Non-stick coating - harmful or not?

Dishes with non-stick coating appeared more than half a century ago. Thanks to lightness and convenience, this kitchenware quickly became popular. But then there were mass publications in the press about the dangers of Teflon - the very substance that provides a non-stick effect.

non-stick coating

There is still no 100% reliable research that would prove the harm or harmlessness of this dishes. Manufacturers say that perfluorooctanoic acid (which is attributed to carcinogenicity) is no longer used in Teflon production. But even in those days when the technology was still the same, this acid completely decomposed at the production stage, and was not contained in the dishes that reached the buyer. The fact is that this element is destroyed at a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius, and a non-stick coating is sprayed at 400 degrees, therefore, perfluorooctanoic acid was destroyed even at the production stage. But manufacturers may be biased.

ceramic non-stick coating

There is, however, the opinion of independent experts. The fact that the non-stick coating using Teflon is safe for human health is stated in the directive of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment BfR. This organization conducts independent research, based on the results of which it draws its conclusions. There is no reason not to believe their conclusions.

On the other hand, from time to time, more and more new notes about the dangers of Teflon appear in the media, but they can be paid for by competitors who produce cookware with a ceramic non-stick coating. This type of coating has appeared recently, and utensils with its use are positioned as the safest and most resistant to damage.

But such kitchen utensils require

non-stick coating harm

a certain attention: she is afraid of sudden changes in temperature. You can not put hot dishes on cold surfaces or vice versa, you also need to wash them with water of the appropriate temperature. Even ceramics is afraid of impacts - cracks may appear. In general, that is still a hassle.

Any cookware that has a non-stick coating is afraid of overheating. In the description of each product, there is always a maximum heating temperature. It cannot be exceeded - it is precisely at this that the non-stick characteristics begin to deteriorate sharply, the food begins to stick, the surface becomes covered with cracks and the spraying begins to peel off. Such pans cannot be used for frying meat or fish until a golden crust is formed - this is the same overheating. Strong oil heating must not be allowed: if it begins to smoke, discard the pan, you ruined it. This applies not only to Teflon, but also to ceramics. It is safe at high temperatures (in any case, manufacturers say so, and there are no other data yet), but it also loses non-stick properties when overheated.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether a non-stick coating is harmful to our health or not. Whether or not to use such utensils, everyone decides for himself. But if you want to purchase it, then be sure to carefully study the rules of use and stick to them, otherwise the money will simply be thrown to the wind.

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