Multiple sclerosis - life expectancy depends on the course of the disease

If we talk about multiple sclerosis not in medical terms, but from the point of view of the average person, then this disease is too serious, affecting the nervous system in the first place. This is a disease of young people, unfortunately. And it is absolutely not necessary to confuse or compare it with "senile sclerosis", although the changes that occur in the human body are very significant and irreversible, as in old age.

Multiple sclerosis, the life span of which is determined by the defeat of systems and organs. The disease begins, as a rule, at a young age from 25 to 35 years, but there are cases when patients appeared and 12 and 55 years old. Women get sick more often than men. The causes of the appearance of multiple sclerosis are not exactly established, but many medical sources indicate a hereditary factor in the occurrence of the disease. There is a theory in which it is indicated that multiple sclerosis can arise from a virus that is in our body, but in a "sleeping state". Various viruses can wake him up and weaken or disrupt the immune system.

The first symptoms can be very diverse, but of course, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Scientific articles on this topic should not be a guide to trying the diagnosis on yourself. This is exactly the disease with which you have to live until the end of your days. And there’s no point in talking about a complete cure, so there are no drugs for this ailment yet.

Multiple sclerosis, life expectancy also depends on such a factor as the course of the disease. In some patients, multiple sclerosis manifests itself with minimal damage, in others, the disease progresses rapidly, leading to disability. And for most patients, there is a cross between the first and second.

Multiple sclerosis, life expectancy may also depend on how early the recognition of the disease occurred. The recognition process is carried out on the basis of multiple analyzes and objective facts of the patient's condition. The doctor’s diagnostic tests are primarily aimed at eliminating symptoms that are similar in symptoms. New studies of the brain, in particular MRI, allow you to quickly recognize and begin to treat this disease.

Multiple sclerosis, life expectancy, perhaps, will be due to how sick a person is ready to endure it mentally. With the defeat of multiple sclerosis of the brain , various depression, depression, and in severe cases, suicide attempts occur. The patient’s environment, especially with the progressive course of the disease, should be friendly, and support the mentally ill.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with stem cells is already underway in some clinics. But it is impossible to talk about complete healing, since the course of the disease is usually unpredictable. There are results that indicate an improvement after the introduction of stem cells that are grown from the patient’s fat cells. The results show that after the introduction of stem cells, the ability to move independently returns, limb tremors disappear. That is, today, stem cell sclerosis treatment is an alternative or addition to the main treatment.

Multiple sclerosis - the prognosis is poor. This is exactly the disease that you have to live with. A lot depends on how the disease progresses, how much the brain is affected, and whether periods of remission begin. Manifestations of the disease will be present constantly or appear sporadically. A very important factor is the patient's environment. After all, only caring and sympathetic people nearby can help a patient with this disease live. Yes, and the patient himself must accept that he is not able to change.

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