How are servers hacked? How to hack the server into the admin panel?

Most people who are programmers or other technical specialists began their serious journey as a computer guru with an attempt to hack something. A game or a site - it does not really matter. There is also a small warning - this information is located here for informational purposes only and its use and application in practice is strictly not recommended. Also, to avoid negative consequences, everything will be described in general terms without specifics like the names of programs or detailed hacking algorithms. And in the end it will be considered how to hack the server into the admin panel.


how servers are hacked

So how are servers hacked? The very first step in any strategy is port scanning. This is done to find out what software is installed. Each open port is a server program. Example: port 21 is FTP. If you connect to it and get the appropriate rights, you can safely download or upload any files. First of all, you need to scan the first 1024 ports. Here you can find many standard services. Each of them is a kind of door. And the more of them, the easier it will be to find out that one or several of them are not closed. To a large extent, everything depends on the computer skills of the administrator who is watching the server. The obtained information about weaknesses should be recorded on a standalone medium (a sheet of paper or a tablet).

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Security testing

how to hack a server

Almost every day, security specialists find and eliminate various shortcomings. Usually they know very well how to hack servers, and they do everything to prevent this from happening. Therefore, a likely option is when you have to look for a weak spot for quite some time. But even so, there is no universal base of all the shortcomings, so if you want to identify problems, you need to stock up on time, patience and a large number of programs. After all, it is much easier to identify and exploit slack in most cases than to patch them.

How is hacking of a remote server actually carried out?

how to hack the server into the admin panel

Many problems arise because of CGI scripts. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are a priority goal. This is due to the universality of the programming languages ​​in which they are written. As a result, the functions in the scripts transmit data that are not checked, but are immediately sent to potentially vulnerable places. The weakest language in terms of security is Perl. Others, like PHP and ASP, also have holes in them, but there are fewer of them. Java is considered relatively secure, but because of the slow processing of data, it is reluctantly used. But the biggest problem is the human factor. Many self-taught programmers do not even think about security. So in this case, some good CGI scanners will help.

Where to find the necessary data?

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how to hack a cs server

How exactly does hacking from A to Z happen? Let's look at this process using access to the Contra Strike game server as an example. This choice was made because of the popularity of this entertainment. How to hack the server into the admin panel, because they are of the greatest interest? There are two main ways - a simple selection of passwords and more sophisticated. One of these more complex and effective ways are backdoors. They involve logging into the console through open ports within the boundaries of 27000-37000 and editing a file that indicates who the administrator is. There are other ways to hack the KS server, but remember that these actions are illegal!

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