How does labor before labor begin? What are the sensations?

Soon your pregnancy will end with the birth of a baby, a new man whom you have been waiting for so long. But before that, a lot of different important processes must pass through the woman’s body, after which she can give birth. Any woman begins labor, which signals that the child is ready to see this world and will soon begin to move along the birth canal. Many representatives of the fair sex, especially those who should give birth for the first time, are afraid of everything and do not know how the contractions begin before childbirth. So what is it, and which women actually feel before birth?

How contractions begin before childbirth

What are contractions? These are painful contractions of the uterus that help the baby to be born. It is with them that labor begins. They are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and at the same time it can give back to the lower back. If you have a fight - be sure that in the near future your baby will see his mother! However, this does not always happen. And sometimes Brexton-Hicks fights, or, as they are also called, false fights may appear . They also have pain, but they are a kind of training of the body and pass soon. Well, if it’s time for you to give birth, then you will understand right away how the first contractions begin. Unlike false ones, they will not subside, but rather intensify, and the time between them will gradually decrease.

What week do fights begin?

The question of how contractions begin before childbirth is of interest to almost all pregnant women long before the baby is born. And many are very scared of these sensations. But this is a completely normal physiological phenomenon, it indicates that you will soon become a mother. All women go through this, so you should not be afraid. Everyone has a different pain threshold, so what seems to be an unbearable pain for one is quite tolerable for the other.

How contractions begin before childbirth

At first, they last only a couple of seconds, there is no severe pain, and a woman can not always even determine whether she has contractions or not. The period between them is usually 10-12 minutes. Sometimes it happens that 7-8 minutes. Over time, they increase, and the period between them decreases. At this point, the pain is already quite noticeable. This is how the first bouts begin. In between, the pain passes, the woman at this time can rest. During contractions, the uterus is greatly reduced, which is what causes pain. Opening of the cervix begins . When it opens to 12 cm, it is considered completely open, and the woman begins the second birth phase. Water is leaving. The birth of a baby is not far off.

Do not be afraid, maternal instinct will help you realize that you are beginning to give birth. You still do not know how labor pains begin before childbirth, quickly or slowly? They never immediately become very painful, the intensity increases with time.

How the first fights begin

What week do fights begin? In general, every woman has everything individually. On average, they begin at 38-40 weeks of gestation. Sometimes they give birth earlier, and some postpone pregnancy. But on average, it is from 38 to 40 weeks that most women begin to give birth.

Remember that the pain will go away, and your baby will please you all his life!

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