When cats are sterilized and why is it necessary

Buying a cute and cute cat, owners usually think about what awaits them in the future, at the time of its puberty. During the release of hormones that accompanies estrus, a lot of trouble awaits them: crowds of cats under the windows, their night cries, mess and so on. And one more big problem: what then to do with kittens? Therefore, even if initially there was no such intention, after the onset of the first estrus, the question arises of when cats are sterilized.

when cats are sterilized

What is this

Cat sterilization is an operation to remove the gonads called ovaries. It passes under the influence of general anesthesia. Such an operational effect is quite simple, is often carried out and is widely worked out. Most often this is done by opening the abdominal wall, and dissection of the abdominal muscles and skin is performed. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to process the suture with the help of ordinary brilliant green regularly, every other day, before healing. But, when you need to sterilize a cat, you can perform this operation and a seamless method.

when is it better to sterilize a cat

Why do this

If the cat is not intended for subsequent breeding, then it makes sense for the owners to think about such an operative measure. There are several reasons for this. First of all, sexual behavior during estrus is excluded. And it should be remembered that as a result of domestication, the schedule of leaks in a cat can undergo serious changes. If the wild relatives of this phenomenon occurs twice a year, then domestic can "walk" in just a month. This is probably an obvious case when cats are sterilized! A pet becomes calmer, more affectionate, it does not bother hormones. She will not suffer from the absence of her beloved cat. But not only the convenience of the owners can be called as the basis for this operation. There are cases when it is better to sterilize a cat without fail. Do this to prevent the occurrence of tumors and inflammation of the uterus, as well as ovarian cysts. It is these complications that threaten even the life of the animal, are possible with the constant use of drugs that suppress the symptoms of estrus. Such pathologies are most often found in cats of the elderly, older than 7 years. Then their body is already weakened, and the operation necessary for treatment can seriously undermine the health of the pet.

when to sterilize a cat

When is it better to sterilize a kitty?

When asked when cats are sterilized, specialists usually answer that it is better to do this at a young age. It is then that they will better tolerate the necessary general anesthesia. It is called the age of 8–9 months. However, you can perform this operation later. In any case, it is easier to carry than surgery to remove the inflamed uterus. But if the animal has reached old age (more than 7 years), it is better to preliminarily perform all the necessary complex of analyzes. Veterinarians also know that the removal of the sex glands before the second estrus reduces the risk of inflammation of the mammary glands, which in 3/4 of cases is malignant. When cats are sterilized, they must first consider the possible risks.

The operation to sterilize the cats is often a necessary intervention, which will not only be humane, but will also help to save the life and health of the pet for many years.

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