In any pedagogical process, certain methods and techniques are implemented. They vary depending on the goals and objectives. It also matters in which area they are applied. In this article we will consider specific methods of physical education and the possibilities of their application.
What are physical education methods?
So, what are the methods of physical education? These are the methods, techniques, the ability to perform physical exercises. They come in two forms. Specific methods of physical education are used exclusively in the process of physical preparation. While general pedagogical methods are used both in the process of physical education, and in other areas of training, education and development.
Historical summary
In the course of the development of specific methods of physical education, several areas were identified. Initially, they proved themselves well and game and competitive began to develop. Gaming was productive in working with the younger generation. Competitive is reflected in the Olympic Games, qualifying competitions, championships of districts and cities.
Both methods allowed achieving the set results. However, the whole time there was a question about their regulation. It was still necessary to streamline and organize them. This was also explained by the need to perform strictly set tasks for training in movements and the education of motor abilities. This trend has identified the emergence of three groups of methods. Gaming and competitive retained their positions, and along with them methods of strictly regulated exercises appeared.
The interaction of these groups of methods was not conflict-free. In some countries, for example, in Europe, the competitive method was rejected, while in others, for example, in America, they were against methods of strictly regulated exercises. Therefore, their complex use has long been considered ineffective. However, it should be noted that each specific method, implemented by itself, cannot be fully considered. Only a systematic and integrated application of all methods can ensure the complete achievement of all the tasks of physical education in general.
General pedagogical and specific methods of physical education: what is the difference?
In principle, their difference is understandable. It is expressed in applications. Specific methods of physical education include:
- strictly regulated exercise;
- game form of exercises;
- competition method.
It is these methods that help to realize specific narrowly targeted goals and objectives of physical education and the development of physical qualities.
General pedagogical methods are represented by two large groups: verbal and visual. Undoubtedly, these methods also participate in the process of physical education, but specific methods of physical education and development are still more valuable.
In addition, the use of any one method is ineffective. Only the integrated use of methodological principles allows us to fully achieve our goals. Next, we consider a detailed description of specific methods and techniques of physical education.
Strictly Regulated Exercise Method
Each method used in the learning process makes a great contribution to the implementation of the goal. However, a mandatory component of specific methods of physical education is a strictly regulated exercise. Indeed, this is the difference between physical education classes. All of them are built using this method. It is he who is fundamental. All other methods act in conjunction with it and complement it.
The essence of this method is the implementation of physical exercises in a strictly prescribed form and with a certain load. All exercises have specific rules and procedures. Their observance is the basis for the implementation of this method.
There are several advantages to this method. Thanks to him, you can:
- engage in motor activity in accordance with a clear plan (number of exercises, their combination, order of implementation);
- to regulate the load (taking into account the state of health and development of those involved, as well as relying on the goals set);
- strictly follow the alternation of rest and load;
- influence the development of specific physical qualities;
- apply exercise for people of different ages;
- see the dynamics of the development of physical qualities (severity at the beginning of the exercise and the appearance of lightness as it is mastered);
- master and learn physical exercises.
This method, in turn, is divided into two subgroups, namely: training in motor actions and the education of physical qualities.
Game method
Specific methods of physical education also include a game play method of exercises. He is undoubtedly good at teaching children of preschool and primary school age. Indeed, in preschool age, the game is a leading activity. Even at the beginning of schooling, the game still plays an important role in the education and upbringing of children.
The game method as a specific method of the process of physical education allows you to solve educational, health and educational problems.
This method, like any other, has its own characteristics. These include:
- the game has a complex effect on a person, because in the process of game activity many qualities develop together, interacting closely with each other;
- this feature emerges from the first and is its opposite: with the help of the game you can develop a certain physical quality, it is enough to choose a specific game;
- effective education of physical functions in the process of competition with others;
- the formation of many non-physical qualities and sides of the personality (imagination, creativity, thinking, independence, initiative, determination, etc.) through the use of all kinds of ways to achieve the goal;
- unregulated performance of game actions; improvisation is permissible;
- the formation and development of moral qualities in the key of confrontation with rivals (mutual assistance, cooperation, collectivism, will, discipline);
- instilling interest and desire to develop physical qualities, creating a positive emotional attitude and interest during the game (especially in children).
However, this method is not ideal, it has a significant drawback: the limited ability to study new movements and the lack of control over the load on the body. This is especially detrimental to the education of preschool children.
Competitive method
Specific methods of physical education, their characteristics and application features are prescribed in educational programs. Among them, a competitive method is also described. The essence of the method is that all types of physical exercises are performed in the form of competitions. This increases the enthusiasm, enthusiasm and interest of those involved in physical education. The competitive moment encourages students to show better results. However, it is important to keep in mind that competitors must be prepared for the exercises in which they will compete.
