How to increase processor performance on a computer? Ways

Performance is one of the most important parameters of a computer. It means how quickly the device will execute user-issued commands. Often this parameter is most strongly determined by computer components. For example, two computers with the same processor but different amounts of RAM will have different performance.

In ordinary PC operation, the difference in performance may not be too noticeable. However, it plays a decisive role for people working with a large number of programs, as well as in various games. The faster the computer responds to the actions, the less the delay in the game, the less often the game freezes and starts faster. This is especially important and noticeable in multiplayer games, when the reaction rate of both a person and a device often plays a key role.

So, how to increase processor performance? First you need to find out its current value.

How to find out PC performance

Basically, this parameter is measured by some number, which the larger the better. There are many different ways to know computer performance. You can, for example, take advantage of programs that exist in the vast majority of the Internet. Also in the Windows operating system, you can see the performance index.

To do this, go to the control panel and find the tab "System and Security". In it you need to select "System". In this tab, you can find out the main parameters of the computer, which include the performance index. It can be checked. Results are saved.

Performance index

As a final assessment, the system always selects the smallest value from the indicators of all components. In the process of upgrading your device, it is advisable to periodically check this indicator in order to know how the PC responds to a particular action.

So, with the location of the performance data, everything is clear. What are some ways to increase processor performance? There are several of them, and each should be considered in detail.

How to increase processor performance on laptop and PC

You can use several methods to increase device performance.

You need to start by checking the system for viruses. It often happens that somewhere in the corner a virus sits and slightly eats up the performance. You can use any good antivirus for this.

If this does not help, you can increase productivity by using processor overclocking or using PC settings, cleaning RAM, and more. For starters: what is overclocking? To explain this concept, it must be said that each processor has a certain frequency at which it operates. Frequency is measured in hertz and is the main characteristic of the processor. With some manipulations, you can increase the frequency at which it operates. It should be noted right away that this is not a very practical matter: PC performance is increased by 15% in strength. In addition, if the processor exceeds the clock frequency, the system loses its reliability.

Many, having heard about overclocking, ask the question: will the system burn out? You can answer it with words that only in 0.1% of cases of damage cannot be fixed. However, when planning to overclock your device, it is important to remember that it is up to you to be unlucky.

Overclocking the processor on a PC and laptop

Definitely overclocking a processor on a desktop computer is easier than on a laptop. Firstly, because overclocking is always accompanied by the release of more heat, and therefore, you need a more powerful cooling system, which is not easier to replace with a PC than with a laptop.

Secondly, working with PC components is generally easier than working with laptop components. How then to increase processor performance on a laptop? Yes, just like on a PC, you just need to carefully monitor the temperature of the processor and in no case prevent it from overheating. Consider several processors and how to overclock them.


In order to increase the performance of the AMD processor, overclocking it, you will need a special program. For example, AMD OverDrive. It is well suited for processors such as AMD. In addition, a utility will be needed to constantly measure the temperature of the processor. For example, Speed ​​Fan. Both programs are easily found on the Internet. For a clearer example, let's take a specific processor - AMD Athlon 64 X2. How to increase the performance of this processor?

You need to run both of these programs and select the Advanced tab in AMD OverDrive. There is an option Clock / Voltage, one of the lines of which - Select All Cores ("Select all cores") - should be checked. After these steps, you can begin to overclock the processor through a frequency multiplier. According to many IT specialists, AMD Athlon 64 X2 uses quite a bit of its resources, so you can immediately put 13-14. After a couple of minutes of the processor at this frequency, you need to measure its temperature. If it does not reach 70 ° C, and the computer works without failures, the multiplier can be increased by 1.

Overclocking can also be done through the BIOS, but with this processor it is easier to do through a third-party utility.


Intel is a very popular manufacturer of PC hardware, and it has many different devices that may require various programs and settings. For this example, take the Intel Core i5 processor. How to increase the processor performance of this company? You can also use the program. You will need a utility for measuring temperature and a program for overclocking, for example, CPU-Z. The procedure will be similar to overclocking AMD.

The second option is how to increase the performance of the Intel processor by overclocking it - using the BIOS. In order to enter it, when you start the computer you need to wait until the BIOS of the PC components is initialized and then click the Delete (Del) button. After that, go to the BIOS FEATURES option and find Super Speed ​​there. In this tab there will be an Overlock section, in which you need to select the Optimal Referens section. It will have the Manual option that needs to be set. After these actions, all data about the processor will appear on the screen. We will need its frequency, tire data and multiplier. Next, you need to find the BSLK frequency item, where you need to slightly increase the frequency. Having found the optimal value, you need to save the settings and exit the BIOS by rebooting the PC.

Many are also interested in increasing the performance of specific devices, wondering what to do to increase the performance of Samsung's 535U4C-S02 processor, for example. Well, to solve this problem, you just need to find out the components of the PC. This laptop has an AMD Dual-Core A6-4455M APU processor, therefore, the overclocking process for it will be similar to all other AMD. Or you can use one of the ways to increase productivity without affecting the processor - they are universal for all devices.

