS element frame specifies the area occupied by it, located from its border inward to the width indicated in the description.

frame css

Description Syntax

The element placement area is set by coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the page (left, top), horizontal and vertical size (width, height). All design and animation of an element is performed in pairs: "property: value".

, style , LINK. :

#name { : ; : ; : ; ... }

.name { : ; : ; : ; ... }

p, body, html, table, td..., HTML-. .

, , , Ctrl-U .

CSS (border-style), (border-color), (border-width). - border. (border-top, border-bottom, border-left, border-right).


border: 3px;

border-color: red;

border-style: double dashed solid dotted.

3 , - , : , - , , - .

border-width: 1px 2px 4px 8px;

border-color: blue;

border-style: dotted.

, , , - , - .

border-color: blue red green black;

. border , :

border: 1px green solid;

border-radius: 0px 4px 8px 12px;

-moz-border-radius: 0px 4px 8px 12px;

-webkit-border-radius: 0px 4px 8px 12px;

, CSS, , : .

how to make a frame in css

, px, pt, em..., , . , CSS , .

, , , :hover, , , . -, , - -. , .

. div , , , .

css lessons

CSS , . , .

CSS , . - , . - , , ( ) .

, , . , . , , , .

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