The use of a specific method of physical education in this case is manifested:
- in official competitions of various levels (championships, qualifying competitions, championships);
- as part of the lesson (sports training, relay race, physical education and sports lesson).
Thanks to this method, you can:
- influence the manifestation of motor activity, achieving its maximum manifestation;
- determine the level of ownership of motor skills;
- achieve maximum physical activity;
- influence the education of strong-willed qualities.
Verbal and sensory methods
Despite the fact that literature and visualization are part of general educational methods, they also apply to specific methods of physical education. Thanks to them, it is possible to use a wide range of words and sensory information in the process of physical training and education.
Using literature, you can communicate the necessary knowledge, strengthen and intensify perception, evaluate and analyze the results of work, monitor and correct the behavior of students.
But with the help of visualization, you can affect the senses: visual, auditory and muscle analyzer.
Load and rest
Specific methods of the physical education process are carried out through physical exercises. The main thing in them is a correctly selected load and its competent alternation with rest.
The load is considered to be the magnitude of the effect on the body. Here, first of all, we mean the amount of this effect.
It is usually customary to distinguish between standard and variable loads. The standard load is the same for each exercise period. But the variable load implies an increase during the exercise.
The specific methods of physical education and their characteristics also depend on whether the load on the body is constantly on, or whether this effect is intermittent. The intermittent nature of the load is provided by alternating it with periods of rest.
Rest is known to be passive and active. Passive implies relative peace, without performing any motor exercises. While outdoor activities are a switch to a different type of activity, it is important that it be different from the one that caused fatigue.
Specific methods of physical education involve the use of outdoor activities. Indeed, in the process of its implementation, you can continue to develop the necessary skills and physical qualities. For example, during outdoor activities between gymnastic exercises, a game is used to develop agility and speed.
Thus, the applied load (volume, intensity, order of repetition, oscillation and alternation with the phases of rest) and the nature of the rest between the phases of the load determine the methods used during physical activity.
Method Application Method
The period of mastering various motor skills implies the use of various methods at different stages of training. At the very beginning, the following methods are applied:
- dissected constructive exercise (used in cases where the motor action cannot be mastered immediately as a whole - it is studied by the serial connection of parts);
- holistic constructive exercise (the motor action is mastered immediately as a whole, its specific details are highlighted and leading exercises are used to help holistic mastery of the action).
As motor skills improve, the following methods become available for use:
- selectively directed exercise (the use of special exercises that promote the development of individual functions and motor skills; they are also aimed at certain capabilities of the body and their increase);
- conjugate exercise (at the same time, motor qualities and forms of motor actions develop);
- standard-repeated exercises (implies the repeated performance of movements without much making any changes to them; these can be, for example, constantly passing a distance at a certain speed or performing exercises constantly in one way);
- variable exercise (on the contrary, it is based on the constant introduction of changes during the exercise; this may be an increase in the load, a change in the intervals between approaches or external conditions for the exercise);
- combined method (allows the mixing of various methods and types of exercises);
- complex circular training (implies the sequential performance of 8-10 exercises; between such sets, breaks may be taken for relaxation, but may not be done; various combinations of exercises can develop speed, endurance, pace, strength. For example, continuous training brings strength, interval exercises affect for the development of speed and endurance, and training with single intervals of rest - speed and pace).
Brief conclusions
Briefly specific methods of physical education can be characterized as follows:
- Methods of physical education - these are methods, techniques, the ability to perform physical exercises.
- Two types of methods are distinguished: specific (only for physical education) and general pedagogical (for all areas of development).
- Specific methods - methods of strictly regulated exercises, game and sports methods.
- General didactic methods - verbal and visual methods.
- Methods of strictly regulated exercises - training in motor actions and the education of physical qualities.
- The game has a complex effect on a person, because in the process of game activity many qualities develop together, interacting closely with each other.
- The essence of the competitive method is that all types of physical exercises are performed in the form of competitions. This increases the enthusiasm, enthusiasm and interest of those involved in physical education. The competitive moment encourages students to show better results.
- Using literature, you can communicate the necessary knowledge, strengthen and intensify perception, evaluate and analyze the results of work, monitor and correct the behavior of students.
- With the help of visualization, you can affect the senses: visual, auditory and muscle analyzer.
- The applied load (volume, intensity, repetition, oscillation and alternation with the phases of rest) and the nature of the rest between the phases of the load determine the methods used in the course of physical activity.
- The methods are applied in the following sequence: dissected constructive exercise, holistic constructive exercise, selectively directed exercise, conjugate exercise, standard-repeated exercises, variable exercise, combined method, complex circular training.