One of the most important stages of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the transfer of embryos to the uterus. Their number is often more than one, since in this way it is possible to achieve the highest probability of successful implantation. Naturally, with this procedure and after it, a woman experiences great excitement. Particular attention is paid to the symptoms that her body gives. Any manifestations of discomfort make you wary.
However, it is not always worth it to panic and despair right away, even if you suddenly have pulling pains in the lower abdomen after embryo transfer. How to behave correctly in this case? What can be done? What is strictly prohibited? The answers to these questions in our article.
What is embryo transfer?
The very definition of the word “transfer” in this case means that the embryo fertilized outside the woman’s body is placed in the uterine cavity using special tools. This method of conception is resorted to by couples who have difficulties with the onset of pregnancy in a natural way, having diseases or pathologies that are the basis for IVF.
The transfer subject to embryos that have passed a certain path of development. As a rule, on the third to fifth day of cell maturation, it can be used as biomaterial for replanting. Once in the natural environment, embryos must be implanted in the uterus. However, this does not always happen and not immediately. In 40-50% of cases, the attempt is unsuccessful, the cells (blastocysts) die, failing to attach. Some women may feel their belly pulling after embryo transfer. This does not mean that there is no chance. A pain symptom can appear for various reasons. Consider what symptoms the doctor should immediately respond and begin to take action.
Dangerous signals
There is an erroneous assumption that the same protocol and the same state of health in different women leads to the same result. It should be understood that the body of each lady is individual, as is her hormonal background. You can compare your feelings with what others experience, adjusted for the peculiarities of their history of the IVF protocol. Many face the fact that after embryo transfer, the stomach and lower back are pulled. However, the reasons for this phenomenon may be different. In vitro fertilization is the surgical manipulation associated with invading the uterus. It rarely goes asymptomatic. After it, for many women, pulling pains are observed for some time, as with beginning menstruation. If you refrain from physical activity that day, exclude other negative factors (for example, taking a hot bath), the discomfort will recede.
Pain immediately after transfer
Before embarking on IVF, doctors talk about how a woman's well-being can change right after the procedure. Since the manipulations are carried out in the cervical region and inside it, it is quite normal and natural for some time for the patient to feel that she is pulling the lower abdomen after embryo transfer. A small amount of discharge is also quite normal. Their color can be from light pink to brownish. Perhaps, during the introduction of the biomaterial, small vessels were affected and damaged. To eliminate the risk of complications and deterioration of health immediately after transplantation, the woman is under control in the clinic.
Unpleasant sensations after two days
Doctors note that each of the patients reacts differently to the implantation of fertilized cells. Some do not hurt, until the birth they calmly endure pregnancy. In others, the stomach pulls after embryo transfer for 2 days. It must be understood that any invasion of the female body does not pass without a trace. If even immediately after the procedure there were no unpleasant symptoms, then they may occur later.
The pulling pains themselves can be of a different nature. If their nature is constant, aching, then it is recommended to observe bed rest and control the level of progesterone and estradiol in the blood. If necessary, the amount of hormone taken can be increased.
Drawing pains in the abdomen
Hormonal support is the main assistant during in vitro fertilization. The main reason for the impossibility of conception in a natural way is the insufficient amount of progesterone produced by the body. Without the use of additional drugs, there may be a risk of unsuccessful replanting. If a woman suddenly felt that she was not just pulling in the lower abdomen after embryo transfer, but could be said to “twist”, then you should urgently contact a doctor or call an ambulance. If spotting occurs, there is a risk of intrauterine bleeding. Therefore, this symptom cannot be ignored.
Pulls lower back
If two weeks after embryo transfer, the stomach pulls, this is not a sign of the onset of menstruation. Doctors admit that at the time of implantation, such sensations may not have undesirable consequences. In this case, the pain can be mild, unstable. In addition, it is necessary to exclude problems with the intestines. Since during the preparation, before the IVF procedure and after, the woman has to take a fairly large number of drugs, constipation and gas formation occur as a side effect. Problems with stool can provoke pulling pains in the lower back.
A growing embryo provokes an increase in the uterus. Sprain is also one of the causes of discomfort in the lumbar region. At the same time, the growth of the mammary glands begins, which can also be inconvenient. Many are happy to perceive this symptom as another confirmation that the embryo was successfully implanted. Most women who have undergone IVF undergo such unpleasant symptoms persistently, trying not to think about where it hurts.