How to increase processor performance without overclocking

Despite the myths that you can only increase performance with overclocking, there are many ways to do this bypassing the interaction with the processor directly:

  • The first is the correct PC setup. That is, setting the exact number of processor cores to make full use of the potential, optimizing visual effects.
  • The second is disk defragmentation.
  • The third is regular cleaning and debugging of RAM. The garbage accumulating in RAM in the form of outdated and changed permissions, old links, settings of unused programs greatly slows down its work, which affects the overall performance of the computer.
  • Fourth - removing old, unused programs, setting up background processes.
  • Fifth - autoload debugging.

Increase PC performance with operating system settings

How to increase processor performance in Windows 7, 8, 10? The main method is based on tuning the operating system.

The fact is that by default in Windows, many different effects are included, giving the user a beautiful picture. Translucent windows, smooth transitions, shadows cast by objects. If you want to achieve the best system performance, all of them should be turned off.

In order to enter the control panel for additional elements, in the search you need to drive in: "Visual effects". The user will need the tab "Customize performance and system performance." In it you need to find the visual effects control panel. By default, almost all of them are turned on, and to improve performance, check the box "Ensure the best performance".

Visual effects

The following item is suitable only for those who use third-party antiviruses. Windows has its own built-in, which in this case can be disabled. To do this, go to the control panel and find "Turning Windows Firewall On or Off" there. In the left menu, select "Disable Windows Firewall" for each type of network and click OK.

Windows Firewall Stop

Now you need to stop the service itself. To do this, you will have to return to the control panel, select "Administrative Tools" and find the line "Windows Firewall" there. By right-clicking, select "Properties" and stop the service. After that, in the "Startup Type" column, select "Disabled". After that, you can safely click "Apply."

Another way to increase the processor performance of Windows 7, 8, 10 is to adjust the number of processor cores used by the computer. First you need to find out their number. Knowing the name of the processor, this can be easily found on the Internet. The processor name can be found in the "System" tab in the control panel. Next, you need to press the key combination Win + R and in the window that appears, enter msconfig. Next, you need to find the "Download" tab and select "Additional download options." The item "Number of processors" should be ticked and select the number corresponding to the number of cores.

Disk Defragmenter

In general, disk defragmentation is an extremely necessary option that users never do. We can only thank the developers of Windows for the fact that the default settings are weekly defragmentation. The fact is that when a program is deleted, there is an empty space on the disk where the system cannot always cram a new program due to size differences. And even if there is a small program that fits in the void, most likely there will be a little space nearby that cannot be filled with anything. Defragmentation removes these "holes".

Disk Defragmenter

In order to get into this panel, you just need to drive "Disk Defragmenter" into the search on the system. Here you need to take turns analyzing all the disks, and then select a disk whose fragmentation is not zero, and start defragmenting.

RAM cleaning

RAM plays a crucial role in PC performance. However, over time, it becomes clogged with various "garbage". To keep it working optimally, it needs to be cleaned from time to time.

To do this, in the search on the system you need to drive in "Diagnostics of computer RAM problems." In the pop-up menu, you need to select the first method.

RAM Diagnostics

The computer will restart and begin analyzing the RAM. The process takes a lot of time, so it is worth spending it only when the user is sure that right now he will not need a PC. After the end, the device will reboot again and provide the user with complete information about the work done.

Work with programs, setting up background processes

It would seem, how do programs that the user has not used for a long time affect the operation of a PC? However, they take up space on the hard drive and slow down the RAM. Also, the computer needs more time to boot and shut down, because the system frantically searches for a place for save files.

Removing unused programs

Therefore, it is recommended to delete all old and unnecessary programs from the PC. You can use the control panel, or you can use third-party software. One of the best is Your Unin-Staller. This program, unlike the Windows system, deletes not only the application itself, but also all its temporary and additional files.

Removing unnecessary programs at startup

This item only affects PC startup, but it is still important. Startup is a Windows system that launches programs immediately after a user logs on to the system. The more programs are active at startup, the longer the PC will load.

Disabling startup

In order to enter the startup settings, you need to press the key combination Win + R. A window with the name "Run" will appear, in which you need to enter the string msconfig. The system configuration opens. In it you need to find the "Startup" tab and uncheck all the items that are not needed.

Increase productivity through in-game settings

The first thing to use if the player thinks the game is slowing down is any utility for measuring fps. In some games, it is built-in. Regarding this number: fps shows the number of frames per second, therefore, the larger it is, the better. However, if it is kept low, several actions need to be taken.

Firstly, if you are interested in how to increase the processor performance for games and only for them, first of all, pay attention to in-game settings. By reducing the level of graphics, selecting the correct screen extension, reducing the number of effects, you can greatly improve system performance without worrying about overclocking the drive or looking for the right PC settings.

Secondly, video card settings can help, because it is this device that is responsible for the graphics. Before calibrating it, you should update the drivers: sometimes it happens that the brakes happen due to outdated software. If the problem persists, you can already go into the settings of the video card. To do this, right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and select "Control Panel (name of the manufacturer of the video card, for example Nvidia)." There, the user will need the “3D Settings Management” tab. There are many settings that improve the graphics in games and which can be completely removed without much damage. For example, V-Sync (vertical synchronization), triple buffering, anisotropic filtering.

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