Lego "Technician 42043" is a constructor, the release of which many have been waiting for. At the moment, this is the largest and most voluminous toy in the series. It costs quite a lot - about 15,000 rubles, it is sold in any children's store. Manufacturers offer us to build a real Mercedes-Benz-Arox. This truck is truly impressive. Even an adult will have to spend more than a day to create it. There are a lot of details (2793 elements). What are the advantages and disadvantages of a toy, we learn from the article.
Who is Lego Technician suitable for?
Entering the store, many children are asked to purchase a designer. Such a toy is useful:
- develops fine motor skills;
- makes you understand complex structures, design;
- develops perseverance;
- develops thinking and logic.
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