The causes of hemorrhoids in women can be different. But especially this disease worsens during the bearing of a child. And then questions arise immediately. For example, how to give birth with hemorrhoids, alone or using cesarean section, whether the disease can harm the baby. Also, many are interested in whether there are treatment methods before the onset of childbirth. In this article, we will tell you how hemorrhoids manifest during pregnancy. How to give birth so that everything goes without consequences?
What is the danger for pregnant women?
The presence of hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman is not a mandatory indication for cesarean section. Usually, childbirth occurs naturally, provided that the disease is not completely neglected and there are no other contraindications. Although, if a woman is going to bear a child and knows about the presence of hemorrhoids, then it is better to worry about treatment in advance, since until pregnancy occurs, doctors are not limited in treatment methods. It often happens that the disease develops during the bearing of the baby. The main thing here is to catch her at the initial stage. Treatment should begin, which occurs quickly and without complications.
The whole danger of the disease boils down to the fact that during the course of the natural birth there will be strong pressure on the pelvic area. And when the baby moves along the birth canal, vein compression will occur. All this will lead to an increase in hemorrhoidal nodes. Therefore, the doctor must, by examining, answer the question of whether it is possible to give birth with hemorrhoids. During the examination, he will determine at what stage of the disease. In the process of childbirth, such complications may occur:
- the occurrence of bleeding, and sometimes not without the intervention of surgeons;
- an infection may get into open bleeding wounds;
- possible pinching of hemorrhoidal nodes ;
- thrombophlebitis;
- development of necrosis of nodes is possible.
The manifestation of all these side effects is optional. But the risk of bleeding is very high. How to give birth with hemorrhoids to reduce all risks to nothing? This task rests with the doctor. Therefore, it is important to treat hemorrhoids at the initial stage of the disease or before pregnancy.
Causes of the development of the disease during child bearing
Before answering the question of whether it is possible to give birth with hemorrhoids, we will talk about the causes of the disease. Most often, women develop hemorrhoids precisely because of the onset of pregnancy. Although a relapse may simply occur. Below are the main reasons.
- Constipation in pregnant women is a common occurrence. It develops due to the fact that the muscles of the rectum in this period are in a relaxed state. Therefore, in the process of defecation, a woman has to make great efforts. And this provokes the appearance or increase of hemorrhoidal nodes.
- Nutrition plays a significant role in the development of hemorrhoids. For example, if there are few cereals and fruits in the diet, then the same constipation occurs. A lack of vitamins and minerals provokes vascular weakness. If there is a lot of fatty and high-calorie foods in the diet, the fetus will be large and will put more pressure on the pelvic area.
- Women in position move less, especially in the last trimester, since due to the large abdomen it is difficult to stay on legs for a long time. And this provokes stagnation of blood. Also, if a pregnant woman has sedentary work and before she went on maternity leave she spent a lot of time sitting, then hemorrhoids are practically ensured for her.
- A significant role is played by the hereditary factor.
- If there are vascular diseases, for example, varicose veins. In the presence of these two diseases, only the doctor decides how to give birth with hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Here the situation will look much more serious. The veins on the legs also experience a heavy load during childbirth.
- During pregnancy, the body experiences strong hormonal changes. Here, an experienced doctor cannot imagine in advance how the body of even an absolutely healthy woman will behave. Yes, and immunity at this time is greatly weakened, since most of the useful substances are spent on the development and growth of the baby. Plus, the blood increases the level of progesterone. And he, in turn, leads to a weakening of muscle tone and a weakening of the state of the vessels.
- The uterus grows during pregnancy, and every day more and more pressure becomes on the pelvic region and intestines. There is stagnation of blood and constipation.
Knowing about the listed reasons, we can safely conclude that hemorrhoids during pregnancy are difficult to avoid. But it is known that it is better to start treating it in the first stages. For this, a woman needs to know the symptoms of the disease.
Key features
Let's look at the main symptoms of the disease. These include the following:
- Discomfort appears in the anus. It is expressed by sensations of burning and itching.
- When constipation occurs, cracks in the anus may occur. They will make themselves felt with the same itching and pain during bowel movements.
- The appearance of blood in stool or bloody marks on paper. And if the disease is started, then the discharge can be significant.
- If the hemorrhoidal nodes are enlarged and come out, then pain is possible even in a normal sitting position. Nodes can be easily felt during palpation. And at the initial stage, they even manage to correct them on their own. With the further development of the disease, this will not work.
- The most important symptom of hemorrhoids is pain in the anus. Especially they increase with bowel movements. And sometimes they are very strong.
To the doctor!
If these symptoms are found, you should immediately contact a proctologist. If there is no pregnancy, then the doctor prescribes the usual treatment. When it is, but the abdomen is not yet visible, it is necessary to warn the doctor. Then sparing preparations will be selected. And it is important to warn the gynecologist who is pregnant about the disease. He must determine in advance and tell the woman in labor how to give birth with hemorrhoids without tangible consequences. This is necessary for a woman to prepare herself mentally and physically.