Recommendations for improving well-being
The first hour is recommended to maintain a horizontal position. Therefore, the patient is invited to relax in the ward and only then go home. A positive effect is achieved by eliminating stressful situations. It is also impossible to lift and carry weights. You should refrain from long walks, jogging and fast climbing stairs, visiting a bath or sauna. In a word, any physical activity can negatively affect one's well-being. As a result, a woman has a lower abdomen after embryo transfer. It is possible to eliminate this symptom, it is enough to observe bed rest, exclude sexual intercourse, protect the future mother from any experiences.
Two weeks after embryo transfer, with successful implantation, the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear: nausea, dizziness, shooting pains in the back, giving to the leg, discomfort in the vagina. Doctors advise to refrain from taking additional medications. It is necessary to exclude self-medication, since everything that was previously taken in this position can simply do harm.
While taking hormonal preparations that stimulate the egg maturation process, support it during replanting and implantation, do not forget about the need to use vitamins. They are able to maintain immunity, maintain muscle tone, improve antioxidant functions. This is extremely important, since there is a difficult and crucial stage ahead - bearing and giving birth to a baby.
Bowel problems and nutrition
If pain occurs at times, then doctors recommend taking No-Shp tablets or putting Papaverine rectal suppositories. Proper nutrition is one of the most important factors that eliminates problems with the intestines. Normal digestion prevents the possibility of constipation and increased gas formation. It is also necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Excessive exposure to toxic products on the body leads to the development of disorders and food poisoning.
You can reduce the burden on the intestines by adding foods rich in dietary fiber, fiber, micro and macro elements to the diet. Do not forget about the importance of pure non-carbonated drinking water, which the expectant mother must use in the amount of 1.5 liters daily.
Compliance with such simple rules will exclude the appearance of pulling pains from the list of dangerous symptoms due to constipation and digestive disorders. If this could not be avoided, then it is not recommended to use microclysters, to push hard. Any pressure on the abdomen and pelvic organs can cause unsuccessful implantation.
Hormonal support after IVF
Blood progesterone levels are monitored not only during preparation, but throughout pregnancy. He is responsible for the safety and development of the fetus, helps to reduce the tone of the uterus. Therefore, an insufficient amount of it or a drop in its level in the blood may result from the fact that after transfer of embryos the stomach pulls, even if some time has passed.
Knowing that the pregnant woman does not have enough or no corpus luteum, the doctor prescribes hormonal support. Its duration, as a rule, is several months, most often until the beginning of the second trimester. This is due to the fact that after 16 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta, which is responsible for maintaining the necessary level of hormones in the mother’s blood, begins to fully function.
High hormone levels
In medical practice it is often found that in the process of stimulating ovulation and with subsequent medical support, an excess of hormones occurs. That is, hyperstimulation occurs. A woman may feel a side effect from this procedure after a while. To calm down and eliminate suspicion, it is recommended to do not only a pregnancy test, but also donate blood for HCG. When receiving positive results, if even after the transfer of embryos the stomach pulls, you need to calm down. The main assistant in this case is the doctor. He should adjust hormone therapy to help a woman get rid of unpleasant and disturbing symptoms.
Reviews and recommendations
What does any modern woman do if she has a stomach pull after embryo transfer? She reads reviews on forums or asks her questions and awaits an answer from people like her. The key to all of this is to receive encouraging advice. The stories of other women that they also had similar symptoms, but everything ended well, soothe, give hope. It is important during the period of bearing a child (especially in the first days after the IVF procedure) not to be nervous, to avoid scandals, quarrels, and a depressive state. Various disorders, ailments, pulling pains in the abdomen can accompany a woman until she pulls herself together. Many women write about this in their reviews.
Those who managed to go this difficult path and become a mother with the help of IVF recommend not to remain alone with their fears and not become isolated. Also, do not forget that embryo transfer is only an attempt, the first step to pregnancy. If something goes wrong, the procedure can always be repeated.
Very often, questions arise for those who undergo the embryo transfer procedure for the first time. Why does the stomach pull after replanting? What to do if your back aches. How to respond to discharge? The main adviser for this should be the attending physician. It is he who has information about the condition of the woman.
We examined why, after embryo transfer, the lower abdomen and lower back are pulled.