Methods for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy
How to treat an ailment in this position? The following is recommended:
- Compliance with the diet. The menu should include more vegetables, fruits and cereals that help empty the bowels. Specialty teas are also prescribed.
- If possible, do more walks. A sedentary lifestyle is minimized. It is the movement that helps the proper blood circulation and rectal function.
- Taking medications prescribed by your doctor. It can be candles or ointments. To reduce pain and itching, as well as to reduce hemorrhoids. Additionally, medications are prescribed to improve the condition of the vessels and to strengthen them. To relieve stool - laxative tablets, syrups.
- If the disease is not started, then washing with infusions of herbs (nettle, dandelion, chamomile) helps. It is useful to apply compresses from the same herbs or mashed potatoes, beets. Sea-buckthorn candles and oil are good for bleeding hemorrhoids.
The main thing is to know that any treatment should occur under the supervision of a doctor. Many women attribute hemorrhoids to a delicate disease and are embarrassed to go to the doctor's office without thinking about the consequences during childbirth.
How to give birth with hemorrhoids?
If a woman has hemorrhoids that have not been cured before childbirth, the doctor decides how delivery will take place. But if the disease was from the beginning of pregnancy, and the treatment did not bring any results, that is, on the contrary, the disease only progressed during this period and reached the fourth stage, then there is only one option - cesarean section. If the disease is not so pronounced, then it is allowed to give birth on their own. Is it possible to give birth naturally with hemorrhoids? The answer to this question will be given only by a doctor. The patient’s desire is not taken into account.
Independent birth: cons
In natural childbirth, hemorrhoids are dangerous because additional bleeding through hemorrhoids can occur. Also, cracks may appear, which will cause additional pain to the woman in childbirth. Pinched hemorrhoids may occur.
If the birth is normal or even faster than usual, then this may not affect the disease at all. But if the birth process is protracted, then it is worth waiting for complications from hemorrhoids. This is loss of nodes, and severe bleeding, increased pain. Also, postpartum surgery may be required. That is why it is important to listen to all the doctor's recommendations in the process.
Do not over-exert yourself. For this reason, doctors are present at childbirth to help a woman without complications give birth to a baby and so that the child is not injured. Hemorrhoids can occur during natural birth and in an absolutely healthy woman. This happens due to increased pressure and overstrain of the vessels of the rectum. Here, the doctor prescribes a number of procedures for treatment before discharge. After childbirth, special gymnastics is allowed. Medicines (candles, ointments, tablets) are prescribed individually.
Independent birth: pluses
So is it possible to give birth to hemorrhoids on their own? Based on the foregoing, we can say that, most likely, yes. A child born naturally is more adapted to life. After all, passing through the birth canal is a very important procedure for the baby. Yes, and anesthesia with caesarean section negatively affects the child.
After natural childbirth, the body recovers faster, and mom’s milk appears faster. Doctors must monitor the health of the woman in labor and the child during childbirth and try to completely eliminate all complications. If there is a loss of nodes with strong attempts, then doctors, if possible, push the nodes back.
When is cesarean prescribed?
In what cases will a cesarean section be prescribed?
- If hemorrhoids went into the fourth stage. Hemorrhoidal nodes are located outside, and there is no way to put them in place.
- There is a thrombosis of the nodes, accompanied by severe pain.
- Severe hemorrhoid bleeding.
- The presence of bacterial infections.
Caesarean section saves from labor during hemorrhoids. But it is dangerous because after surgery the bed rest follows, they reduce physical activity. And because of this, constipation and blood stasis occur, which provokes further deterioration. In order to alleviate the situation at least a little, it is recommended that women with hemorrhoids after cesarean should lie so that the pelvis is above chest level. To do this, you can purchase a special pillow.
After any birth, a woman should know how to behave. This rule especially applies to childbirth in the presence of hemorrhoids.
What to do after childbirth? How to behave?
We have already answered the question of how to give birth with hemorrhoids. Now let's talk about how to behave after childbirth. Need:
- Be sure to follow a diet. Only those products should be eaten that will not harm the baby's health and will be useful to the mother. Food should not cause constipation, but, on the contrary, should contribute to the emptying of the rectum, as well as its strengthening.
- Spend more time on the move. Useful walks, swimming, ordinary cleaning the house. If there was a cesarean section, then physical activity increases with the permission of the doctor.
- Less time spent in a sitting position, do not cause stagnation of blood in the anus.
- Be sure to observe personal hygiene.
- The doctor will prescribe physical exercises, complexes can also be found on their own, but it is advisable to consult a doctor about them. Be sure to train at least once a day. In order not to forget about it, you need to take special time for this.
- If necessary, treat with drugs.
It turns out that childbirth in the presence of hemorrhoids is dangerous for its complications. Every expectant mother should think about this. Is it possible to give birth naturally with hemorrhoids - only the doctor decides. It depends on the state of the woman in labor and the course of the disease. The most important thing is to try to cure the disease during pregnancy. And in the process of childbirth, you must always listen to the doctor's recommendations. Then the complications will be minimal. In the postpartum period, you must also follow the doctor's instructions, it is necessary to try to cure the pathology.